Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Bibi and Silvias Mama Cat need purrz

Nana's Bibi
Please keep Bibi in your purrz. She is 15 years old with CKD. About a week ago, she decided to go somewhere besides the litter box and is now been running a mild fever. Hoping to get to a vet tomorrow.  Will keep update furry soon.

Mama Narcisca

Silvia's kitty Narcisca did recieve a puncture wound from the outdoor kitty when she got out on Friday evening. Claw sheath was found embedded in her neck. Now Mama hasn't eaten since yesterday morning and has been running a mild fever. Silvia put some ointment on the wound but not helping that much... Silvia tried to give her an antibiotic but she spit it out.  Please purr that Narcisca will get well and start eating again.

Purrz from Katie Kat


Brian's Home Blog said...

Purrs and prayers to Bibi and Mama from all of us here.

Kitties Blue said...

Sending lots of purrs and prayers to Bibi and Narcisca. Thanks for hopping. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Dash Kitten Crew said...

We send our best love to your sick ones and hope things get better soon.

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Sending love and purrs.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, we hope both kitties feel better soon!

Colehaus Cats said...

Sending our very best soft purrs!

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Oh my, this is the worst of things.... purrs and prayers to you all.... ERin

Hairballs and Hissyfits said...

The trio is sending purrs and prayers to Bibi and Narcisca

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Sending hopes and love to you all.