Mom iz gonna talks about stuffoms dats weze bin finking bout in da next times...
Til den... dis here iz a happy update!
Furst, da bank fing iz all fixed now! Our Bank waz furry goods and gotted our green fings back!
We kin gits our pay pal stuffomz n take photoz fur da grey baby raffle!!! And we kin gits da Squillionz mailed!
Now member ta pass dis stuffoms to ur bean frindz
Do not havs anyfing to do wif da followin web peeplez. Dey iz furry bads.
Easy Profit Google & www(dot)blazingkeywords(dot)com
Blazing Keywords
51 W Center St #621
Orem. Utah 84057
Mohr bout dis scam:
http://www.blogstorm.co.uk/easy-google-profit-scam/ (update: blog is missing)
See also: Work at Home Scam Post at the work at home woman.
Our Second good Fing! Mom founded our fotoh flash drive fing... It looked like a fun toy.... wif keys on it Sorry Mom....
And Now here is somfing fur your tickle bonez...
purrs and mewz,
Katie Too and Da Katz Gang
See also: Work at Home Scam Post at the work at home woman.

Our Second good Fing! Mom founded our fotoh flash drive fing... It looked like a fun toy.... wif keys on it Sorry Mom....
And Now here is somfing fur your tickle bonez...

Katie Too and Da Katz Gang
Wif a big Tattle Tail on Daisy.
Now mom wont spay hur til deze babiez iz borned cuz she cant stand doin dat... she seen too many kittens hurted. Our brothers went over da bridge frum havin too many burthdayz... and she was holding our Boo Bear when him passed on...See, after u haz helded a nooborn kitten in ur handz and bottle fed it cuz da mommy iz dying frum pneumonia (dat was Boo Bearz mommy) and himz siblings wer sick n goh over da Rainbow Bridge... yah just gotta fink uf da babeez...(our mommie iz notz a killer and our biggest rescue plase is a kill sheltur)
We iz gonna make da best of it and gets dem forever homes and den get dat Daisy hur opurrayshun!!
Fanks fur lissenin,
Katie Ann Kitty Too