Dis werkt wif hims short neck.
(A kittee in da hand is wurth... =^..^=)

Katie Ann Kitty-Too
Daisy May Daffodil
Bootsie Woo
Mouse E. Kat
n Spunky Boo
Furst uvs all.... Mawmee iz helpin hur frind wifs stuffoms on hur pursonal compootur, likes slappin mean viruses. Dis frind she knohz a longs times, likes 20 umpteem yerhz or sumpin. She evens waz da matron of honor ats Mawmee and Dadees weddin. Mawmee, kins I haves a weddin? Ooh Ize too littel fur dat. Otay. Andy Ways... Sundae dis frind gaves Mawmee sums money helps cuz Daddees pension not gotted here yet! So Mawmee went huntin yesturday n cames back wif foodeez and littur stuffs!! Yay!
Now Seconds uv all, about our Daddee purrson...I havnts mets him yet... hez sum bettur frum whn he gotted hurted. But cuds you purrs fur him? Hez soh lonelee wifout Mawmee. And our eyes gets leaky tinkin bout how heze stucks in dis Mulhouse Franse and needin dis surjuree fur bladdur stuffumz... purrstate...prostayt or sumpin. Mawmee, whatz dat?
Den thurds uv all, Mawmee still lookin fur werk soh she kin takes care uv us n our disabled gran mawmee, n get 2 c our Daddee...
She not seened him since dis time 2006... a fore I waz evens borned!
And Mawmee gotz ta get dis here jobbee so she kins gets our
Furry Funnee Movee doned!! Ize gonna be in dis here movie bouts how Daisy gotted da turkey frum da Daisy Deli. I gits ta play Miss Super Stunt Kitty! Well I jus rollz round and looks cutes, denz runz off, butz datz actin! Whens we gits dis here movee doned, weze gonna submit dat to da Tall Grass Film Festival
And weze don wanna miss dat dis year cuz of dis here movin n stuff!! Itz comin ups in Octovur. (Missin da Tall Grass, "All Da Kings Men" Robert Redfurd Movee nite dis monf was bads enuf! Mistur Redfurd talked bout our wittel Film Festival front uv guvmint peeples!)
Mawmee cants go audishun fur actin partz til she gets a payin jobee!!
Tank u fur listenin n purrin n stuffomz.
Lil Miss Bootsie Woo,
Jr Comik Apprentix
We needs helps in settin up a pay pal tingee. Tanks fur your help,
- Katie Too
Fur mohr ov da storee, you can email us ats laugh_safely@yahoo.com
And Mawmee had a good time, too!
So stops by leaves a notie about foodies and toys you is bringin to the movin partee and whatcha doin and let's have some fun!! Stops by whenever cuz we'll be partying even more tonite cause it's gonna be cooler and rainin!
(And weze also be havin a purrin plase fur anwyones to take time out to Purr fur Felix to gets bettur... weze all worreed bout him.)
-Katie Too and the Katz Gang
Did ya guess what it waz??
Here is the big photo.
Here is the story... Our new home don't have no 'lectricity cause sum inspector has ta cum furst and tells Gran Mawmee stuffoms to do ... So weze borrowin lectricity frum our Gran mawmee next door. Todays it gotted a hunurt n one degreez outsides, but dis here centuree old house stayed bout 80 degreess inside. Durin da night Mawmee brings in cooler air wif a window fan. Den in da mornin, she shuts da window and runs a box fan ta keep air curcool-laytin.
Dat helps but Mawmee went and gotted dis here bag of ice cubes to puts in front of da fan today. She been doin dat on real hot days ta keep our sleepin room cooler in da afturnoon. She reads dat in da local papur on how to keep cool.
Well Ize gotted good at openin da door to da sleepin room
and I letted all my sisfurs out and broffur Spunky.
Mousee too shy and stayed behind our sleepin couch.
Andee wayz, Bootsie and Daisy gotted to pantin while explorin da ovur rooms, so Mawmee pickdid dem up and rubbed dem wif cold water on dehr heads and tummees! And dey liked dat!! Spunkee dont like hiz tummee touched. He fussed but he liked it too. And I gotta confess - I dont likes my tummee rubbed neevur, but dat cold ice water felt sooo good!!
And dats how weze stayin cool wifout air conditionin...
-Katie Ann Kitty Too.
(P. S. Stay tuned fur more infur may shun on da secret movin partee...
like a 'trashin partee' onlee wif boxes!)