Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Flash Vet Selfie, Silvia and Remembering Jolly

Hiya Folks, Katie Kittty Too... 

Guess I'm off strike fur now. Bootsie can stay with me in the computer room as long as I get first dibs on Mom's lap. After all, I don't roll around on the keyboard like Bootsie does.

We haz stuffoms to share with you all:

Uncle Mike's neighbor, Dirk am outta da hospital. He fell about a week ago and couldn't get up, when he finally called Mom on Sunday. Uncle Mike helped get the locked gate open and the door open so paramedics could come in and helps him get in a stretcher for the ambulance. Come to find out, reason he fell was dehydration and then his kidneys stopped working right. He came home on Thursday. His knee is still swollen from falling, but his kidneys are working better. Dirk doesn't has any knee bones left so furry hard to stand up, much less fall down.

All hims kitties, indoor and outdoor, were furry glad to see him. We thought Boomer, a white Mama cat had disappeared when ER was there with the door wide open, but Boomer had snuck back into the house! There are four kittens we hopes to get photos of soon...2 white, 1 black and 1 grey
Hey, Not soo Close

Purrfect Paddy Paw technique...
Speaking of Dirk's kitties, Flash the Hero cat got himself in a bit of trouble after a long night of fighting crime and evil dog corporations... or maybe it was just a fight with George the Feral cat about who gets to eat first at our lovely patio cafe.  Flash isn't telling - Heroes never tell, ya know. Well Uncle Mike and Katie Mom tooks Flash to the vets Friday. Flash's ear was all swollen from a puncture wound. They kept him over night to drain the wound and put meds in it. He gots some antibiotics and a steroid. Then Katie and Mike picked him up on Caturday. The swelling has gone down, but not all the way.  Katie Mom keeps an eye on him cause if it doesn't go down, he will has to go backs to vet.

Max at the vets...
My broffur Max is doing much better - his neck ouchie is healing ups well... He is taking pred for several weeks.  Bootsie... well she's a good girl, I just likes my space.... Bootsie is doing well, her hair is starting to comes back.  

Pearl is still taking antibiotics... and... her nasal passages are finally clearing up!!! Hooray! Now if she would just stops attacking feets! Katie Mom tried a little water spray today - will keep trying that til Pearl finds sumpin else to plays with! We'll keep you posted about when her finally goes to foster home...

Now fur some furry serious stuffoms... Auntie Silvia did not get that job at U.S. Tool a week ago. Mom am heartbroken cause she almost got that job - her phone shoulda been working and Mom coulda helped get it paid on time...(three kitties were sicks and Mom has to do almost all the looking after us and helping Nana -Katie's Mom- too.)  Most of Silvia's kitties are to getting over the Salmonella okay, save Ronnie who is running a mild fever.  Silvia put in a bid to clean two different houses yesfurday, they haven't called back yet. And then she got a call today for another home, but it am in a nearby town and no gas to go there...

If Auntie Silvia doesn't gets a job soon, the only place fur her to go is an Aunt's house and that Aunt can't have kitties around... Silvia's babies that's what Katie Mom and Auntie Silvia keeps fighting fur - cause they has nowhere to go.

If we coulds gets a home fur the kitties at Mom's house, Auntie Silvia and her cats could stay there... but that means finding some one to handle Elly May, a special needs kitty who had a bad reaction to Advantage Flea Meds. Her brain couldn't process touch and smell right after that and now she slaps at everything... Elly May has to has behavioral training evfurry day just to let someone touch her.

Just to keeps the motel room fur another weeks we needs 125.00 - that doesn't count Silvia borrowing from the motel owner for 10.00 to take Ronnie and Narcisca to vet.

We am asking fur the kitties sake - while we looks fur a backup plan of a place for Narcisca, Natasha, Ronnie, Gordo and Guero to go.

Katie Mom am working on our Purple Kattery Boutique and Auction blog - will be backs up with fun things to buy and bid on furry soon... 
Donates now with at least 20.00 plus 3.00 shipping, (we will gets 10.00, a 18.00 donation we get 8.00), we can send you this furry special silk screened t-shirt - just let us know what size men's or women's. If you would like a different saying or white shirt with black lettering, just let Katie Mom know...


Purrz from Katie Kitty Too,
Junior Repurrter
Katiez Furry Mewz.

Remembering Jolly, the neighbor's cat: Jolly was furry loved... Miss your dear boy.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Wordy Wednesday - Salmonella!!

Maxwell Tigger Repurting (Katie am still on strike cause her am growlie. She can't remember who me and Bootsie am) 

Ronnie before getting sick
Auntie Silvia's kids are sick with Salmonella! Katie Mom bought Purina Naturals at Petsmart and Purina Indoor Cat Chow at Walmart on August 12th. NO FUNDS TO GET 5 cats MEDS.

To top all that, Silvia had an emergency with Ronnie last week - got into hard to open cabinet and bit a Tide detergent pod. Money came in for shot to help get rid of toxins - yet by weekend, Silvia rushed him to ER for fluids - she owes the motel owner for ER and paying her phone. Mama Narcisca went to vet on Monday for UTI and she owes for that bill. Then yesterday, Ronnie back to vet and he tested for Salmonella! All the kitties are throwing up with diarrhea.  Throwing out cat food (we gotta finds out if foods supposed to be tested somewheres) and no money for more food or meds for her kids... Need to cover debts and cat food and meds for salmonella... Need purrs and help asap.

Uncle Mike's neighbor is still in hospital (Vet Visits and Emergency Purrz) His name am Dirk - he has indoor and outdoor kitties and Katie Mom has been feeding them everyday... Dirk had a white mama cat supposed to stay in the house, but she got out while the emergency crew showed. Katie saw a white kitty and tried to pick her up to see if it were mama cat or white boy cat (checking fur milk) to put her back in the house, but she scrambled out of her arms and took off. She hasn't been seen since. Katie and Mike tried to finds the kittens in the house, but no good. We am wondering if something happened to the kittens cause Mom said white kitty didn't have any milk and her has not come back home... 

Bootsie and me am doing betters. The ouchie on my neck is getting much smaller thanks to little pills Mom gives me with my favorite canned food and ointment on my neck.  Bootsie has lost some weight though, yet her am taking her pills likes a trooper. Just gots ta finds sumpin her likes to eats.

Pearl am doing lots betters too and we hopes to gets her to her foster home furry soon. The foster Mommy's house has been getting lots of remodeling down - hopefully likes a day this week Katie Mom can get over to see where Pearl will be staying.

Our Friend Liz who has Mitchel had her car go kaplooey, transmission stuffs and had to go to shop. She somehow scraped enough moneys to gets it fixed and then it died last weekend! Thankfully in a parking lot. Well the transmission shop picked up the car and has been working on it... We sure hope the problem is under warranty and she doesn't owe anything. She had to take a bus to works again this week and she is picking up the car later... we are crossing our paws. 

Well dat's all fur now... we hopes to tells you abouts Hickory Hollow Animal Refuge furry soon. Katie Mom am going to gets them backs up on the webs to help them gets more volunteers and funds.
Hickory Hollow Ranch

Fur now, to helps Silvia gets meds for her kitties to gets over Salmonella, please paypal
laugh_safely at yahoo dot com or call Arapahoe Vet Clinic at 316 262 6491 and ask for Silvia Espinosa account.

-Maxwell Tigger
Jr Mewz Repurrter
Katiez Furry Mewz

Wednesday Blog Hopping

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Kitty Vet Visit Updates... AND EMERGENCY PURRZ!

Hiya, Maxwell Tigger with my selfie from the vets on Friday.  
I'm doing the mewz cause
Katie Too am under protest because Bootsie is sharing the computer room with her... 

Bootsie am in a big kennel cage so Mom can make sure her eats and gets her meds... cause Katie don't wants Bootsie out in the room... Mom don't get it. Katie and Bootsie were together before I came into the picture...  That Katie Too am 13 and don't like nobody now... I don't get it. We used to cuddle together in Mom's lap at our old place.

How you like my handsome face? I have a big chin like Tony the Tiger of Frosted Corn Flakes (no corn for me, breaks me out), yet I think this selfie hides it well. I'm back on Prednisilone starting with a higher dosage before tapering down and the vet trimmed my nails.. Just my neck is sooo itchy!  Katie Mom is helping my neck sore heal up and I will try not to scratch.  Already looking some better. Mom doesn't want to show you the icky photo of my sore. We just show you when it looks better and let you imagine how yucky it is... My total vet bill fur Friday was $63 and a previous balance for me was $34 so I costed $97 not counting change.

Pearl didn't get any vet photos, because Mom had to drop her off Friday morning, since there wasn't any appointments available. She is on another antibiotic twice a day, which is furry hard for Katie and Uncle Mike to do with their schedules. Hopefully she will be able to go to her foster home this week... Her Vet bill was about $51. 

Her nasal congestion is better, though. Pearl and I got to share the car on Friday, to go to our homes... it rained lots on Friday too. After my vet visit, Katie tooks me with her to pick up Pearl and as soon as she gots into the vet office, all the water just poured out of the sky.  Pearl and Katie hads to wait to go to the car. Lots of rainy noise on the car roof while I waited for them.

Then Bootsie who am 9 years old in September, had her appointment on Saturday... and we sure glad that Bootsie not has ring worm and that her skin am just itchy and she needed flea med and Prednisilone likes me to stop itchies. Here am Bootsie's I don't want to be at the vet's selfie. Bootsie gots a nail trim too.  Her bill am wrongs and needs fixin cause she never bin to Willowbend afore and pets gets half price on first exam visit. Dr. Johnson saw her likes nine years ago at another vet office - but dats diffurnts. Her bill plus a Revolution fur Katie comed to $92 when it shoulda been $67. So looks like We gonna has a $25 credit after Mom calls them on Monday.

Katie puts $63 of my bill on Care credit. Katie paid Pearl outta purrniversary money (from our Daddy purson Aug 23 am Mom and Daddy's purrniversary) and Uncle Mike hads to borrow about $126 fur Bootsie, Katie's flea stuff and my previous bill.   All together rounded ups to includes change was a little over $$240...

Now here comes the next part. Bootsie needs a tooth removed which am gonna cost about 352.00 and we dont know that includes the 20% discount that Dr. Johnson give us...  We don't gots that moneys and needs alla helps we can gets so Bootsie can has her tooth removed. Dr. Johnson said she has a resorptive lesion and it am painful. Her eating some but not wanting to eats her favorites food.  

We hads more to talks about ... but Mom just gots a phone call from Dirk, Uncle Mike's neighbor - Flash's Daddy, fell two days ago and hasn't fed his indoor and outdoor kitties and needs to go to ER... Which explains why Flash has been hanging around Uncle Mike's house for the past two days more so than usual... His fence is locked up and Uncle Mike has to climb fence to gets the keys.  Please keeps Dirk in your prayers.  He can't get up out of the chair and must have passed out yesterday cause he thought it was Saturday.  Katie Mom and Uncle Mikes has to go help and feed his kitties... (Pearl at Mom's house still hasn't had her antibiotics yet today)  


Purrz and Meows, 
Maxwell Tigger, 
Katiez Furry Mewz Jr Repurrter.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Wordy Wednesday Healing Purrz and Prayerz

Hiya Folks, Katie Kitty Too here,
With some furry mewz thats needs posting... Furst of alls... there am kitties that needs vet visits asap... now they all not in the same house.  My human Mom's family looks after several kitties in different homes. Purrblem am thats Katiez Furry Mewz Not gots enough funds.

I am the oldest kitty and need a wellness checkup furry soon. I sneeze and has runny nose sometimes...we're pretty sure I don't has a cold. Mom don't know if dat from allergies or my teeth needs checking. In fact, I just had to clear my nose just now! I may haz to needs a blood panel to finds out what am causing the sniffles.

Lil Pearl Electra needs another checkup after taking antibiotics for several weeks. Her nasal congestion am only kinda betters...It may be allergies and asthma related. She was scheduled to get seen at Cat Hospital today, but funds kept us from going... and now vet is booked up. We will haz to see another vets or wait til next week. Mom am furry worried about her congestion not clearing up with Baytril (did get over her pneumonia). We haz pawsible foster fur her, and hope change of environment can help if congestion am allergy related and she also needs more attention. Pearl likes to nips when playing and pinch peoples faces... that silly girl really needs to learn some manners!!! Any advice on curbing the nippies would be greatly appreciated... Mom tried mentholatum and only worked a few days... now Pearl nips the mentholatum fingers cause they smell bads!  Mom wants to try supporting good behavior like licking yummy tunas off of hands to see if that works instead.

Maxwell Tigger needs a checkup cause him still gots mild rash and him scratched himself silly and now has a big coin sized sore on hims neck... we not show you da yucky photos, just if you can please sends some greenies so him can gets to vet and get antibiotics and some steroids.. Mom needs help getting his claws trimmed and him gonna has to wears a collar to helps gets well.

Bootsie Woo, who am furry shy and nots likes to gets on the internets much has some kinds of fungal infection. Her stays with Nana. and we thinks dats da rains and musty basements may has sumpin to do wifs dat. We needs some help in identifying dis... and Bootsie needs to go to vets asap and gets medication.  It looks like ring worm, but Mom thought dat should be red... just gots a circle on her tail and two straight lines on her back of missing furs...  The photo is out of focus cause Bootsie nots like to hold still. Her favorite past time is rolling on the floor.

Danny with Foster Mom
Now fur some more mewz dats needs purrz... Furst da good mews fur Silvia and her kitties.  Silvia finished her second day of training at the aircraft tool company...She did really well and only missed a few questions on the written test Howsumever, she did not gets job yet. They really like her and told to wait til the end of August and contact them back. Silvia also reapplied to Kansas Legal Services where she used to work 7 years ago.  Other good mewz am that donations came in to help pay fur rent this week and next week!  And a furry goods kitten was rescued from the Motel parking lot last Friday now named Danny. we show more photos of him later. Here am a photo with his foster mommy. Although Danny's pawrents not been saved....

Mewz fur purrs, Narcisca needs a vet checkup... her am having trouble with yeast infection again and going to potty. The vet wants her to have C/D formula foods that Guero eats. A friend may be able to help with Narcisca go to the vets...  and a terrible thing happened on Monday.  Danny's daddy was hit by a truck.  Silvia and Alex tried to save him, but were too late. All they could do was surrender him to the ER. Silvia's kitties and Mama cat howled and cried... yes us cats know when a kitty goes OTRB!
Danny's Mama

Auntie Silvia is still grieving. We don't have a photo, just a photo of Danny's Mommy. We pray Mommy can be trapped before her gets hurt too.


One more thing... remember Mitchel, the orange kitten and hims mommy Liz Cornish? We mentioned last week that Liz needs help with getting her transmission fixed. Don't have the go fund me up yet... howsumever, Face Book suspended her account!!! Mom am trying to help verify Liz, and pass out the word that this could happen to anyone. Please save all your contacts in case you haz to starts over.

Hickory Hollow Ranch - one of the sanctuary buildings
More furry mewz soon, likes we finally gonna haz internets at Moms house on August 30th Whoo Hoo! no more long updates... and mewz about the bestest Life Care Sanctuary in Kansas, Hickory Hollow Ranch. 

Please if you can helps sends funds so us kitties can gets to vets, you can use the button on the side or just sends a paypal gift to friends at laugh_safely at yahoo dot com.

-Katie Kitty Too
Jr. Repurrter
Katiez Furry Mewz.

Wordless Blog Hop - Black Cat Appreciation Day

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Pix of Pearl fur Wordless Wednesday

You can see her right angle tail tip while her eats her furvarits foods.... Please keeps her in your purrz, Pearl is still having nasal congestion and will needs another check up - her antibiotics are almost done.  Good mewz, we may haz a foster to looks after her.... and her will go there later this week.

More Mewz Furry Soon!!! -Purrz from Katie Kitty Too

Sunday, August 07, 2016

Well Here We Am Again.

Hiya folks...Katie Kitty Too with a real selfie as the junior exec of the computer room at Katiez Furry Mewz. This pose was inspurred by Erin the Cat Princess in her selfie today. As you can see we kinda looks alike, us tuxies do... Tuxie Power!!!

The Mom started writing our blog around midnight, but her was just poopled... tired bumfuzzled sumpins. 

Here I am getting ready to get in Mom's lap so we can finish blogging this afternoon.  We wants to thank all the folks who stopped by to visit last Sunny day, even though Mom and us kitties was just too tuckered out to visit back!  We purmice to visits more furry soons... cause we loves alla yous!

(We dids updates on Facebook. If you gots sumpin else, let us know and we update there too. Blogspot dont likes Moms mobile windows phone and won't let us blog on that. And Mom's pc am at Uncle Mike's where I reign supreme in the computer room. No internets at our house.)

Katie Mom looked back at last post and was wondering who to give the fashion wise bunny rabbit to!  Well there am like four pawsibilities... Virginia of the Poupounette. and three other cat folks on Facebook. Will keep you posted about that...If no takers, will auction it off instead.

Good mews about the car kinda sorta... they put the car back together and kinda fixed the bumper frame, but that was it... Uncle Mike and Katie Mom picked up the car Monday... the trunk leaks water and it rained today. At least the Mom can drive Uncle Mike's car without her lips turning blue...

Yeps, you heards right... brand new car upholstery was turning Moms lips blue and lowered her oxygen levels. If Mom had to drive 2016 Ford Focus rental one more day, she would have landed in the hospital. Did you know that car manufacturers are not required to tell how much toxic stuff is in your upholstery? And no regulations about amounts of furmaldehyde or nuffin!!! Mouses!!! as a certain cat princess loves to say. Seriously, the toxins in new cars are dangerous... what is wrong with humans???
"...these chemicals are not regulated, consumers have no way of knowing the dangers...” - Jeff Gearhart, Ecology Center Ann Arbor, Mich 2012 - Toxic new car smell
More Links: Changes started in 2009 - not perfect (ha)
The 10 Most Toxic New Cars On The Market (2012)

Now I haz to apologize fur the next thing... and the food bowl should apologize too.Wednesday Mom, me and a food bowl collided and something cut open mom's finger. I'm blaming the food bowl and Bossy Tommy Cat who came in my domain and scared me...

That's the official story. Not getting another peep outta me coppers! Me didn't do nuffin...mol. I'm an indoor cat and gots rabies shots otay!?! Mom's finger just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and food bowls can be mean when they break and sometimes nip you. Mom bled alot... afore her slapped dat wound together and treated it with colloidal silver. But her finger swelled ups too. Mom went to ER, was there all night and saw nobody but triage nurse. So she left and went to her clinic when they opened at nine and they butterflied mom's finger... and she gots purrscription for Clindamycin 4 times a day! Lucky for her she likes pills. ptooey! Clinic did not has Tetanus shots. so her went to health department and they wanted $53.00!!! So No tetanus shot... Mom just needs a booster but 53.00?!?! Mouses! Her tried another clinic and they not take bank info fur proof of income... needed benefit letter but her lost that (Mom's tired brain was invaded by fuzzy aliens earlier this year.)

Ifs you am all waiting fur a photo selfie of Guero, here we go!
Him was at the vets when dis selfie was taken on Friday.  Mom had to borrow money to get his blood panel done - $98.
Furry thankful for dat borrowed greenies cause Dr. Vet said with his major surgery and all the meds he had, time to check his blood levels and organs... Furry Good Mewz: All in Good range!!! Whoo Hoo! Way to Go Guero!  Him finally hads some goods pooh too. No throwing ups. Now do stay away from strings... dey nots foods.

Fur Silvia's health though, if you have seen the You Caring updates, her doc found a pea sized lump and she had a mammogram Thursday... waiting fur results... most likely will need surgery to remove... pray for benign. Silvia is so compassionate that her was more worried for Guero...

On the job front, Silvia got a call last week from an aircraft tooling company - she went into interview Wednesday and does a test on Monday (tomorrow). This would be wonderful works cause they need someone in parts ordering that is bilingual. Job would start end of August. We purring for this bestest job. Not counting all our chickens yet, don't let Bear hear me say chickens... Howsomever we gotta to keep rents paid til we finds out and then until her first check... On the short list and they called her! This is even better than the survey job pawsibility.

Now fur a loverly selfie of wittle Pearl with Uncle Mike:   Pearl may has another foster to looks after her... Mom needs to get details sorted out how to get her there. Here in town good. The foster lady am out of town right now at family reunion. Pearl still on antibiotics and sniffling. Her tongue am staying pink and her sure eats alot.  Me sure her am going to be twice my size as a grown up girl! From 1.3 pounds to big kitten needing two hands to hold her... Pearl has come a long way.  Thank you all fur helping Katie Looks after her.

Well weze almosts dones.... Maxwell Tigger still needs purrs though - steroid pills didn't help much. Him gotted Revolution okay. but still gots skin rashes. Mom wondering if it am food related. Her going to stop giving him Sheba canned Salmon for treats and try something else. Me and Max both eat Authoriy grain free so not about grain allergies. We gonna try Dinovite as soon as we gots funds to gets the powder cause it works best and lasts longest.

Mom helped a lady her hadn't talked to in over a year find a temporary boarding fur her kitties overnight, while she found a mew place to stay...(same foster that may be taking Pearl this week) Her was evicted from parents home after Mother died... long story and lots of wrong decisions, still not right what her brother did, selling the home out from under his sister.

And Liz, Mitchel the orange kitten's Mom had her car go kaput... her lives in Topeka so Uncle Mike can't really helps with car. Her am trying to gets transmission fixed. Mom am helping Liz puts a funding campaign together to get the car fixed.... Liz has two beautiful rosaries and several digital photos her am willing to gives for helping with her car...  (60.00 or more fur rosaries and they am worth much more. Please specify which rosary.)
Liz has a new job starting tomorrow! Her car is a 2005 Dodge Neon SXT. $900 before starting on car - no car back til 1800 paid in full. Smith Brothers Transmission: 2647 S E 6th Ave, Topeka, 66607. 785 727 1051. Liz must get to work! Bus, cab or walk 2 miles. Transmission funds and cab fare needed asap for this amazing woman who never gives up. snowbearsmom@ gmail . com to


Weze done mostly fur now... mol. 

The Mom am working on a way that you cans buy photo prints of her photography for any size donation. We will has 6x8, 8x10 and two sizes of Canvas and prints 5x7 and 4x6, and magnets too. These will be hard copies by mail and not digital photos cause photos are copyrighted, and Mom and me will sign the back!

You can picks from National Geo photos or Flicker photos... and just sends a donation to paypal at laugh_safely at with the name of photo and what you woulds like. The Flicker stuffs will has watermarks and aren't ready yet. National Geo doesn't allow downloading from pc, but we founds out there is a glitch on mobile phones, please be nice and don't takes copyrighted materials. More info furry soon at the purple kattery auction blog and on facebook.

Purrz, Katie Kitty Too
Jr. Exec. Katiez Furry Mewz.