Dis am a wittle purrview of kitties we helped this year and their selfies...
we do more purrviews laters.

First of all there am me!!! Chiquita, who found out that the indoor world am furry good.

Lady Grey and the Ninja Kittens found a good home too

And Then there was Jeremiah Midnight aka JayMee - sweet boy now at CatTails in Manhattan. He is our spokes cat fur Mew Years!
Yet we haz had furry sad mewz as well....
Flash the Hero Cat went OTRB

Bear Too.
The Furst of this 2017, Katie Mom and Auntie Silvia started scrapping metal to raise funds fur us babies and pets and owners in need, especially fur Silvia and her furkids. At first hard to gets enough scrapping, then we met a scrapper who became our friend and invited us to help with neighborhood cleanups.
We had sick kitties needing purrz, likes Ellie May who had furry low red blood cell count and needed transfusion. Katie Mom and Auntie Silvia am starting the mew year with colds and flu.
Two kitties who have not yet been caught and brought into the warm indoor world: my half brother and sister, Chica and Chico... Last night Chica did not show... We are furry worried.
Been a long year of working hard to keeps going... yet we are blessed to haz fur friends from around the world who loves us kitties...
And yesterday, Auntie Silvia gotted the right heater for her motel room - Katie Mom sold two donated outdoor Kerosene Convection Heaters yesterday and was able to pay back money owed from getting the motel room heater. Yet Auntie Silvia still has to clean motel rooms outside today in furry cold temperatures of 5 to 6 degrees Fahrenheit.
We are purring that the Mew Year brings more blessings and loves -
and that long hard time of purring fur a new home fur Silvia and her babies will come true furry soon.... furry furry soon.
Please pray fur my fur siblings, Chico and Chica.
Purrz fur the Mew Year
Chiquita, Feral Molly's Girl.