Mom always likes to starts wif better mewz...

The Mom was able to haz some Chrissymouse Money and her bought a mug from Dezi'z World with Mom Audra at their Zazzle Store.
Dat mug bin waiting at the post office. Well Mom finally had time to go there and here am the Mug!
Wow! Dezi am all starry. Me thinks Dezi should pawdition fur the starring role in dats Mew Purrduction of "Virginia, Am There a Ceiling Cat?" What do you all think Dezi be good as Ceiling Cat?
The Mom tells you the other side of the Tail now...
um Tale.
So heerrrreees Katie! (btw - if you likes Johnny Carson and can get Antenna TV, he is on again every night at 9pm central and repeats at 1am)
Thanks Angel. Well apologies for leaving the blog in cliffhanger mode yesterday, but last night had to take care of my oldest kids in the home where they are staying. (the home has limited access to electricity, because whole house needs rewired) I had to turn off the heater that my oldest kids rely on, which only keeps their room 20 degrees warmer than the outside, and find some other way to keep them warm.
Saturday night temp outside down to 13 degrees and their room went down to 30F Sunday morning. And only have one window covered in plastic. Hope to get the rest of the windows covered tonight or tomorrow. Yesterday afternoon found blankets at a thrift store (charity shop), put them on windows and then discovered the heater's plug was too warm - turned it off. Made a mad dash to Wally Mart after 10pm to get a sleeping bag - rated at 10F. On sale for $30.00!;
Stayed with the kids in the sleeping bag on the floor and let them crawl in with me and get warm. Didn't get much sleep. Only Max and Katie crawled in... shy baby girl Bootsie stayed hidden and did not come out from her new hidey hole under or behind stored furniture - don't know where. Need to get her another kitty bed and stuff it in her new hidey hole...or another sleeping bag. Poor sweetie...
On the way to Wally mart, stopped by Silvia's to get the scoop on the woman she spoke of taking her cats to and how see Guero was doing. Guero has a puncture wound on his shoulder. I applied Vetericyn on the wound. (frozen though - had to thaw out)
The place where Silvia thought she might have to take her cats is in another town - woman is caring for too many cats already and most live in a barn and she doesn't have money for vet visits. Not a good place for Silvia's babies.

Come to find out.Silvia got another notice (like she did before) that she is only supposed to have 2 cats and she has to get all the cats vaccinated and pay a license or lose them (only supposed to have 4 with the license)
The last time, animal control guy saw their vaccinations and was really super about her situation and didn't make her pay the 25.00. Now - I am super worried because of changes to Animal Control and those in charge would rather see animals dead.
So Here's the scoop for now...pardon the caps!
But they may need a foster if A/C gets nasty and they going be about 200.00 to get updated on their shot.
Guero had to go vet this morning for his wound... more Convenia and house owner paid the bill again (65.00) Guero's vet bills have eaten up all the money that Silvia made last week (75.00) and then some. She is going to have to work off the vet bill and still find a long paying job. THERE IS 50.00 in donations for tomorrow! We desparately need 100.00 more.
And about the Judah Lion Auction. Ellen Pilch of 15 and Meowing wants to wait and let the Auction keep going. Please check on Ellen - her sweet baby Stinky passed away this morning.
Our Judah Auction Page is under our heading. Ellen plans to do a ROAR on Wednesday about our Art Auction.
Will be reposting a coat up for sale on eBay tonight.
Purrz from Katie Kat.
I wish so much I could help more. My damned child support is over 2 weeks late. Those morons up in Montana are still sitting on it. I've had payments bounce. I couldn't take a class at church I wanted to take because I didn't have the $50 and I wasn't going to write a bad check. I love the coat and wish I could bid on it. I wish I could take one of the cats too. If it gets that bad let me know and I'll see if perhaps my landlord will let me slide on the extra deposit. I know Worf and Stormy will be PO, but they'll get over it. I can check around here in Topeka too if you like. I do have some connections here. Let me know what I can do to help, OK?
We sure hope you get your forever home soon Angel and we sure hope something good happens for Silvia soon.
Angel, we are sure the perfect home will come soon. Wishing you all happier and easier times.
Thanks Friend... Will talk to you on FB. -Katie
Thanks so much... <3
Thanks Brian... Sure need some Miracles.
Many, many prayers mates,
NukNuk & Family
Thank you for posting about my beloved Stinky, I miss her very much. Also, thank you for the kind words you left on my blog and for your friendship. I am praying for all these kitties in need.
Glad you like yous new mug. Weez so late gettin' round to everypawdy. As always, weez sendin' lots and lots of purrayers.
Luv ya'
Dezi and Lexi
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