Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Lil Miss Laura Belle Looking For Hugs

Dearest Fur People of the Innernetz,

This is Uncle Doobie reporting that my little niece Laura Belle am looking fur her fur ever Mommy.

Lil Miss Laura Belle's Favorite thing to do is be carried around in a tight hug. She may be shy around strangers, yet will warm up to a quiet, patient human.  She is good around other kitties, but has never met a dog.  Howsome ever, Laurie would be really good as an only kitty, as she craves lots of extra attention and prefers to have her own litter box.

Just over 5 pounds at One years old. Laura Belle still needs to be spayed.

Her sisters LuLu and Annie still need spayed, too (and fur-ever homes!).  The Mom is setting up a fund to raise money for the surgeries.
Will tell you more about that later this week.

Here am another purrtee photo of Miss Laura Belle. 

This photo can also be seen at
National Geographic Your Shot.

(Yes, the Mom is now at Your Shot!)

She and her sisters and brother, who also need homes, had recent birthdays and rescue anniversaries. Which the Mom has not posted about yet. They were "rescued" June of last year.  

See Four Kittens Blog Posts
To read more about Laura Belle and her siblings. When they were brought into the house, they had upper respiratory issues. Two of Lauries siblings had to have extra treatment to save their eyes.  Yet Laura Belle only had a mild cold.

Please share about Laura Belle and help her find her Mommy!
You can use this post or please go to
Laura Belle's post is not showing yet at Rescue Me. It should show by tomorrow.

She is listed under Persians (mixed) as Rescue Me doesn't have a listing for petite long haired kitties.  Laurie is related to an abandoned long-haired orange kitty that the Mom used to feed several years ago. We don't know if him was a Maine Coon mix or Persian mix.

Thanks so much for sharing my niece. Her need a purr-ever home.
And thanks to Brian at Brian's Home for letting the Mom know about this blog hop.
Yourz Truly,

Doobie Davey

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Happy Caturday Catinee Movies

Happy Caturday!
Catinee today wif 3 good mewviez
Tara who saved her boy last month frum a bad doggie am still our hero!

Tara Drops a Hockey Puck

Kitties waking up their persons

Have a Pawsome Day!

Oreo, Lulu and Doobie.

Joining Sepia Caturday and Happy Caturday Art Blog Hops!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Pawthers Day from the Katie Katz

Oreo here... Just wishing every paw a Happy Pawther's Day

Lil Bear

Lil Bear:  Dat am called Father's Day.
Oreo:  Ooh... Well am Uncle Mike a Pawther?
Uncle Mike

Lil Bear:  Uncle Mike am a Daddy Mom... But him am Not The Momma. Katie am Momma.

Toby: Him am my Pawther... so there. Auntie Katie stop flashing that box at me... I haz to close my eyes

Toby not like flashy box
 Auntie Katie:  Sorry Toby... If you would stop moving around. I can get a better photo with the light from the window.

Toby: I dont likes Flashy box!!!

Auntie Katie: Shhhh.... Uncle Mike am Sleeping. Him having a sleepy day today.  Him has one more week before he gets laid off at hims job... so he needs a good rest.  And Daddy am another name for Father or Pawther.

Joey: Good Idea... Time fur Napping...
Joey, Doobie and Lulu

Oreo:  Happy Pawther's Day... We hopes all Pawthers hads a good Nappy Day.

Lil Bear:  Father's Day...It am Father's Day!
Oreo: But that what I said...
Lil Bear:  MOM!!!!

Katie: Happy Father's Day from all us Katz and Uncle Mike too.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

I Iz Not A Throw Away Kitty

Hello, My name am Carson, 
I was left to die in a cardboard box,
but thankfully someone found me and helped me get to Operation Paw.

The Lady that blogs here saw my photo and just had to tell about me...

Here am my story from 
Me am so thankful to be rescued.

You can also read the story below.  If you can, please share.  That will help me get funds to be well and loved.
Purrz,  Carson.
When will there be no more 'throw-away kitties'? 
When will it be widely accepted that all life has value, and that the first instinct should be to help, not to ignore, walk away, or worse... throw away?
This kitten was found taped in a tiny box with a few token holes punched in the side.  Left with no food or water, baking in the hot sun of an open parking lot on a Miami summer day.  The sea of asphalt around him must have heated the box to an unimaginable level as he crouched inside, unable to even stand up in his tiny prison. 

Waiting... hoping for rescue.

He was brought to us in this condition--covered in crusty mange and his own filth, unable to fully open his eyes due to the severe skin condition.  For the same reason, he cannot eat solid food because he is unable to fully open his mouth.  To touch him, his skin feels stony and solid--thick crusts cover his body, creating a horrific armor.  If left untreated for much longer, he would not have survived.  His eyes would have crusted shut permanently, he would have been unable to open his mouth normally, and he would have succumbed to infection and starvation.
Luckily, he ended up with us (Operation Paw)

We named him Carson.  (For those of you who remember the tv show 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy', you may be familiar with Carson Kressley--we named him Carson in the hope that he will have a dramatic transformation to perfect health, just like the transformations on the program!)

Our medical officer is working with him daily, syringe-feeding him special high-calorie wet food mixed with probiotics and vitamins.  He is being treated for the mange and the secondary infections in his skin.  Carson is not a pretty sight, but we are trying to make him as comfortable as possible while his body battles its way back to health.  He is held and cuddled daily, and we look forward to the day when we can stroke and pet him without gloves.

We hope he will fully recover in time--he is an affectionate little fellow and he is going to be a gorgeous kitty--we can't wait to see his eyes fully open, to be able to tell what color they are.  To see him clean and beautiful, healthy and whole.

It's going to be a long road, and will involve a lot of time and care, but it is certainly worth the effort. 

Because NO kitty is a throw-away kitty!

=^..^= =^..^= =^..^=
 How awful to put this sweetheart in a box, when a rescue organization is available!!
How I wish there was something like Operation Paw in Kansas.

Carson's story is one of thousands that Operation Paw takes care of on a daily basis.  These kitties are a daily part of their rescue work.

If you would like to donate toward the care and medical treatment of Carson, and many others like him, please click on the link below.  No amount is too small, and they are grateful for each and every person who opens their hearts to help their rescued kitties!

Katie Kat.

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