Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Fathers Day 2015

Wishing all the Cats Dads out There
a purrific Father's Day!

Purrz from Kody, the Lap Kitteh.

Especially the most purrific
 Cat Dat we know
After All, Real men love Kittehs.

purrz til next time,
Katie and the Katz Gang

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Thankful Thursday - We am Betters!

Hello?  My name am Kody.  I am 10 weeks old.

I was furry sick, and I thoughts the big funny being was trying to kills me... dat stuffs tasted terrible!  Furst my nose and eyes are all yucky and I cant breath and eats and dis lady gives me yuckies!  I fought and fought - I dont wants to die!

Den I gotted reely tired and gave in... and tooks the yucky stuffs and then the lady she did something really weired... she made me drink waters from a tube and puts foods in my mouth!  why she do that if she trying to kills me???  and then she loved me! she held me and tried to purr - well she still not my Mama... but waits she blink eyed and something about dat holding reminding me of Mama... okay maybe she not trying to kills me.  And then she puts me back in this big box with a wired door - I think it am a carrier.  And I was so tireds I went to sleeps awhile.

When she comed back like a gazillion hours later, I was reelly hungry.  Where she go???  I told her offs for leaving me.  Well she put some yummy meats dats comes in a little glass jar (Beachnut baby food) on a paper plate and lets me out of the box... well I just hads to eat!  I claimed dat plate and nommed all the foods.  And then she puts stuffs in my eye... oh well. I guess Mom's sometimes has to do stuffs we don't likes, but somehow I was starting to feels better! That was like Caturday.   Here am a photo of me from Sunnyday

See that red eye? Well my eye not red no more!  And Tiger had a swollen eye too and Princess had yucky eyes... Guess what??  We dont gots dat no more!  

After being a good boy and taking all my yucky stuffs this weeks, I am much better and no more yucky eye! My sisfurs Tiger Lily and Princess are betters too!

Well I want to go play now... Thanks for all the purrz and for what the Lady says am green stuffs dat help her hunt for foods and meds for us...

My sisfurs Princess and Tiger have homes waiting for them. I hopes I find my forever Mom furry soon cause I am so glad to be a good kitty! Dandy and Teddy need forever homes too. 

One of us boys may has a home with an older lady who lives in an "assisted living facility" I dont know what dat is, but sound like where they help you be good like The Lady helped me get wells.

The Lady said we am getting vakynation shots on Saturday... Hope dat aint more yucky meds.
But I likes the Vets room. That will be fun to run around there again.

Please keep us all in your purrz..Mama Mew gotted sick too and had to take meds. She am feeling betters.

Teddy not sick no mores with congestion cause he was a good boy and tooks his meds, but Dandy am sneezing some.

Purrz from Kody the Fearless.
Princess, Tiger, Teddy and Dandy
And Mama Mew Mew.

P. S. - if you haven't seen a recent blog post, please check us out on FaceBook


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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Emergency Kitten Update - Kody is still furry sick

Update on Kitties:
Yesterday afternoon, I came back from errands which included getting Echinacea and Goldenseal to make a tea for the kittens and Mama Mew only to find Mew Mew in breathing distress... I made a weak tea and gave her a small amount.... in a few minutes she could breathe better!  She got up off the floor and looked out the window... and then she ate. 

Although Princess and Tiger are doing some better (Tiger's one eye is still swollen), Kody is not doing very well at all. He's all congested and having trouble breathing and he has a fever. He's refusing to eat and fighting all his meds...

This morning, I had to force feed Kody some water. I gave him a sml amount of echinacea/goldenseal tea along with his antibiotics this morning. Will be giving him 1mg Chlortab. He truly needs extra prayers right now... 

Thank you to all who have donated money, because I may have to take him to the Emergency Vet today.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Emergency Kitten Update

I am devastated right now.... three of my kittens have red swollen eyes from URI. Showed up yesterday evening.  Both girls and one of the boys.  Taking them back to the vet today and really don't have funds... money I have right now is supposed to go for Molly and Ellie Mays spay on Monday.
Kody Bear has one swollen eye

Princess has swollen eyes

This is the same type of URI that almost lost Lulu and Joey's eyes two years ago.  The girls have homes and now they have to wait.

The kittens came down with colds this week.

Tiger's eyes are red too

Last Monday, Teddy Bear was sneezing and had congestion.  A couple of the kittens were sneezing.  So off to the vets with Mom and everyone... Teddy started on antibiotics and Chlortabs.  Wednesday two kitties had goopy eyes so started on antibiotics too.

Yesterday morning, I gave Teddy who had congestion and the two kittens with goopy eyes a dose of antibiotics. Teddy was sounding much better.

Yesterday at 1, I had an echo-cardiogram to check my mitral valve.  Did errands for mom and spent time with mom (who may needs to go in to the doc herself) until late evening only to have my brother (Mike) call after he checked on the kittens. He said that 3 now had swollen red eyes...

We isolated three from the others, but couldn't find the tube of eye medicine I had from last year with Molly's kittens having goopy eyes. I was in tears last night when I saw how bad their eyes were and I didn't have money to take them to the emergency vet. *:-< sigh

Late Last night, I rinsed their eyes with vetericyn which helped a little bit.  But their eyes are worse this morning. I'm taking them to the vet today. This is the type of Upper Respiratory that nearly lost Lulu's eye two years ago. (Usually one of the causes is herpes.)

But all the money I have really right now is for Molly and Ellie May to get spayed on Monday.

Taking kittens to the vet asap and pray that funds come in this weekend or will have to postpone Molly's spay. I may still be able to get Ellie spayed. Ellie is just miserable and hardly eating.

The two girl kittens have homes waiting for them. One of the boys may have a home, but they have to get over this awful URI first. One of the families knows.

At least Teddy is sounding way better this morning and doesn't have swollen eyes. Mama Mew is sneezing but no other symptoms. I gave her a chlortab a while ago.

p.s. I promise to get the blog pages updated furry soon...

Thursday, June 04, 2015

Cat Cleaning Guide and Hugging Day

Thankful Thursday and Hug Your Kitty Day! 
Don't have any kitty hugging photos - We do have this photo of  Annie May getting a cuddle from Oreo

Little Princess

We are furry thankful that Tiger has a forever home.
Sadly, the sweet couple that was going to adopt Princess found out that they cannot take in another pet at this time.  Please keep these sweeties in your Purrz - I really cat keep looking after them after July... Please tweet and share on Facebook, etc.

Teddy and Kody (aka Cody) Dandy is behind

If you live in Oklahoma, do you know anyone who can foster?

Angel at the vets
Please Keep Angel in your purrz... she will be spayed tomorrow... 

As Promised: Cat Owners Cleaning Survival Guide!!
(we have not been paid to put this poster here... we just likes it!)

Cat Owners Carpet and Rug Cleaning Guide
The Cat Owners Guide to Caring for your Rugs and Carpets by The Rug Seller

Purrz from the Katie Katz.

Next Post:  Cats at the vets and Angel gets spayed.
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Tuesday, June 02, 2015

No Kill Shelter Cuties Need Sponsors

Hiya!  The Mom here...when Mew's kittens weren't doing well on Fancy Feast because of the dried milk ingredient, I had the privilege of donating almost a case of canned kitten food (23) and kitten replacement formula to Lifeline Animal Placement and Protection last week.

LAPP is Sedgwick County's only no kill animal shelter. Here are some of their sweet kittens waiting to get old enough to be adopted. 
The woman holding the cutie below took the replacement food home for the bottle babies she was fostering.

Cuddle Me Please

Who luvs ya baby?
Blue Point Siamese
Pinball Wizard...
The next kitten is Pinball.  She was born with out real eyes.  Yet she seems to see light.  She loves to play with her toys and oh so sweet!
Teensy wanted noms
And then there was little Teensy in quarantine... yowling for attention!!!  He had a bowl of dry food, but I gave him a Fancy Feast can of food and he jumped back in his cage and nommed it all up!!

Any amount of donation would help kittens and cats at this privately owned shelter run by many volunteers who sacrifice their time and love for dogs and cats in need of forever homes...  They take in special needs animals, including FIV and FLV cats that would otherwise be euthanized.  They are always in need of food and litter and more room to save more pets.

Tell them that Kat, the lady with the Fancy Feast cans told you about them!

They have a paypal donation button on their front page.

Thanks to Brian and his Bestest Dad Terry, Molly and Ellie May are off to the vets for their shots tomorrow before they get spayed in a couple of weeks.  Angel got her shots last Friday (thanks again Brian and Terry!) and will be spayed this Friday June 5th.

Purrz from the Katie Katz
Angel - Vet Snoopervisor