We Interrupts This post fur a Furry Urgent Announcement!!
Silvia, Guero and Kitties have only 25.00 in donations for this week! 125.00 short...
If money doesn't come in by tomorrow, the motel has a right to kick them out....and Guero is not even well yet! He just had his outside stitches removed yesterday, but more are healing inside.
Right now, Silvia owes money to her employer for helping with Guero. I only have enough funds to cover paypal fees.... laugh_safely at yahoo dot com - please send a message if you can help but don't have paypal... Silvia will be doing some work tomorrow - may only pay abt 50.00...
Folks who have already bid on an item - you can send money now to keep another kitty from snatching it up! Or if you donate now, comment on an item you would like and get it reserved for you! Just lets the Mom know in your comment or by emailing her.
Please see: https://thepurplekattery.blogspot.com/
Please see: https://thepurplekattery.blogspot.com/
We now return you to the regularly scheduled purr-gram:
Disclaimer: Angel was not compensated for her Purr views, all opinions are her own. The Mom was given the products by Chewy in exchange for fair reviews.
Angel the Fetch Kitty here... and me soo glad to be feeling better! ME NEEDS A FOREVER HOME....
Me get to visit forever home tomorrow! Please send purrz and prayers that I will like this lady and her fambly. This furry nice lady has a kitty and 3 boys. She has been waiting long time to meet me. She loved my video on Face Book showing how I play fetch.
Before visiting tomorrow, Let me tell you bout the purrducts me tried from Chewy.com! Me gots to try three things that the Mom picked out and one that we weren't expecting.
Angel the Fetch Kitty here... and me soo glad to be feeling better! ME NEEDS A FOREVER HOME....
Me get to visit forever home tomorrow! Please send purrz and prayers that I will like this lady and her fambly. This furry nice lady has a kitty and 3 boys. She has been waiting long time to meet me. She loved my video on Face Book showing how I play fetch.
Before visiting tomorrow, Let me tell you bout the purrducts me tried from Chewy.com! Me gots to try three things that the Mom picked out and one that we weren't expecting.
The three things were (links no longer available at Chewy):
Temptations Snacky Mouse Cat Treat Toy
Ziwipeak Good-Cat Venison Fish Jerky 3 Oz
Orijen Lamb FD Cat Treats 1.25 oz
The One we weren't expecting but glad to try too: Vetrio Perio Plus Cat Treats 60 Ct

They smelled goods, but I had trouble biting into these big treats. They were not really "Tiny Bites" like the info said. Mom had a very hard time breaking one up and I only ate one....
Mom checked with some kitties at other KFM locations and they thought the same thing... They smell good, but hard to bite into! Some kitties ate a piece that Mom broke off, but played with the "Big Bites" untill they fell on the floor...
Angel's Purrview:
Dearest Chewy, thank you for letting me try these treats, even if I could not bite them. Dearest Vetrio Science, please fix Perio Plus Cat Treats so they are more in compliance with kitty mouths and Human fingers... Please make them biteable and more tasty.
Dearest Chewy, thank you for letting me try these treats, even if I could not bite them. Dearest Vetrio Science, please fix Perio Plus Cat Treats so they are more in compliance with kitty mouths and Human fingers... Please make them biteable and more tasty.
Now for the TASTE TEST:
First Thing Mom let me try Ziwipeak Venison Jerky and they were good.
Second, The Mom let me try Orijen Lamb Treats and they were good too.
Yet I really liked one more than the other... as you can see in this taste test photo. Mom put both open bags on the counter. I jumped up and ignored one and went crazy over the other! Me apologizes for jumping up before Mom had time to get both packages with the labels forward!
Yet I really liked one more than the other... as you can see in this taste test photo. Mom put both open bags on the counter. I jumped up and ignored one and went crazy over the other! Me apologizes for jumping up before Mom had time to get both packages with the labels forward!
Now Fur The Funs!
Since Temptations has corn in their ingredient, I didn't get to try them, although some other KFM kitties thought they was delicious. Howsumever, the Mom filled the Snacky Mouse with Orijen Lamb Treats and I had fun rolling Snacky Mouse all over the place until I gotted all my treats out and ate them!
The next day, though - I decapitated Snacky Mouse... mol and hid his body for ransom. Mom finally found his body and put it back together.
Angels Purrview of Temptations Snacky Mouse: Dearest Chewy, thank your fur my mew toy!

Dearest Temptations, please consider taking corn out of your snacks so that more kitties can eat them. I loves the Snacky Mouse, he is very fun, but easy for smart kitties to take off his head. Yet that adds to the fun sometimes too!
Disclaimer: Angel was not compensated for her Purr views, all opinions are her own. The Mom was given the products by Chewy in exchange for fair reviews.

Angels Purrview of Temptations Snacky Mouse: Dearest Chewy, thank your fur my mew toy!

Dearest Temptations, please consider taking corn out of your snacks so that more kitties can eat them. I loves the Snacky Mouse, he is very fun, but easy for smart kitties to take off his head. Yet that adds to the fun sometimes too!
Disclaimer: Angel was not compensated for her Purr views, all opinions are her own. The Mom was given the products by Chewy in exchange for fair reviews.
I am impressed that you got the mouse apart. Sorry everything from Chewy wasn't a hit, but I appreciate your honesty.
We sure hope the help come though, such a worry.
We hope everything works out...
Have a wonderful weekend,
Noodle and crew
We's a bit late to da party awnty Katie Kat, lots goin' on here. But we's sharin' you and da auction today on our Blest Sunday posty.And as always we's sendin' purrayers.
Luv ya'
Dezi and Lexi and mommy A
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