Jan 2, 10:10am Mew Guero Update - He made it through the night. Headed to my vet for a check up ... will post more this afternoon... -Katie
An Almost Good Update:
Guero is relieving himself some - a small portion at a time, but not normally... and he is still in pain. Chances are, Silvia and I will need to take him in to the ER today and no later than tonight.. Please pray and help with any donation you can give.
You can use the You Caring or the Pay Pal link on the right.
I will talk to Silvia about taking Guero to see our vet - who might be open tomorrow - for another opinion... but I don't know if Guero should wait that long...
Thursday, Guero had to go into vet to have a catheter put in so he could relieve himself.. cost: 225.00 and still he is not well! The vet at Arapaho Clinic has given Guero Convenia three times in a row - and Guero just keeps getting worse and not better... He had promised to try another antibiotic and he didn't.
Guero's urethra is swollen and there is mucus - obviously an infection. - he cannot pass his urine in more than a small amount - too painful.. I need to get him to my vet, but I do not have much funds... I am praying that my vet is open tomorrow.
Happy Mew Year!
Lulu and Oreo Here Today...

We am now unofficially a Not for Profit Fund dat helps animals and paw families in needs. We wanted to use Katiez Katz as our DBA. A DBA means we will haz a dedicated Bank Account under our Doing Business As name. Howsom-ever, there is already pawsible conflict with using Katiez Katz, since there is a facebook person using that moniker already. We would have to add a word to Katiez Katz, such as Katiez Katz Foundation.
So we will simply be DBA Katiez Furry Mewz, since we have been known by that name for 10 years and there isn't any conflicts.
Mom also has two other DBAs: The Purple Kattery Art Studio and LifeGate Enterprises. The Purple Kattery is the name we use on FaceBook, eBay, CraigsList, and online selling places. We haven't used LifeGate Enterprises in years because there was a pawsible conflict with that name.
The Mom's dream is to found a no-kill cat sanctuary in central Kansas (outside of Sedgwick County) called The Purple Kattery or LifeGate Pet Sanctuary (LGPS), like Best Friends, with cat rooms vs cages... Mom's vision is to find a church or similar building for sale that has a kitchen and lots of rooms in the next 3 years.
Right now Katiez Furry Mewz aids and supports Lifeline Animal Placement and Protection, a local no-kill sanctuary who have over 200 cats in their care. We will aid LAPP first with their vision of animal protection... KFM also supports Blind Cat Rescue and Sanctuary
This Year Marks Katiez Furry Mewz
10 Year Blogoversary!
10 Year Blogoversary!
Weze gonna Celly brate our Blogoversary on Katie Momz Purrthday - February 5th!
Weze haz a blogoversary Pawty and everypaw will be invited! Mew Details Furry Soon...
As you can see, we are now two columns (which the Mom am still learning how to sort out)
and we haz two mew pages to checks out
Stay Tuned for Mew Details Wifs Posts and Pages about:
- Pawz in the Mewz
- Purr Requests
- Katiez Helping Pawz
- Rescued Storiez!
- Homez Found!
- Katiez Katz Gang
- Katiez Foster Kidz who need Homes this Mew Year.
Oreo and Lulu
of Katiez Furry Mewz...
We're Joining Alasandra Cats and Dogs for Blog Hopping
Lots of changes for you! Good luck with your impawtant work. Happy New Year.
Purring for Guero. Concats on starting a fund raising operation - hope it goes super well. Happy 2016.
Sounds like a complete blockage and maybe surgery needed. Dat's kinda what happened to Lucky 'cept hims died on Christmas, da day after da catheter placement. Weez sendin' purrayers. Sounds like in other news, fings are goin' well. Have a happy New Year.
Luv ya'
Dezi and Lexi
Purrs and prayers for dear Guero from all of us. Congrats on the most wonderful rescue work too, you do so many great things and we know it will continue in 2016.
I am praying for this sweet boy.
We're purring and praying for Guero! Great job on being a not-for-profit. You do lots of great stuff for so many!
For folks praying for Guero Silvia Espinosa's cat: - he is making it through the evening so far and is relieving himself... will keep you posted. Hoping to take him in to my vet tomorrow if they are open. <3
Praying for Guero.what great plans you have a head,Happy New Year,xx Speedy
thanks for stopping by our blog, nice to meet you. We send POTP for Guero. Happy New Year.
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