Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Fraidy Outdoor Kitties Thankful Fur Food

I am furry thankful to find yummy food at Uncle Mike's Patio Cafe.... I am furry shy and won't stay to get in one of the shelters to be warm... I may haz a warm place but I don't want nobody to knows...

Flash thinks him owns the Patio Cafe... so I runs away alot... Please help me to be brave and haz place to gets warm.

Going to be furry cold this weekend.

Thanks, Bye bye, Gotta runs now.

- Mew Kitty Boy.

(Katie Mom note: We're going to call him Bobby Brady fur now... Bobby is shy but wants to be indoors again... we believe he may be abandoned or just left outside vs getting him neutered. 

He is not used to being outside. He finally let me touch him yesterday. We still have two girls in the house that need spayed and Maxwell Tigger is staying in the brother's bathroom where we usually quarantine kitties until we can get them fixed and find them homes. 

Will put his photo up on Facebook, hoping someone will step up and take him in. We can get him fixed in a few weeks, but it is furry cold out and he is too scared to stay in the shelters we have. There is hay in the lawnmower shed where our feral Charlie spent last winter. We haven't seen Charlie in several days... There is also an abandoned house next door that stray kitties use to keep warm.)
We stays in the garden behind Silvia Mom's motel... We am furry thankful fur foods... and the other night, Auntie Silvia gave us catnip toys and we played with them and took them back to the garden shed with us.... We are very fraidy but we wants to finds a warm and safe place to lives... Auntie Katie am asking evfurry buddy on Facebook if they haz a garage or something we can stay in.

Please pray that we will loves foods enough to be caught in a trap and taken to a safer place... 

Gotta run now. 
Bye Bye,
Molly and Siamese Daughter.


Our Bloggie Frindz haz made the Mom cries again... cause her am so furry thankful...
Moneys came in to helps Silvia and Guero, pay Maxwell Tiggers meds and gets Revolution to fights the flea wars.

We haz two Chrissymouse cards dat haz bin mades, we share them on Art on Caturday coming ups. Mom am hoping to gets some emails outs to thank all the KFM Heroes who haz helped us all year long...  Katie Mom has to go now and gets ready to takes Nana to her Doctor appointment. Bye Bye fur now. We go visit all our friendz tonights and tomorrows...

Nose Kisses and Lap Snoozes,
Katie Kitty Too
Jr CEO Repurrsentative
(Certified Eccentric and Ornery)
Katiez Furry Mewz

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop Vision Of Sugar Plums


Brian's Home Blog said...

We are purring and praying. for each one of you special sweeties. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

pilch92 said...

I am praying for all these kitties in need.

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

They are all precious babies!

catladymac said...

Prayers for all your kitties - especially the scared outside ones. (Everywhere!)

meowmeowmans said...

We are purring and praying, and sending all good thoughts your way. Especally for the outside kitties.