Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Saturday, July 02, 2016

Happy Fourth Weekend Arts

Hiya!  Me am Mitchel  and I am about 10 weeks (three months) old. - Happy Fourth of July Arts fur Caturday! Dis my salute to America, Home of the Free, because of the Brave.

You can reads about me in deze bloggie posts: Mitchel The Orange Kitten

I loves People... and that's how I gotted in trubbles... Some young peoples carried me away and dropped me in a yard... lucky fur me that a rescuer lived next door...

Dats rescuer puts me on Facebook and Auntie Katie saw my photo and shared dat... Auntie Katie's friend saw me and knew I was supposed to be her kitty!  So her contacted Auntie Katie and her been looking after me since last Sunnyday until I can goes to my furever home on Monday the Fourth! My Gotcha Day gonna be on the Fourth of July!
I went to vets on Monday and gotted all my fleas deaded and wormies goned and den I gotted sick and threws up my foods on Tuesday... and went back to vets, but my tummy not calmed down. I tried eating, but tummy hurted... and I had fever. Auntie Katie tooks me to back to vets and I gotted tummy calmer and auntie biotic... now I eating and playing and can't get enough kisses! 

Ize goes to mai furever home on Monday the Fourth! Auntie Katie and me will share more pics tomorrow and lets you know bout my travel adventure on Monday to my furever Mommy...

Purrz and Kitty Kisses,
Mitchel the Orange Kitten
(and someday Big Lovable Orange Cat!)

In other Mewz...
Auntie Silvia and her Kitties are safe for another week... A wonderful lady donated the whole 150.00 that was needed.  Silvia has a housecleaning job offer pending from the rescuer who saved Mitchel... Part Time at first. Will keep you updated about that job pawsibility. 

In the mean times, Katie Mom am working on drawing a doggy fur a friend. This am the doggy her drew fur dats friend afore...And dis da doggy her gonna draws next!
Katie Mom would loves to draw your kitty or doggy for whatevers you likes to donate plus shipping and handling... Ifs you would likes to know more abouts dats, please email us &/or send a photo to laugh_safely at yahoo dot com.

Katie Kitty Too
Junior Artist Assistant
The Purple Kattery Art Studio.

Joining the Pet Parade with Rascal and Rocco... (their code thingy to add the hop didn't works...)


The Menagerie Mom said...

Mitchel you are downright adorable, not to mention one lucky kitty. I am so happy that you are headed to your forever home, and on none other than the 4th of July! Many purrs and prayers for safe travels!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Mitchel is such a dear and we're so happy you were there to help him!

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

What a great gotcha day - July 4th! Concatulations!

Christy Paws said...

So happy the adorable Mitchel has a forever home. I celebrate my birthday on the 4th and my brofurs, Echo and Ocean, celebrate their gotcha day then. It's a SUPER celebration here! Happy 4th.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Mitchel, we are very glad you have a forever home. We hope everything works out for everyone!

Little Miss Titch said...

OMB Mitchel,you are so adorable,Thank the bun you real home has been found,well done to Katie mom,xx Speedy

The Swiss Cats said...

Yay for finding a forever home, Mitchel ! July 4th is a very special day for a Gotcha Day, right ? But you're such a special kitty, you deserve it ! We're glad you feel better and healthy. Purrs

Anonymous said...

Mitchel has a forever home, we are delighted. It couldn't happen to a nicer kitty. Your gotcha day on the 4th of July is awesome. Just think of the peeps celebrating your birthday every year. Me-wow!



What a beautiful photo and art work!!!
Happy Caturday!!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You are too adorable for words, Mitchel! I'm so happy that you're feeling better and will be moving into your forever home this week!

pilch92 said...

I am glad you are feeling better Mitchell. Happy 4th!

Kitties Blue said...

Mitchel, you are heaven in fur. How wonderful that you so quickly found your forever home. Mommy loves the orange boys...our angel MacKenzie was one. Mom says that they are always mommy's boys. Best of luck. The 4th of July is the purrfect Gotcha Day! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

So cute! Glad you found your forever home.

Have a great 4th!
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

meowmeowmans said...

Mitchel, you sure a cutie. We are so glad everything worked out for you, and that you found a forever home!

Happy Fourth of July!

Ingrid said...

All in all good news !

Anonymous said...

Awww that little Mitchel Orange kitten. Unbelievable that people can throw away such a sweet little kitten, but good you were there to help :) It must be fouble feast tomorrow :) We love the painting too. It's good artwork! Pawkisses for a Happy 4th of July :) <3