Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Thankful Mewz and Blind Kitty Update.

On Tuesday, I took Lovey to Arapahoe Animal Clinic to have her eyes checked...

Turns out dearest girl has Progressive Retinal Atrophy. Lovey has too few blood vessels feeding the retina in both eyes. Sometimes this is reversible, sometimes not. Lovey will be five months on weighs only 3 and a half pounds. Most kitties her age weigh around five pounds. Please keep Lovey in your purrz...

According to Pet Education website:
The photo receptors in cat retinas develop after birth to about 8 weeks of age. In PRA, the photoreceptors develop in the kittens, but as the cat ages, the receptors degenerate. Progressive rod-cone degeneration (PRCD) is the most common form of PRA in cats, and starts with night blindness and progresses to total blindness at 3 to 5 years of age...As the disease progresses, owners can observe a dilation of the pupils and the reflection of light from the back of the eye.

If the blindness is progressing slowly, the owner may not notice any signs until the cat is in unfamiliar surroundings and the lack of vision is more apparent. In some animals, the lens of their eyes may become opaque or cloudy.

Sometimes the condition is reversible.
Lovey is related to the two "blind" boys that a wonderful lady adopted who works with Cattails Rescue in Manhattan Kansas. Marco and Polo must have had PRA, yet recovered for the most part - They still have delayed pupil light response and some seeing difficulties.

  Still good mewz to be thankful for.
Yesterday, I drove 2 hours to Manhattan, Kansas to take Lady Grey (aka Baby Girl), Lovey and her litter mates, Faith, Hope and Oliver, to fixed at the KSU mobile vet unit (supported by PetsMart Charities), sponsored by Cattails Rescue Manhattan.  (I forgotted to take photos!!!)

Lady Grey went in one carrier, while kittens who like to hang out together went in two other carriers: Lovey and Faith in one and Oliver and Hope in the other.
Faith and Hope look alike. The only way I can tell them apart is to see which one wants to be with which other kitty! After I figured that out yesterday morning, I put pink collar on Faith and an aqua collar on Hope. 

The kids and mom were very quiet on the trip up to Manhattan - they did really good during surgery too!
Natalie of Cattails Rescue KS was there at the KSU mobile vet unit site to help put the carriers into the vet trailer.

I met their mew family when I dropped off the kitties.  Nicollette, Rick and their son Jonathan, since they had two girl cats needing spayed as well.
They are so devoted to animal care taking and usually take in the fosters that no one else will, such as blind kitties like Lovey and shy kitties too. Lady Grey and her family are very quiet and shy.
After their surgeries, their mew family picked them up!
All five Ninja kitties are going to be living in Junction City. I spoke to Nicollette and so far they are doing well, Lovey due to her blindness is taking time to adjust and Oliver who is furry shy is being a bit standoffish... yet all is well.  Oliver also has some delayed pupil light response, yet still seems to be seeing OK. Yet I do worry about him, due to his reticent behaviour around humans and new situations. Their mew family also has other kitties and pug dogs who think they are cats... Hopefully will have new photos furry soon!

Another bit of good mewz... longer story later .....
 Pam and her little doggies do not have to be out by

Friday from their home!!!  The trailer that Katiez Furry Mewz and Center of Hope helped make first payment (lease to own) on will be moved to Wichita, vs staying in a mobile park in Mulvane, due to rudeness of the Mulvane Park owner.  
The new trailer park owner where they may be moving to called Pam's current landlord and said a few words about the laws in Kansas... and now Pam has until December first to get ready to move into her new trailer! Thank you for all your purrz and prayers for Pam's situation! 

Still have work to do getting moved and hopefully the new trailer park owner will help with moving the trailer from Mulvane to Wichita.
And unfortunately...
still have sewer backup - hoping that can get tackled this weekend...  More furry thankful mewz soon

Still the works of a pet caring ministry am nevers done... we are off to takes more metal to the scrap yard and find stuffoms to sell. If you can helps with funds of any size, please paypal to laugh_safely at yahoo dot com gift to friends. Every pawdy pitter patter bit helps, even prayers and kitty hugz.

Purrz from Katie Kat
and Chiquita
(snoozing ummm snoopervising the blog posting today)


Today is Thankful Thursday Blog Hopping at Brian's Home ... We are remembering Sister Sascha who had to go prepare fings last Friday for Brian and hims family in Heaven... Purring fur Brian, Dad Terry, Mom and alla cats,  dats Sister Sascha's loving purrz will finds their way over the Rainbow Bridge and into your hearts.... -Chiquita and the Katie Katz. 

Sunday, October 22, 2017

This week am gonna be purry busy

So the Mom am getting nervous... about the trip to Manhattan, Kansas on Wednesday morning with Mama and the Ninja kittens...  And Lovey the grey kitty is still having trouble seeing - she is adjusting some tho.

Mom and 3 of 4 Ninja Kittens
Needs to ask our Cat Tails rescue friend what time to be there again... and how many carriers - can we puts Mama in a carrier, girls in one carrier and Oliver in another?  And how will they behaves? These are furry shy babies who not been on trips afore...

Pam's Pups at the vet


and Pam and her little doggies haz to be out on and moved by Wednesday too, yet the trailer they moving to may not be ready by then. We iz purring that the landlord will let Pam haz times to gets to the new trailer... and be goods about that. 

Mom finks there am a law that we can use and we needs to know what dat law am. After all it only five more days til the first and Pam needs helps to moves. And if her current landlord wants to be difficult, then we can callz KAKE On Your Side - and we will too.

And about the backed up toilet... well still backed up!! Still haz to rent sumpin called an Auger to clean the pipes or call Roto Rooter and we don't haz moneys fur dat. And Mom still going to QT fur bathroom... Don't know why she can't just use another litter box...

I asked Mom why don't we hire a bunch of worms and a mole to clean the sewer.  And she said that the Mr. Mole and Worms Sewer Cleaning went out of business after they hired three Chipmunks named Alvin, Simon and Theodore.
Oh well.

Silvia's Gordo and Ronnie need checkups at the vet. Ronnie is acting up and peeing on the bed and him doesn't do that and Gordo has red in him pee... So we needs purrz fur dat and go to vets fur checkups. Auntie Silvia am watching Ronnie's weight cause Doc wants to do a thyroid test if he loses more. Gordo was losing weight. Her watching him too.  

And we are still trying to catch Chico and his sister Veronica (aka Chica)...  they are just too smart fur traps, yet they will come into Silvia's motel. So please wish us purrz and purrz that we get Chico and Veronica caught and fixed cause Chico just figured out hims sister am a girl yesfurday. And dat means we mights haz kittenz soon.

Now about dats Sunday Selfie stuffoms... I would like to show you my bestest selfie from long times...  (two years ago August).  I haz on my bestest smile...

Purrz from Oreo Robin William,
Repurrting fur Sunday Selfie Day
Katiez Furry Mewz

Please stops by Brian's Home to say loves and purrs fur Sascha who just went over the Rainbow Bridge on Friday... Fond Farewell to Sister Sascha
Dear Sweet Sister Sascha… you will be so very missed… Thank you dear girl for giving Dad Terry and Mom and Brian and all the other kitties all the loves you could gives them. We shall see you on the other side.

Purrz and Prayers from Katie and all of the Katie Katz
Psalm 36:6-7 “O LORD, You save both man and animals (in Heaven). How precious is Your loving kindness…”

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Thankful Fings And Fings Fur Purrz and Helps About.

(Update on the backed up toilet: looks like going to be a bigger job - have to go thru the clean out outside and use a thingy that cleans pipes - Angel)
 Hiya! Chiquita and me, that's Angel are here with Sunday Selfies and the KFM Mewz Repurrt. After our blog post, we am helping Mom with a backed up toilet... see I am guarding the gloves and the trash bags till mom needs dat...

Sum good fings haz been happening...

Furst uvs all, a lady with three doggies, who am being evicted from her home because her landlord am tearing the house down, founded a new place to move but needs help with first months rent because her haz to move before her SSI comes in. The mom was able to gets her an appointment at a place called Center of Hope (she and the lady's daughter and boyfriend had to gets in line at 2:30 inda morning last Tuesday to make the appointment!). The appointment was Thursday and they are going to be able to help with most of the money for the first month's rent, but not all of dat - she needed 150 more. Well the mom mentioned it on Facebook and two folks sent 75.00 - and then yesfurday, someone donated a junk car and we gots the other 75.00 plus a $20 dollar donation! Hooray! Lady will still needs help moving cause her car went kaput plus tags and insurance which is about $148.00. Please purrz and helps fur dat. We don't know what wrong with car. She is going to donate a fridge and a microwave when her moves.

Mama and Kitties am going to Manhattan, Kansas to all get fixed in about ten days... on October 25th. And then go to their furever home. Still need abouts $200 to helps them get fixed.


And Mama am going to try and catch kitties tonight at Silvia's motel. We missed trapping them last night due to rain... we were hoping to trap them last night and bring them in to KHS to get fixed this morning but now just need to save them before they get hurt. Another feral kitty caregiver is lending us a drop trap. Also Guero, who had surgery to remove his urethra, may have UTI. He gets them easily... and needs to be seen at the vets. 

Please keeps us Katie Katz and folks we helps in your purrz and prayers... we always needs foods and stuffs.
A little donation can go a long way. You can PayPal with gift to friends at laugh_safely at yahoo dot com.

And the lady who gave us the blind kitties and Lady Grey and her kitties asked us to pick up her cat food today. She usually pays us back - just need purrs to haz times to go there today.  

Cause the toilet overfloweth this morning and da bathroom am where Mama and the babies hang out ...seriously -gotta fix dat. Mama and the babies are hanging out in carriers right now.
And we gots folks who needs us to do all sorts of stuffoms today... and we haz to go picks up the drop trap! Too much stuffoms to do and we sure needs purrz fur dat.

So dat's sum of da fings going on here at Katiez Furry Mewz.. 

Thanks fur all your purrz and support
Angel and Katie the Mom.

This am a Sunday selfie blog hop hosted by

Sunday, October 08, 2017

Peachy, Angel and Chiqui Wants to Know...

Miss Peach, Angel and Chiquita decided to takes their selfies on the covered porch today...

Miss Peach


...and they wants to knows... has you seen our mew pages?

Haz you reads our KFM Story yet?

Chico, Chiquita's half-brother

AND Chico, a feral kitty and hims sisfur at Silvia's place, furry much wants to lives inside and needs help to get neutered and safe

They tell about us and how we needs your purrs and suppurts...  As as soon as furry pawsible.
Lady Grey & Ninja Kittens

Can you help us help more kitties?

We gots rents to pays, cat foods, vet visits... and even a Mama kitty and kittens who needs fixed. Please share our stories and help more folks catch the vision of Katiez Furry Mewz, a pet helping ministry, and helps us become a life care sanctuary to help more pets in need, especially us kitties!

One more fings....

Haz you heards?

The Mom went to a seminar hosted by HSUS last week and it was furry goods! You can learn more about rethinking Cat Rescue at 

More furry mewz furry soon....
Angel, Peach, Chiquita
and Chiquita's half brother, Chico.

This am a Sunday selfie blog hop hosted by

Sunday, October 01, 2017

Furry Good Mewz Fur Dash and Blind Kitties


Friday brother and I took two blind kitties to a forever foster in Manhattan, Kansas.. These two boys are related to Baby Girl and the Ninja Kittens who are still hanging out in my bathroom waiting to go to their forever home.

I took them to the vet before brother and I drove to Manhattan, Kansas. Baby Boy 1 and Baby Boy 2 hanging out in carriers waiting for the Vet who was late getting back to his clinic...


Then when the vet finally came, I forgot to take photos! Dr. Johnson checked their eyes and the blindness is not being caused by cataracts. The pupils responded to light and Kitty Boy 1 kind of reacted to a cotton ball falling in front of him. They don't follow the movement of my hand. The blindness must be something neurological. Their mew foster and Cattails Rescue Manhattan, the rescue supporting her will have the kitties checked out at the College of Veterinary Medicine in Manhattan.


Here are the blind kitties first selfies in their mew home. They are hanging out in luxury suites while getting to know their mew hangout. Their mew foster mommy reports that they are getting lots of loves and cuddles and love being held.  A mew photo from today. Boy 1 is in the Luxury Suite and Boy 2 is sitting outside.  Their foster mommy just texted me that their mew Foster names are Marco and Polo! Marco is the three year old with white on his chest and Polo is the seventh month old boy... Purrz dear sweeties that all goes well fur your little boy oppurayshuns furry soon!

Marco on the left, Polo on the right
"Sit Dash!"

Just about a week ago, I posted goofy Dash my foster dog up on Facebook again..I was so worried about him not having an indoor home yet and weather changing soon. and the bestest home responded - a family with two other bull mastiffs! They came yesterday afternoon to pick him up. Dash finally has a real home!!! Dash was so excited to meet new people that he didn't eat his lunch! We had to work with him to calm down. They brought one of their bull mastiffs who has been trained as a service dog. They visited with him in the back yard for almost an hour before leaving. Here he is learning to sit for a milk bone from his new human sister. His new Mastiff girl friend behind him is Piper.

And here he is happy to get in the back of their van.
He loves car rides!
Dash and Piper in the van
His mew family has quite a few
Getting a new harness
folks in it, plus three other dogs and two cats!!

He is doing well with all the of them.. and of course the boy cats are letting him know they are the boss of the house MOL!!!

That's The Good Mewz this weekend! 

We are still needing to raise funds to get Baby Girl and the Ninja kittens fixed and to their forever home in Junction City. Unfortunately Spay and Neuter of Kansas refused to let me use their services, because I said these kitties were "rescued." For some odd reason, they don't help rescues get babies fixed before they go to a new home. Their new mommy would have to call and only if she lives in Wichita or moves there. (😿 What Spay and Neuter doesn't know is that I had been hoping to help them help more pets get fixed by raising funds in the near future... hmmm).

I am going to speak to Cattails and see if they can get Baby Girl and her kittens fixed if I raise the funds. Right now I know we will need at least $200.00 raised. Please consider sending any amount to help by paypal to laugh_safely at yahoo dot com using gift to friends.- I will speak to Cattails and see how much more they will need. Please keep Baby Girl and her kittens, Oliver, Faith, Hope and Lovey in your purrz that we can get their needs taken care of furry soon.  We will have a new You Caring campaign up asap. Please look for that update on the side of the blog and if you have Facebook - will be a notice there.

--- More Mewz next timez.

(if anyone of our readers uses another social media besides facebook, please let us know and we will try posting there as well)