Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Happy Easter on Sunnyday...

Purring dat you all haz a joyful Easter Weekend...

From Katie Kitty Too
and Mom Katie Kat
Silvia and her kitties
and all the Katz Gang

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thankful Mewz Cat Therapy For Autism

Guero doing well.
Silvia Mewz Update:
Thanks to the kind person who sent 150 and 75.00 left from the auction means Silvia only needs 75.00 for next week, which will put her ahead since last year.

Silvia is still so thankful to everyone who helped save Guero's life. She is getting part time work and still looking for a permanent position. Her room mate found a reputable guy who needs brickwork and should get paid later this month. My printer is finally up and running - can finally make flyers and business cards. If 3 folks could spare 25.00, would be such a relief.

That way Silvia can have funds for the vet. Kansas wind is bringing smoke from wildfires into Wichita, causing asthma attacks (me too) and Natasha was hacking last night. She may need a shot. Poor kitty passed out from her last attack weeks ago. And just this hour: Paint shop right next to Silvia's motel caught fire. Building is a total loss. To make matters worse all that smoky air is going to get into Silvia's room and may give Natasha an asthma attack. Please keep Natasha in your prayers.

Purrz from Katie Kat.


According to Amy at Love Meow, "A Maine Coon cat Thula and a girl with autism share a special bond. Thula has become her faithful best friend and helps her live her life more fully."

Iris Grace Halmshaw, a 5-year-old girl from the UK with autism who was struggling to talk, express affection and was even afraid of water, found her best pal when her parents introduced Thula the cat back in February, 2014.

From the very first day that Thula met
Iris, they became fast friends. In fact the first thing Thula did when she saw the young girl is jump into her lap and fall asleep.  Then at bath time, Thula jumped right into the water, and Iris took a bath unafraid. Iris Grace and Thula now swim together all the time.

They even make beautiful paintings together. Angelina Jolie even bought one!
Iris Grace and her beautiful work:

To read more of Grace and Thula's Story:

About Cat Therapy and Autism (Links Updated 2025):

This am Katie Kitty Too Repurrting
on the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop
hosted by Pepi Smart Dog

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Happy St. Pats and Furry Good Mewz

The Katie Katz and
Leprechaun Bunny Say
Happy St. Patties Day!

Furry Thankful Mewz Day

Rambo was different: a tiny little Siamese, totally unafraid of strangers, who loves a good pat - that's how she got the surgery she needed and found her furever home with Laura McQuillan, Stuff New Zealand reporter based in Brazil.

Little one year old Rambo was pregnant, but her kittens were all still born. She needed emergency surgery, and a four-day stay in a cat hospital  "for the eye-watering cost of nearly R$3200 (NZ$1300)."

What happened next? Friends, family and total strangers hopped on board to help Rambo out, on a Givealittle page created to fund her surgery. Dozens of people shared messages of love and support, reassuring McQuillan that adopting a stray in a foreign country was a great idea. For more photos and the rest of the story,

Fur Thankful Mewz Thursday,
This am Katie Kitty Too Repurrting

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

CATs of Topeka and Silvia Urgent Update

The Cat Association of Topeka (C.A.T.) is a non-profit organization, no-kill shelter, dedicated to the welfare of abandoned and relinquished cats and kittens. As of May 1995 over 3,100 cats and kittens have been placed in new homes. Even if you are not in Kansas, stop by and check out their website and find out what all they do to help kitties find loving homes.

C.A.T.s has many ways to help support them too, including Amazon Smile, Plus Shopper's Cards and they are an eBay Charity! If you stop by our eBay Store, you will notice C.A.T.s is one of the charities that The Purple Kattery donates to.
The Purple Kattery eBay Store

Here is one of their cuties still waiting for his forever home:

Norbert is a friendly little guy. He is quiet and laid back, and loves to explore. He can be very affectionate and will rub and kneed on you. Head rubs are his favorite. Norbert was featured at

In Other Mewz,
I hope you're all angry like me and can help this week again.

Silvia's roommate was getting paid this week, but the contractor found some excuse not to pay until the end of the month and may not pay even then!

Alex does quality mason work, but this guy wanted sloppy work done quick (in the rain?). Silvia and Alex are trying small claims court. That leaves them needing 150.00 asap.

If we can get at least 75.00, I can help with the rest for this week. Silvia is only getting a few hours cleaning work but won't get paid until Friday. Thanks so much for helping Silvia Espinosa and her kitties. Guero is still having poo wars and not quite healed yet. Gordo still fighting a mysterious fever, yet Natasha hasn't had another asthma attack, thank goodness.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Sad and Glad Thankful Thursday

Furry Sads Mewz Today...
Two furry good Kitties haz gone home

Lexi The Service Cat of Dezi's World (aka Service Cats U.S.) has gone Home this week - Please stop by and let Mom Audra and Dezi know you are purring fur them. You can click on the photo to go there too. Lexi fought a good fight and Mom Audra fought even when she gave up. Lexi just couldn’t go on.

Audra had to be strong enough to let her go and her heart is shattered in a million pieces. Lexi was a service cat to her last breath.

She just couldn’t stop herself and save her strength. Audra's life will never be the same. She will live on in her heart and memories. She’s once again, young and healthy and free of care. Lexi loved with her whole being and gave all she had. Please stop by their blog and help Mom Audra celebrate Lexi's life of service.

The shelter has increased the price of cremation services to $125.00.  Audra Mom does not have enough money. To helps with Lexi's cremation, please use Paypal and send to lexi.dezi at yahoo dot com - Donations will help Audra and Dezi's needs, overwhelming vet bills, plus training and care of a new service cat.

Sweet Little Maddox gave up the fight yesterday afternoon and quietly went Home. Maddox was sitting up on her own around noon and eating with a syringe and Mom helped her express her bladder too. Yet whatever her disease was - just too strong for Maddox's little body to bear. I pray that her foster mom's last paralyzed sweetie came to escort her over the Rainbow Bridge.

Foster Mom Jean still needs help with Maddox's bill.  Jean does not have a blog and she has hidden her FB account for now due to too much heartbreak.

If you can, please consider helping with Maddox's bill which is over a thousand dollars. Just contact Call All Creatures Veterinary Hospital. 8414 W 13th St N, Ste 170, Wichita, KS 67212 at (001) 316-721-3993 and ask to pay on Jean Darby's account for Maddox. ( 
Purrz and thank you for your love,
Katie Kat

Graphic by Abby Renee

When Life Gives You a hundred reasons to cry, Show Life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.

Here are some reasons to smile:  

Yesterday, we asked fur 50.00 for Silvia and 75.00 came in! Thank you soo much. After all the sadness, seeing the donations really lifted my heart.  Silvia may need to take Gordo in to the vet later this week, because he keeps sneezing.  The extra funds will help with his vet visit.

This Kitty Baby found her special home! Nine year old paralyzed kitty girl named Spirit, at New Beginnings for Cats in Illinois, has finally found the purrfect place to live out her years in a real "home." A lady in Maine with a safe haven for special needs pets has room for this pretty girl.

Yet since Spirit is in Illinois, a volunteer named Tracy will be doing a labor of love - traveling many miles with Spirit all the way to her mew Mommy in Maine. Tracy is looking for a driving partner.

If you have time to go with Tracy or know someone who might be on the route and can physically help with food, etc., please contact mylittleforie at yahoo dot com .
Anyone who may want to help contribute to Spirit's journey - please contact New Beginnings for Cats.
(815) 472 4734  /
New Beginnings Facebook Page

This Kitty Found Her Way back to the Boston Police Dept:

Just when officers at the Boston Police Department started fearing the loss of their adopted "SWAT Cat," she returned to headquarters, bringing relief and joy to officers who had been diligently looking for almost two months.

The BPD feared that Swat could have been injured or worse, dead. Boston police officers were so relieved to see their unofficial mascot girl return to headquarters on January 14.

For more SWAT Cat Returns Home

With Thankful Purrz from The Katie Katz


Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Nitey Nite n Purrz Fur Sunny Weather Pleze

Natasha am sleeping... Nitey Nite.

And now fur the really wordy Wednesday update stuffs.
Katie Mom couldn't gets to a pooter - wif so much to doos and Uncle Mike working on her pooter and dat pooter not liking somthin called drivers. 

Mom, I don't see no wheels on that pooter so why it need driver? Uncle Mike am works on dat some mores... Until we gets dat pooter fixed, Mom can't mail out items from auction cause we gots to print shipping labels! We lets you know when we sends out all dat stuffoms you all wonned.

Natasha's turn to talks about stuffs while I hold mom's lap down so her not go nowheres... Natasha am one of Silvia's kitties. - Katie Kitty Too, Jr CEO.

Hi folks, thanks for the intro Katie Too. Guero and Gordo are my Broffurs.

I loves Guero and am furry glad that he not smell like a vet office no more. Thank you so much for saving him. He not got pee wars no more, but he gots pooh wars instead! He gotted all runny on Monday and Mom tried to gives him a pill but he not likes it. Guero doing some better today. I am furry worried bout Gordo. He keeps running a fever and not eating much. 
Mom Silvia am worried too.

Boy was she and me scared yesterday! I been hacking lately, but Mom thought hair balls cause her and Katie Lady not hear wheezy stuffs when they listened to my chest. Then yesterday me start hacking and me gots no air and passed out! Mom helped me breathe again and then she took me to vets this morning. I was scared of carrier and car and vet!!

I no like strange people! And then strange vet man gave me an ouchie shot (prednisone)! They say I may have developed allergic bronchitis, whatever that is. All I know dat windy weather outside musta blew sumpin in here and I no likes it.

Yet I breathing better and been sleepy all day. I been having so hard time breathing that nice to get a good rest. Please keep Me and Gordo and Guero in your purrz. I didn't want to eats much tonight.

Thank you so much for something called an auction that helped some with vet bill and paid our rent last week. Silvia Mom am still gots to pay rest of vet bill soon. Thank you nice human for paying most of our rent this week.

We still needs 50.00 by today! And us kittiez not needs to gets homeless when we sick. We sure could use a real home with fresh air. Can you use the button on the side to helps us? (or use laugh_safely at yahoo dot com in your paypal account) We just gotta haz another 50 dollars fur rents!

Pleze purrz fur sunny weather so my Dad human can stay working. He works outside doing concrete stuffs. If weather stays goods, he can pay our rent next week!

Purrz from Natasha and Mom Silvia.

Katie Too Here again,
Katie Mom am asking
plz purr fur young kitty trying hard to live. Maddox can't move her back legs and may be blind.

Her had an ouchie shot to help get better. Jean, her foster Mommy am hand feeding her. Maddox sat up more today and am eating well from a syringe. 

Jean am holding her purrz till Thursday, hoping the shot helps this kitty. ((The prednisone will not start affecting the PCV-hematocrit for 5 days - Katie))

Maddox is weak but fighting to lives. Jean wants to thank all the cat blogosphere fur praying for Maddox. Any funds are appreciated, yet Jean knows your kitties haz bills too. Maddox bill is over $1000.00 at All Creatures - any help is appreciated.

Call All Creatures Veterinary Hospital. 8414 W 13th St N, Ste 170, Wichita, KS 67212 at (001) 316-721-3993 and ask to pay on Jean Darby's account for Maddox. ( / If you use Katiez Paypal button on the side of the blog, please put a note somewheres so Katie know you wants to help Maddox. 

Purrz fur good mewz furry soon!
Katie Kitty Too, Jr CEO Katiez Furry Mewz
Click the badges below! 

Sunday, March 06, 2016

Sweet Gordo Selfie with Kittens

Once upon a time...

Silvia's Gordo loved his kitty brothers and sisters and was a furry good babysitter.  Mama Narcisca had a second litter before being spayed many years ago.  All the little cuties found forever homes.

Gordo's temp was still a little high last night - praying the antibiotic shot and the vet expressing his anal glands yesterday helps him get to feeling better!  Still praying that Silvia will find a permanent job soon. She is on a list to do event housecleaning at one of our arenas.  Going to need funds to help cover rent this Tuesday - Please pay for your bids at the auction if you haven't done so.

Thank you Morgen for spreading the word for Sweet little Maddox.

Will find out if Maddox is still with us tomorrow and let you all know...

Purrz fur Sunnyday,
Katie Kat and Katie Kitty Too.

Sunday Selfies is part of a blog hop sponsored by The Cat on My Head … if you would like to see selfies of our furry friends, please click here or on the photo.

Saturday, March 05, 2016

Please Pray for Maddox and Foster Mom.

Our Caturday Art is this sweet photo of Maddox, a rescued kitty who is fighting to live.

(I feel awful that this post is so late.
I don't have a smart phone or intnernet at my house. I couldn't get to my brother's house until now. I had promised Jean I would post first thing this morning, but a bar shooting at 2AM blocked me from leaving my home for several hours and I woke up with a migraine...)

Last time I was able to talk to Jean on Facebook was Friday afternoon, when she told me that Maddox may have a neurological disorder. Her red blood cell count was dropping again, and since the vet was unsure what was wrong, Jean could not take her home, because the disease could be contagious.

Something has happened to Jean's Facebook account and I cannot get ahold of her now. I am trying to contact her through a mutual friend.

All Creatures won't be open again until Monday. Do not know at this time if Maddox is still fighting to live or has gone OTRB. 

Last I heard yesterday, Maddox was not able to maintain her body weight and had jaundice. Her PCV was dropping again.  Jean thought she was saving a paralyzed kitty, only to find out that an unknown disease may be causing the paralysis. Poor sweet baby.

The bill to help Maddox is wiping Jean out financially.  Any amount of change that you can give will help.  You can send to my paypal account (laugh_safely at yahoo dot com) with a note "For Maddox.

OR On Monday, Call All Creatures Veterinary Hospital. 8414 W 13th St N, Ste 170, Wichita, KS 67212 at (001) 316-721-3993 and ask to pay on Jean Darby's account for Maddox. (

In Other Mewz:
Silvia's Guero and Gordo had to go the vet on Thursday. 
Guero is still doing good after his surgery - he was checked for a possible bladder infection but was fine!  Thanks to the auction, was able to pay vet visit Thursday of 70.00 and Silvia's rent for this past week.

Yet Gordo keeps throwing up from eating too fast. He has also been running a mysterious fever.  Silvia took him to the vet today for an antibiotic shot. Vet checked for sores and expressed his anal glands which were plugged, bless his heart.

Another 70.00 for Gordo's visit today. Silvia was able to pay Gordo's bill, but that means she will need help for rent next week.  Her room mate does not get paid until the 15th and he is afraid to ask this new boss for an advance - this is the best job he has found since last year. He does masonry and with the nice weather, he is finally finding work.

Gordo Loves Kittens

Silvia sent me more photos of Gordo. He is a sweetie! He loves kittens.

Still have folks who haven't paid their bids at the auction.

Please stop by

The Purple Kattery
and see what you won, then use the button on the side and add some for shipping if you can - Really help us know how much more we need for Silvia's rent next week.

Purrz and Prayerz,
Katie Kat.

Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Guero as Kitten and POTP Maddox Update

Wordless: Kittens in a Box!
(Yes there are 4 kittens in there somewhere...)
(Update on Gordo and Natasha - doing better and don't need to go to vet at this time... Silvia is taking Guero in for a checkup though since he is still spotting blood from his surgery)

Maddox is not doing well. She is more neuro, not able to maintain her body temp and has jaundice. Hoping the test results come in time and that there is something we can do to help her. Prayers are sure appreciated!!

Now for the really Wordy Part - Power of the Paw for Maddox who am a girl! Please share this kitten! My blog does not get much visitors and this baby needs our help.

The techs at All Creatures adore this little paralyzed kitty. Maddox has Hemobartonella which is an opportunist blood parasite. She was so run down from nearly starving to death that the blood parasite overwhelmed her.

Hemobartonella kills. She is on Vibrimyacin which will get rid of the parasite and allow her body to make more red blood cells. And red blood cells carry oxygen. She is eating and fighting to get better. Just need to get over this Upper Respiratory Infection and more red blood cells will help her fight the URI.

She was with over 70 cats outside and starving. She could only drag herself and could not get enough to eat. The folks feeding this cat colony were going to shoot her.

Yet now she is in furry good care and at one of the best vet hospitals in town with a foster mom who knows how to look after paralyzed cats. Foster Mom Jean Darby has cared for paralyzed pets for over 17 years. Jean needs your help to cover Maddox's expenses.  Katiez Furry Mewz was able to send 50.00 yesterday.
Today her oxygen level is up to 23 from 13 from Monday. That means she has more red blood cells! This little girl is a furry fighter! Even a few dollars to help with Maddox's care could mean everything for this little girl! Please help Maddox fight to live!

Please contact All Creatures, (8414 W 13th St N, Ste 170, Wichita, KS 67212) at 316-721-3993 and ask to pay on Jean Darby's account for Maddox. (

Purrz from Katie Kat
(with Katie Kitty Too holding down my arm)
Katiez Furry Mewz.

P. S. If you bid on an item at The Purple Kattery Blog, please stop by and see if you won and pay your bid. the donator will contact you if they need help with shipping. Katie Mom apologizes for being soo dumb and not just writing - please ask about shipping on the posts. Her promise not to be so dumb in the future or I will purrsonally whop her.

Katie Kitty Too, Jr. Ceo, KFM

Check out the links below to Join TWO BLOG HOPS!!!!

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Power of the Paw for Kitty Rescue and Silvia's Cats

Maddox needs your purrz and support to get better

Maddox is the kitty rescued yesterday (Sunday). More photos soon.

He does have neurological damage and a really bad upper respiratory.

This is the info I have from his foster. He is staying at the vets with trouble breathing from upper respiratory infection. His oxygen level is 12 when it should be 35 (measured in PCV or Pack Cell Volume).

Veterinarian examined kitten Monday morning. He has neurological damage from a trauma, yet no wounds found. Foster could not afford the xray to discover anything more. He is incontinent and will need his bladder expressed 3 times a day and his bowel expressed daily. 

He will need lifelong care from a very special adopter.

His danger right now is the respiratory virus really hitting him hard. Maddox is about a year old and has not been able to eat much after being injured. He has been competing with other outdoor cats for food.

Even a few dollars to help with Maddox's care could mean everything for this little boy! Please contact All Creatures and ask to pay on Maddox Darby's account.

Foster Jean Darby could not afford an xray for him. Please Keep Maddox in your prayers. Jean is a special education teacher and fosters paralyzed animals. She has other animals with paralysis. Even though her bill is so high right now, just could not let him die. Jean has cared for pets with paralysis for over 17 years.

Will be calling vet in the morning and give 30.00 - Praying that more can be donated for Maddox from others.


KFM only has so much to give at the moment. Two of Silvia's kids need a vet check up tomorrow (Natasha and Gordo are sick) and this week's rent will have to be paid before all money  comes in from the auction to cover the funds.  Also Guero is still healing slowly - still has bouts of loose stool and surgery not completely healed.  (Still have two kitty sisters who need spayed so they can find homes.) 

February Auction Pawty am officially over!  Please stop by and use the "buy" button to pay for bids so postage can be purchased at a discount online. This can save up to 5.00 in shipping!

Two items donated by others did not get bids.

My items without bids - may place on eBay and see if any good buyers. Will let you know the links for those if that happens. 

Please share Maddox's story.

Katie Kat
Katiez Furry Mewz.