Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday Mewz Kitten Am Safe and Silvias Kitties

Four Month Old Grey Kitty am SAFE!!!
Here is a photo of the grey kitten that was going to be shot for being sick!  He was mad when put in the carrier, yet he is safe now!  He will be looked after by a lady who am furry good at helping sick kitties... Will keep you posted about his vet visit.  We think kitty am a boy... will be able to find out fur sure now.  The rescue people am hoping that he just needs some antibiotics and not something really bads... If you can helps with his vet bill, please use the paypal donation button on the side and puts a note that you want to help this kitty.
Tasha Been Hacky Wheezin

Also, Silvia is taking two of her kitties to get vet check ups. One of her kitties has been running a fever and the other sounds like her am wheezing. They both may have kitty colds.

Howsumever, Guero am doing furry well, but still some light bleeding. Katie Mom am going to ask her vet if that am normal.

Also, Silvia has an interview with a temporary job service today. Please keep her and her kitties in your purrz.  If you could spare some funds for her kitties vet visit, would really be furry thankful.
Gordo been running a fever.

In other Mewz, the auction is over today! Please hurry and make any final bids on stuffs by midnight CST tonight.  The Tiger Bracelet am closed for bids as that am already paid for.

Please go to and use the buy button on the sidebar to pay for your items... Shipping on some items must be paid to donator.  Katie Mom will start sending out emails to lets you know what you won and if you needs to helps with shipping costs.

More Updates Furry Soon....

Katie Kat
and Katie Kitty Too, Jr. Ceo
Katiez Furry Mewz


Hannah and Lucy said...

Have just sent the money for the brooch through Paypal Katie.
Hope all is going well.
Hannah and Lucy + Sue x

Jans Funny Farm said...

We're glad the gray kitty is safe. Hope everything turns out well for Silvie.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I sm do glad that little one is safe. Purrs to Silvia and her sweeties.