Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

KFM Way Back When Bootsie Selfie

Helloo? Hello? 

My name am Bootsie Woo. I am a furry shy girl and don't blog much anymorres. I used ta blogs wif Mom Katie long times ago.

When I was kitten, 3 months old back in November, 2007, I gotted saved from a salvage yard and had a furry bad bite on my shoulder Da Mom tooks me to vets and had my shoulder drained and I gotted all betters. You kin reads my story here.

Dat am hard to reeds, cause I wernt good at English then.

Here I am as a young 8 month old, still furry small girl - playing wif a shoo string in May 2008. The Mom didn't have a good camera back then and the only digital photos had bads pixel numbers.

Back in 2008, the Mom lost her loverly home with all the wonderful rooms fur us kitties and we all had to lives in old house dats used to be mom's grandparent's home and three of us kitties still live there.

I am now over 8 years old and here am my newest selfie, hiding under a chair last Summer.

My eyes are closed cause of da flashy thing. I still love rolling around on everything. I lives with Maxwell Tigger who am about 7 and Katie Kitty Too who am 12.

We need your purrz, cause we don't has enough heat in dis old home cause the electricity needs rewiring and it am very cold now. The mom puts up blankies on the windows and runs one heater in the living room fur us.

The Mom can't move us to her two bedroom bungalow, cause of the kitties there who need homes asap and our room needs remodeled (no window-no ventilation). The city where her mew house am won't let more than 4 kitties live in one home (and that's with a license)...  Mom worries about us every day.  If you would like to know more about our situation and how you can helps, please sends us an email to laugh_safely @ and Mom will share privately.


Silvia and Her Kitties.
This is a hard update. Thank you all for helping Silvia and her kitties make it to the new year... until she could find a place to care for her cats. As of yesterday, Guero was still having pee problems and possible fever.

Found out today that Silvia took Guero to ER yesterday, because he was howling from trying to go. Cost: $100 visit. $65 sq fluid, exam $40, lab urinology $100 (did not need). She wrote: "...just wanted his bladder flushed and they did more than I asked." The home owner's wife (where she has been cleaning) helped with her bill.

Last night after Guero came back from the vet, his brother Gordo got mad and bit Guero hard. Trying to get some Vetericyn over to him at least. But Katiez Furry Mewz simply does not have any more funds to help Guero at this time. He still needs an xray.

This has been a very hard decision for Silvia to make. As of now, she may have found a foster home for her babies and hipes to move from the motel soon. She wants the 50.00 that is in Paypal right now to go toward paying on Guero's previous vet bill. But I am going to give it to the motel. After that - have no idea how she will pay the hundred needed, unless funds come in for donations.... ***

Here is what she told me today, "As of now it's becoming too much to get him checked or surgery. So now I'm deciding to place all 5 cats with friend who fosters and places for adoption. It's hard to let them go, but I need to move forward and find a home for them who can provide care. I will keep in touch with you this week through here (Facebook) to let u know how things are going. Thanks, Kat"

Will keep you posted,
Katie Kat.


*** Sidenotes:   Hoping to get some items up for say on an auction blog or on eBay this week....   We are usually late posting, because of the needs of the kitties in my family's care, but this means that fewer folks come round to comment.  The Mom tries to gets around to posting on other bloggies... just dats we needs her furst... -Katie Ann Kitty Too

About the Lion painting... with the lack of response to the auction so far, I have decided to end the auction on Tuesday. If no other bids by Tuesday the 12th, I will give the painting to Ellen Pilch of 15 and Meowing for free since she is the only bid and she really can't afford to buy. Any other paintings may be on eBay. -Katie.


Deziz World said...

Well you all know our situation. So weez duin' what we can. Weez sendin' lots and lots of purrayers. Have a blest day.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

noodlecat said...

We are so sorry to hear all the bad news.
We wish we could help...

Noodle and crew

Debra Taylor said...

I am so sorry you are separated from your mother.
This is so sad. I hope it can be resolved in some way for sure.
Such sweet photos!

Pet lovers please check out my homeless cat blog about the abandoned/feral cat colony I manage.

Debby in Prescott Valley, Arizona

Brian's Home Blog said...

You are sure a pretty one Bootsie Woo. Yes, that's such a super sad update and we hate that more that you know. We send prayers to Silvia and her sweeties.

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

ooohhhh... tank u... -Bootsie Woo.

catladymac said...

Sending prayers, and more prayers. I can't send money, but I am so sorry and praying so hard for all of you.

Anonymous said...

We send Purrayers and Extra Double Pawkisses that you get help in every way. It makes us sad to know that there is so much help needed in the world :(
<3 <3 <3

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Oh it IS good to see you at the Sunday Selfie! We are sorry we are so late, but we saw the good Guero news.