Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Women Cats Pray Fur Sick Guero On Mancat Monday

Hiya - Annie May and Lulu here (squinting our eyes from the flashy box) - hanging out on a comfy bed for snoozing on a cold November day. Me - dats Annie May am holding Mom's soft sweater hostage.  We don't blogs much, cause we likes letting the boys do blogging so we gets our nappy done.  Today we hads to share wifs you how cutes we are and dat we needs forever homes!

Tomorrow am Toesie Tuesdays - we hopes Oreo blogs tomorrow cause he gots the bestest toes!
He can do math with hims paw!  Hopefully he show you how tomorrow... if Mom's flashy box coo-opurr rates.

This post am concerning us - although we furry glad we not haz go to vets... wait we actually need spayed and now time to update our shots - Mom put money in da bank for us - but one of Silvia's kitties am furry sick, and her needs rent paid tomorrow... weze gotted 115.00 so far to helps pay rents - about 35.00 shorts of 150.00 and due tomorrow.

And poor Guero... 
Handsome Guero

Shy Handsome Guero
Lulu: He like handsomest kitty I ever sawz... Ize in loves... him shy like you Annie May...

Annie May: Yeah him handsome, but Ize in loves wifs Doobie.
Annie loves Doobie
  Anyways - Poor Guero gotted sicks cause motel owner had to replace wall in bathroom from of yucky mold and poor Guero hiding from the workers gotted stressed out... Him went to vets dis morning and peed bloods.  He go backs this afternoon cause vet not haz meds yet. Bill gonna probly be 85.00 and now cause funds not come in yet for you caring... the mom am gonna haz to use da moneys for our spay... 

Lulu: I dont wants vet visit... but we really needs to go - we over two years old now - Mom didnt get me spayed earlier cause I used to breathe funny - now I donts. Mom was worried bout me being asleep during surgery.  And now dats Ize breathes betturs - we gotz another mergency taking our funds... 

Annie: Yeah dis likes the purr-numpteenth time dats emergencys tooks funds fur our spay... not that we wants to goo... still.

Lulu: Yeah - we purring that Guero gets better and Silvia not lose her motel room til she can gets a goods place to lives with her kitties!  

Annie: dat nots gotz molds!!!
Silvia am going to get works hopefully next week to clean a new home after being built - get ready for sell - but she has to waits until the home am done... and wont be done til after Thanksgiving. And the couple that took her place cleaning at the motel-well they may be snitching stuffs...

Oreo and Annie May

You can see why Mom am bin asking so much for helps to save Silvia and her kittiez... weze dont gots enuf funds and it just not rights that Silvia losted her job.

Lulu: And we do needs spayed... so we can finds our forever homes...

Ifs you cans please sends money today or tomorrow - we needs about 120.00 dollars and every green paper helps - I will ask Oreo to show hims math paws tomorrow. See that dot on hims paw?  Well that's part of hims secret!  

Purrz From 

Annie May, Lulu
and Guero who am sick...

P. S. here am the link to the YouCaring page...
(Funding Link Update: You Caring was bought out by Go Fund Me and No Longer Exists)

Also - fur those waiting to hear how the Mom's Hubby Frank am doing - he's out of hospital an in rehab... no more tubes - throat am healing. Him eating yogurts, porridge, salmon and stuffs...

(Weze gotta go now.. the mom am sick too - her off to see doctor about a UTI...)


Deziz World said...

Weez sednin' purrayers fur all. Mommy sez sumtimes you just have to give in and ignore da mergencies cuz ifin yous don't there'll always be sumfin' dat comes up and takes da money meant fur sumfin' else. We fur sure be da kind dat knows 'bout dat. Sowry we don't have any money to help wiff, but as you know we kuldn't buy our own noms this month and we had tire mergencies too. So we hope all goes well and weez'll purray fur everypawdy.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

Katiez Furry Mewz said...
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Katiez Furry Mewz said...

Well some emergencies can't be ignored... like a kitty with a bladder infection. My mother's cat died of renal failure. Guero was very sick. Finally got in to see the vet today - poor baby. He got his shots - now just have to see how long it takes him to get well.