Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wordless Lil Bear Looking Out Window

(This was a one time shot.  Lil Bear is usually not this still.
Right after I took this photo...
he jumped up and ran through the house... )

Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day - From KFM Archives


Here are some wartime tales from     

According to their website, "many of these wartime tales are short and without photos, as they date from decades ago now; information is sparse and snippets have been gleaned from many sources."

Mourka was a  cat during the terrible German siege of Stalingrad (now called  Volgograd) in 1942-43, who risked all his nine lives carrying messages  about German positions from a group of Russian scouts back to their  headquarters. He was probably well rewarded for his efforts and devotion  to duty, as there was a kitchen in the HQ building.

Here is another good story: One war widow had a 10-year-old son to support and a feline companion known simply as Cat. The day came when she could no longer afford to feed Cat, who was told by her grieving mistress that she was  going to have to be 'put to sleep' the following day. Cat seems to have taken in this information, for early next morning she went out and returned later with a dead wild rabbit for the pot. Thereafter, for the duration of the war, Cat's hunting skills earned her keep; three or more times a week she brought in rabbits that were often bigger than she was. She always waited patiently for her share.

Plz cheks our more stories about how cats helped in wartime:

Dis also goods time to remember beloved babies who am over the bridge. 
Angel - Lil Bear's Mom

Bella  - over the bridge at only 11 months.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Look What the Time Traveling Cat dragged in

Annie: Hey Mom, what's dat by
the rose bush
The Mom: Looks like a sign... hmm. that's odd.

Annie: Am dat from the
time traveling kitty?

The Mom: I think it is!!! You watch out the window while I go outside and grab that sign before someone else does...

Annie: Hooray da mystery am solved!

 =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=

Found near (Chicago) Blackstone Hotel, this sign may point to how Mr. Snow's Cat (MSC) brings Gary Hobson (Early Edition) The Chicago Sun Times one day before the paper is printed...

via a time tunnel government project, shut down in 1968 due to technical problems. Whoever those people are helping Hobson and others get a newspaper a day
in advance must have found the old underground base and fixed the machine...
Did MSC carry the old sign into the rose garden?

Looks like he must have walked over the sign several times as muddy paw prints are in different angles.

 =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=

This 8 x 10 painting was created from the actual sign...
not really....  and can be found fur sale right now on ebay: 

For the Nibblefest Art Contest with bids starting at .99
Purrceeds if purrchased will go to help pay Toby's and Lil Bear's vet bills...

Titled as "Caution: Time Traveling Cat" on the back and Signed by Kat-Renee Kittel (and another smudgy pawprint from MSC... )

The "Caution: Time Tunnel" sign will be mailed in an acid free plastic sleeve with cardboard for purr-tection.

Be sure and check Brian's Home blog too fur more kitties and a bunny who needs helps, too. See also

=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=

Early Edition TV series aired September 28, 1996 to May 27, 2000, produced by Ian Abrams and starred Kyle Chandler as Gary Hobson. 
Each morning, Mr. Snow's Cat (MSC) brought Hobson the Chicago Sun Times newspaper one day before the paper was actually printed.

The Time Tunnel TV series aired 1966-1967, produced by Irwin Allen.

...Now if we could just follow MSC and locate the time tunnel machine...

=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Easy Like Sunday with Doobie Davey

Hey Innernetz friends... just hanging out on mom's clean clothes... cause I luves her.

and well they am comfy.  Bin kinda cold and rainy this weekend soo just chillin.

Mom says I am too chubby and needs ta do more stuffs. 
Snoozing and eating foods am stuffs to do... oh well.

She keeps putting me on top of a high counter to make me jump down... well gotta get my snooze in befurr she picks me up for my jumping exercises...

Purrz, Doobie Davey.

Sunnyday Reading:
In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone,
O Lord, make me dwell in safety.
-Psalm 4:8

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Buddy am Saved - Miracles are Pawsible

Buddy gotted hims surgery yesterday from hims abscess and gotted nootered too! Now him can be an inside cat an no more getting hurted.

Buddy's Mommy Charlette wrote our Mom to tell evfurry cat that helped:  "Thank you so so so so so much for helping me with this, I can't even begin to express how much I appreciate this, You all have helped me relieve so much stress and Buddy so much pain, Thank you so much!" -Charlette.

Buddy's needs were first posted on Facebook at a page to save Believe, a TV series on NBC.  The series is about a girl named Bo who only wants to use her special gifts to help others and the bad guys who want to sell her to the highest bidder (government).  The Mom saw the post and wanted to help cause her believes in the show's message of helping others... 

NBC plans to cancel the show. Yet because Charlette was a fan of the show Believe, she posted for help and Buddy's life was saved.

And even tho Buddy's Mom didn't know how much the bill would really be when she set up the give forward account, the exact amount was raised just in time to pay the bill.... Mewracles do happin when you Believe...

Oreo and Lulu
Lulu and Oreo napping now that Buddy am saved.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Buddy Update Leg has an Abscess

Update: 1:30 pm cst
The Vet clinic in Washington State just called me!
Buddy does have an abscess. And he will be getting neutered too! Estimate for the bill was about 451 dollars.

Funds from Give Forward now are 375.00 - so all is good so far!!!  I will pitch in whatever might be left to pay. You can help if you use the PayPal button on the side.

When Toby had to have hims tail amputated, the emergency vet quoted a bill for the same high amount,  turned out to be less than estimate.

The vet clinic is going to do the surgery today.... However, last I heard, Charlette hadn't finished setting up the Give Forward account, the funding company that Charlette used to raise money for Buddy.  

Rep for Give Forward told me that Charlette still needs to set up the account system called "WE Pay" which is like PayPal.  Until then, she can't access the funds raised.  

I asked the Vet Clinic to let Charlette know to finish setting up her fund account.  After setup is complete, those funds may still take several days to be available.

If you would like to give and help today, please use my PayPal account button on the side.  Those funds are available immediately and I can get those greenies straight to the vet.

Katie Kat


Buddy started limping on his leg two days ago. Swelling started at the shoulder and now down his leg.. Possible that an abscess closed up.  Either way his leg has been injured.  Buddy's needs will put a strain on this family's income and they love Buddy so much.  

You can send funds here
or use my Paypal button on the side... with a note to help with Buddy.  If you use the Paypal button, all funds will be sent directly to the vet using my paypal debit card.

Buddy's needs were first posted on Facebook at a page to save Believe, a TV series on NBC.  The series is about a girl named Bo who only wants to use her special gifts to help others and the bad guys who want to sell her to the highest bidder (government).  I believe in the shows message and helping others...

URGENT Kitty Needs funds to save hims life

Update on Buddy....
The vet appointment has been scheduled at VCA Hospital in Tacoma Washington for tomorrow at 11AM, 1pm CST.  

Will keep you posted on his outcome.

Buddy started limping on his leg two days ago. Swelling started at the shoulder and now down his leg.. Possible that an abscess closed up.  Either way his leg has been injured.   Vet visit will be 51.00 and x-ray starts at 275.00.   Charlette, Buddy's owner, said that she and her mom checked around their town in Washington State, vets charges are all too high.

I am praying that Buddy does not need surgery ,but antibiotics and help to drain his wound.  Either way, Buddy's needs will put a strain on this family's income and they love Buddy so much. You can send funds here.
  ($225.00 at last check have been donated!!! Thanks so much!)   

You can also use my Paypal button on the side... with a note to help with Buddy. Paypal funds will be sent directly to the vet using PayPal card.

Buddy's needs were first posted on Facebook at a page to save Believe, a TV series on NBC.  The series is about a girl named Bo who only wants to use her special gifts to help others and the bad guys who want to sell her to the highest bidder (government).  

I believe in the show's message of helping others...

=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=
Oreo Thankful fur Loves
I am so furry thankful Mom Katie and Uncle Mike tooks me in last December.  Me learning to be good boy.  Now that I'm nootered (three weeks ago) I am calmer boy now! Wow, I can thinks better and I loves thinking and talking and stuff!
I also likes cuddling with girl cats, laser toys and people! The Mom will post more about me later and how I'm listed at but first this very urgent mewz.


Buddy needs Surgery
While working to help save the NBC TV series Believe, The Mom met a another kitty mom named Charlette.  Her adopted a kitty named Buddy and now hims leg is hurted. Buddy was lost or abandoned just like Me, Oreo!  Something is wrong with his leg. Here am Charlette:

Buddy's swollen leg
"Buddy was a cat that had a home at one point and got lost or abandoned. We adopted him and him us.

A few days ago I noticed a slight limp. Thought he just hurt his paw, but a day later there was swelling around the shoulder then around his elbow, and now the swelling is down to his wrist.  We called the vet and she said it would be 1,000 if it just needed splinted but 2,000 to 3,000 if he needs surgery. 
Please Help Save Buddy's Life!!

My mom said if he stops eating and drinking and gets worse we'll have to put him down... 
(His previous owners failed him.  I don't want to fail him too...) "

Right now Charlette has a give forward account setup...

 the Mom will gets some direct info about the vet so folks can send greenies straight to Buddy's account.  If you are wanting to help directly, please leave a comment and email our mom at laugh_safely@yahoo dot com.  
In the meantime, click dis link to helps  Give Forward

Please help this sweet kitty with purrs and funds asap... and please share on every media that you can helps...

Purrz of love and thanks to all our friends who purred fur me and Toby and Lil Bear...
Now this kitty am in needs of you our friendz...

-  Oreo the Happy Cat and Katie Kat the Mom

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Moms Are Special Every Day

Nana's Favorite Mom Photo
An Iris from Uncle Mike's Garden
Just a little note to say that Mom's are special ev furry day....

Our Mom was at Nana's house all weekend, keeping her company fur Mother's Day.

Now that the Mom am back and turned on the computer fur us... we am all purring dats the mom's of all our furry friends hads a wonderful Mother's Day.

We wanted to lets you know we finks dats Moms of furry children are the bestest!

Purrz of loves and hugs,
From the Katie Katz.

Nana's Rose at Night

Monday, May 05, 2014

Joey and Lulu am Worried About Clem


We're hanging with the Mom in the computer room, catnapping on Uncle Mike's chair... 

waiting fur morning...

Am Morning yet, Mom??

Mom:  Well it is 4:30 in the morning.  Uncle Mike will be getting up for work in about 30 minutes... The sun won't be up for a while though... and then it gonna be furry hot outside again today!!!

Joey: Hot Sunny Day? Like yesterday of 100 degrees????  No thanks.  Not my cup of catnip tea.  Wish Uncle Mike didn't haz to works in a hot warehouse neither.

Before we settle backs fur another cat nap...  

Clementine Drawing
we are furry worried about Clementine at Life From A Cat's Perspective. Too many days Clem has been losted.  Plez stop by and give Clem's Mom tons of purrz.... Our Mom am bin Crying bout dear Clem.  She drew Clem's photo a long time ago and dis am sooo heartbreaking dat Clem haz not come home.


Joey and Lulu.