Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentines Selfie Sunday

Happy Valentines to all our Furry Friends
Still Birthday Cake Left!

Please stops by
Our Valentine Auction Pawty!
at The Purple Kattery

Katie Mom started the auction instead of selling on eBay cause we wants our friends to haz first dibs on all kinds of stuffs we don't needs no mores!

More Stuffs Needs donated too and Katie Mom will be posting more stuffs all the time!  You can talks to mom about donating by emailing laugh_safely at yahoo dot com.

Silvia and Kitties Update!
Sweet Guero will be going in tomorrow to get hims stitches out.  Silvia says, Happy Valentines from me
and all my fur kidz!

Guero Says, Thanks for all your help so I could has my surgery... please help me to get well and Silvia Mom and my kitty fambly not be homeless...

Silvia has been working part time, but with all Guero's new needs likes expensive food, she needs help with the 150 dollars for rent by Tuesday... And several of our friends who have been helping now have their own kitties who am sick and need our purrz too, and can't help this time, even though they want to... Can you help in their place? Please see below.

All folks who donate funds while the auction is running, please leave a comment on a bid item you want - it will be reserved for you and then just pay shipping!

So keep checking back... or ask Katie Mom what you might be looking for - we probably have that or can get it! The Mom has so much stuffs - her don't know what to do with it all... just writes to laugh_safely at yahoo or leave a comment bout what you would like the mom to find for you.

Please use the donates button on the side of the blog or send funds to laugh_safely@yahoo dot com and use the friends option so all your moneys goes to helps.

Spread The Loves on Valentines Day
Please check in on our friends who have been helping with Silvia and Guero, and now must help their own sweeties

Sweet little GENJI of The Poupounette.

He just received a very serious diagnosis and is needs of all our urgent purrs and prayers!
Right now he must stay in the care of the vet, and is not at all used to being alone and away from home
please visit to share your words of care and support and wish them all well. Thank You so much!

Brian's Sisfur, Precious is 14 and needs our purrz to keeps up the good fight of life, you can read about how she is doing here...  Precious Update 

More Loves to Spread
We just met C.J., who got a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism. C.J. is 15 years old and needs our Purrz. 

Purrz and Prayerz from all the Katie Katz on Sunny Valentines Day


Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Valentines Day from all of us sweet friends.

Marty the Manx said...

Happy Valentine's Day sweeties!!!!! We are praying for a quick recovery!
Marty and the Gang

meowmeowmans said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you, sweet pals!

Ramblingon said...

Good Meowning sweetheart.

Fur Everywhere said...

We will definitely check out the auction. Please remind me to send you my photos if you don't get them by tomorrow. I have a few books to donate. I would love to see some kitty books on the auction if you have any. :) I just looove books and cats :)

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day. We continue purrayers and Healing Pawkisses for everyone :) <3 <3 <3

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Hope the day ws a good one. Good fortune and good luck bless you.