Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Triple Selfie Chiquita, Angel and Peach

Monday Nov 27 UPDATE: Midnight decided to eat this morning... perhaps the tapeworm meds are helping. Will keep evfurryone  posted.

left to right - Chiquita, Angel and Miss Peach

Please Purr fur Jeremiah Midnight - His owie on hims hip am healing but he doesn't want to eat. Katie Mom tried to spoon feed him. Her just checked - Midnight threw up dat food. He has tape worms, so Mommy gave him meds for that.

He has to go vet today or tomorrow to find out why him no want to eats and losing weight (negative for FIV and Leukemia) ... Plz share so him can haz funds to get well. Paypal am laugh_safely at yahoo dot com

Purrz and Paddy Paws,
Chiquita, Angel and Peach
Furry Good Foster Kitties.
P.S. - We did not gets any helps fur Pam - we borrowed money
so she could haz groceries...

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving Am For Helping Other Families Too

Happy Thanksgiving to One and All

We haz the bestest Thanksgiving Mewz!
Katie Mom and Uncle Mike are now Licensed Fosters
through We Are Grateful Sanctuary...

Although they am mostly a small dog sanctuary, they helps kitties too. We will be sharing page furry soon about da kitties of KFM.... Some need homes furry soon.

Please takes time to reads the bottom of the post - last night we found out that Pam and Pups, a family with three dogs dat we haz been helping have not eaten since Tuesday - and would not haz any Thanksgiving with out KFM's help. 

Furstly, here are some other things we are furry thankful about:

Willowbend Vet Clinic - Ellie liked the Feliway
Ellie May the kitty who received a blood transfusion is doing much better. (Ellie May's posts) She had been severely attacked by fleas and was very anemic - went to vet on Monday, the 13th. She was so weak that she let the technician get a blood sample from her leg - feliway made a big difference. Then had to be hospitalized at the Emergency Specialty Hospital of Wichita, where she received a blood transfusion Monday night. (She didn't like ER - too many doggy smells and the Feliway alcohol based spray did not work like the diffuser...)
At ER - Unhappy.
This ordeal was very hard for her because she had nuerological damage from Advantage flea meds at four months old. She is three years old now (took two years of behavioral modification to retrain her brain to associate touching with food). We are waiting until she is completely well, because she may have to be sedated...

Jeremiah Midnight is negative for leukemia and FIV!!!  (See Jeremiah Midnight's Posts) Howsumever, his owie on his hip does not seem to be healing. Antibiotics have not been helping enough - he may need something local to help besides Vetericyn or another antibiotic - any suggestions would be very helpful.  He will need to be fixed and get hims shots... He is getting very annoyed and being in the bathroom!! He am been slapping Mommy's feets!

Toby went to the vets about hims bottom (Toby's posts) - just needed shaved so him could stay clean - Toby is a furry chubby boy and not good at cleaning hims long fur. Anal glands were fine, bladder was empty and no fever! Dr. Vet recommended non-alcoholic baby wipes to helps him... He is still hiding from his Daddy Uncle Mike though cause Daddy had to clean hims butt of stuck poopies! No poopies no morh but Toby's tummy am furry ticklish! 

Another fing we am Thankful for Silvia and her babies
will haz foods to eats today cause KFM Cares for others too...  and you helps us do that!! (please purr for Silvia who had sum teefs pulled yesfurday.)

We haz another favor to asks of you...(Pam and Pups) Remember us talking abouts a lady with three doggies that is getting evicted cause the rental house am getting torn down? - We are helping her and her family to move into trailer that Center of Hope and KFM helped put the down payment on.  Katie Mom founded out that Pam and her daughter and son in law had nothing to eat yesfurday and will not have anything fur Thanksgiving today.

So Uncle Mike and Katie Mom am getting their Thanksgiving dinners today.... If you could helps Pam and her family has a goods thanksgiving, could you sends a wittle moneys to paypal at laugh_safely at yahoo dot com using gift to friends?

This will help her doggies and Pam's family has foods to eats fur tomorrow too... 

Even 10 dollars per purrson and furkids would helps a lot fur Pam's family and Silvia and her fur kids to haz a goods Thanksgiving. 

May you haz a blessed Thanksgiving today.

Purrz and Paddy Paws,
Katie Kitty Too.
Jr. Executive, Katiez Furry Mewz.
A licensed Foster with We Are Grateful Sanctuary

Monday, November 20, 2017

This am short mewz Real Post furry soon.

Since we haz not posted all the fings dat happened last week and lots happened (we did post on Facebook though):

  • We hads a kitty go to ER to haz a blood transfusion from anemia.
  • Jeremiah Midnight finally gotted hims test and he is negative for FeLV and FIV
  • Uncle Mike's cat Toby had owies on hims bottom and am going to get checked today.
Wants to lets you know that we will share Mewz furry soon about the kitties and good mewz too.

The Mom only haz so many hands and feets and stuffs 
and after Toby gets checked, her haz to take the truck full of metal scrap to the scrapyard to raise moneys fur us...

Purrz n Paddy Pawz,
Katie Ann Kitty Too
Official Senior Spokes purrson
Secret Ninja Hideout

Katiez Furry Mewz is Part of LifeGate Kansas - helping pets and owners in need,
Foster license pending with a registered Kansas Rescue.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Jeremiah Midnight at the Vets Yesterday

Update Jeremiah Midnight is negative for FIV and FeLV!! We are so very thankful for donations to help him and other kitties - Will have a mew post furry soon. //Hello?? I can't tell you what humans called me before. Auntie Silvia calls me Midnight. Katie Mom likes Jeremiah Midnight. I am very glad to be inside a home again. I am just under a year old and need to have my gentleman surgery.

I am glad to be loved again. I am thankful to be in a home even if I am in the bathroom until the Katie Mom knows if I have a bad virus like Leukemia or FIV...

I sure hope I don't have that. Katie Mom didn't have enough funds to get my test yesterday though (about 38.00 dollars needed)

Here I am at the vets. This nice vet assistant helped check me out too.  They were very nice to me and I purred all the time to show my appreciation at being loved and checked on. I did want to jump on top of the cabinet but they did not let me do that.
I weighed about 7 pounds and 2 ounces, although should weigh a few more pounds. I hope getting worm meds and eating yummy foods helps me gain more weight.

And then Dr. Johnson checked my ears and listened to my heart and looked at my wounds. 

I have ear mites so I have to haz meds fur that.  

I have a half circle scar on my right leg where I almost lost a lot of skin. 
Scabbed over half round wound

It scabbed over with my fur on top. My leg is healing well and no abscess though.

Hair loss on my leg

Mom still needs to buy my antibiotics cause the meds at home were not enough. I has a sore toe too and it keeps bothering me so I licks it alot and I was limping this morning.

The vet bill yesfurday was $97.00 (care credit) and I still needs antibiotics ($18), FIV/FeLV test ($38) and vaccinations (rabies $24, Leukemia $30, FVRCP $17) . Then I will get my gentleman surgery. Can you helps me get my antibiotics, tests and shots?

Thank you fur purring to help me to get well and finds a furever real home... 
Purrz and Purrz for all of my mew fur friends too,
From Jeremiah Midnight.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Mom, There am a Hurted Cat in the Bathroom

Mr. J. Midnight
(It has occured to the Mom that we haz not been silly lately... So Angel and I are going to sing a silly song today... MOL)

Chiquita: Mom!!! Why you bring a boy in the house Furryday morning???

Mom: Cause him was left behind.... at Auntie Silvia's motel so Auntie Silvia took care of him. Thursday at midnight and someone was throwing things at him. You remember eating there with Molly your Mommy?

Chiqui: NO!!! I don't wants to remembers dat. I don't like boys.... I wants to be loved by Katie Mom and her family furevers. No boys. What him doing in bathroom? Why he get up there on the cabinet?

Mom: He is a very nice boy - and him got hurted. We will finds a good home fur him. I think he likes to be up high. He feels safer there.

Angel: Yes when this thing go bye bye?

Peachy: I'm going back to sleep... you guys are too noisy.

Mom: right now he needs to see the vet about his owie... We are going to see the vet for an appointment today at 11:30.

Peachy who can't get any sleep now: Okay what happened to him. Why he hurted?

Mom: he may have gotten in a fight or someone may have hurt him. Dr. Vet will find out. He also needs to be checked for Leukemia. That is why he is quarantined and of course he needs flea meds too. 

Chiquita: so what dat boy's name so I can say I don't like him better...

Mom: His name is Midnight and you might decide to like him if you tried.

Chiquita runs to the porch... : Nope. Me don't like Midnight!!

Angel: Hey Mom he talks alot. you know a song bouts kitties that talks alot? Can we sing dat?

 Mom: Sure!! Let's sing Jeremiah was a Black Cat!
Peachy.... oh boy. how can a ginger baby doll Persian get some sleep around here?

 Angel and Mom sing this song (to the tune of Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog)

"Jeremiah was a black cat, He was a good friend of mine
He loved to talk about everything and drink some catnip wine.
yeah he hads some good catnip wine...

Singing Joy to the worlds... all the kitty catz now.
Joy to Jeremiah singing in his catnip tree...
Joy to You and Me!!!

Chiquita yells from the porch: ME DON'T LIKE JEREMIAH MIDNIGHT!!!

Well we hopes you all in kitty cat lands likes Mr. Jeremiah Midnight cause he could use your help. He has some very bad scratches on his leg and a bad sore on his toe. He had been coming to eat at Silvia's motel room for a few weeks. Then last week he was seen in the alley with blood all over him and the homeless couple who saw him thought he was dead. Miracle of miracles, he showed up to Silvia's motel to eat again the next day.

He is a furry sweet boy and does love to talks alot and get loves. He was very easy to catch. I wrapped him in a towel and put him in a carrier.  Please purr fur him, especially that he turns up negative for leukemia.

If you can help with his vet bills, Please paypal to laugh_safely at yahoo dot com.

(Art was made with Lunapic

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Thankful Mewz and Mewz Fur Purrz Too

Furst uvs all... we am furry thankful that Gordo am doing betters...

More things we am furry thankfuls about...

Lady Grey and Ninja Kittens

Marco and Polo

Lady Grey and the Ninja kittens, Faith, Hope, Lovey and Oliver all gots a furever home (waiting fur new photos).

Marco and Polo gotted a home (will ask fur new photos).

Pam was able to make her first down payment on her trailer (will get photo of trailer).
Pam's Pups...

Katie Mom was able to works the election on Tuesday to raise some moneys fur us too.

Fur all the scrap appliance and other metals that Mom haz bin able to gets to help us kittiez.  

Fings we still needs purrs abouts...
Chica (l) Chico (r)

Chico and Chica, two outdoor kitties have not been caught yet.

The rest of Marco, Polo and Lady Grey's family (about six more kitties) needs fixed and to haz homes.

Auntie Silvia (Gordo's mom) needs new contacts so she can renew her driver's license and apply for good jobs and her car keeps having trouble - Uncle Mike has put in two alternators and still not working right...

Pam has not been able to move into her trailer because the owner of the trailer park where the trailer is staying won't let her. The gal who is selling the trailer to Pam wants me to go down to Mulvane with her and be a witness to how the owner is acting. (I still think that Pam should move up to Wichita where there is a trailer park willing to move the mobile home for free, and Pam's son-in-law will be able to get work)

This is the time of year when recycling metal slows down due to weather changes... Purring and Praying that we will be able to continue to raise funds. We have three appliances that are good and can sell them, we have lots of stuffs in the garage to sell - purr that the Mom gets help to get more things ready.

And we am furry thankful always fur all our internet friendz...

So mice to see you today!

Purrz from Chiquita who am helping Katie Mom Blog today.

Friday, November 03, 2017

Gordo Needs Your Help ASAP

Update: Doc decided to just do the antibiotics for now and wait on the steroid shot to see if antibiotics works. Bill was only 45.00! We got a sweet donation from a wonderful cat blogger that covered the bill so far //

Last year Gordo, one of Silvia's cats, had to have Perineal urethrostomy, the surgery that unblocks a male kitty's urinary tract by removing the urethra...

This makes him susceptible to urinary tract infections... he has also been having trouble keeping on enough weight and on the blood panel last year, his thyroid indicating level was near the border of needing thyroid meds.

On Wednesday, Silvia and I took him to the vet, because he had been howling and throwing up his food... Dr. Mahoney wanted to do the blood panel first before checking anything else. His results yesterday did not show a change in his thyroid levels, but did show signs of a urinary tract infection... KFM was able to pay for the blood panel from metal scrap and a personal donation... (came to 95.00)

Now he needs antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory shot which will be only 75.00 - Can you help Gordo get well by sparing even five or ten dollars?

If three people only sent 20.00, I can cover the rest. Once he gets his meds, he will feel like eating again... Poor boy - we love him so much.

Thank you so much in advance.
You can paypal to laugh_safely @ yahoo dot com using gift to friends
or call Arapahoe Veterinary Clinic and ask to put credit on Silvia Espinosa's account
so we can bring Gordo in to be treated. Phone number is 316 262 6491

Purrs and Paddy Pawz
Katie Kat

(Sad thing is since we hardly ever blog on Fridays, I will be surprised if anyone notices the post.... )

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Bootsie Woo am in Wichita Eagle Mewz!!!

Guess what furry internets peeples!  

My name am Bootsie Woo. I am furry shy and don't blogs too much.

Today I just had ta roll around onda floors on everyting and tells evfurrybody!

I iz inda papers! Yes I gotted my furry own name, Bootsie Woo in the Wichita Eagle yesfurrry day!

Here am the link and you can see my name dere in all the lists of furry good kitty names! 
Here kitty, kitty, kitty: some of Wichita’s favorite cat names by Beccy Tanner. I iz under cattygory Names We Just Don’t Know Why.... MOL.
I am about 9 years old now. Here I am at Cat Hospital having my teeth checked a year ago September 2016. I had losted a tooth from a resorptive lesion. I really needed dental surgery to remove a tooth, but no moneys ever came in fur dat. (Bootsie at the vets) I am eating reel good now though Mom am going to gets me a checkup on my teefs.

My furry furstid post was how I was saved from a salvage yard. I not haz good English then. I was only three months old. Bootsie Woo's Story

And den another post was how Humanz am furry creepy back in 2009: Humanz am Furry Creepy

Fur more posts wif me in dem, please see dis linky: Search fur Bootsie

Purrz n Stuffs,
Lil Miss Bootsie Woo