Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Thursday, December 01, 2016

Thankful Kitty Haz Furever Home Fur Chrissymouse!

 Hiya, Angel the Fetch Kitty helping Katie Mom with the Mewz today.  Katie am still getting over the yuckies, so her can't talk much...

Sweet Baby
Yesfurday Katie Mom wrote about catching a kitty at Silvia's motel. Silvia calls him Squirly or Raccoony.  Well Mom and Auntie Silvia was able to gets him in a dog kennel (big enough to put him completely in and shut the gate fast) with a handle last night. Katie tooks him back to her house and him stayed in the kennel and at his yummies. He didn't complain much, just meowed that him was annoyed, but he didn't fight the kennel.
What a sweet boy!

At midnight, Katie Mom tooks him to where him furever Daddy works. He had a van so the kennel fit in the back seat furry snugly. Then him went home to Winfield, Kansas to meet hims furever Mommy.

Here's what hims furever Mommy wrote:

Quiet Boy


He seems to be a friendly guy, and let us love on him last night. We didn't get to bed until around 3:30..... 

Ricky in Mew Home
Hims mew Mommy sent us a photo!
Her might keep hims name, Ricky Raccoon. The kids have thought of some cute names too...He loves his mew home already! Meowry Chrissymouse, Ricky and Happy Gotcha Day, December 1, 2016.

We wants to thanks all the furry peoples helping us and Silvia finds home fur her outdoor kitties so her can feel rights about leaving the motel to stay somewheres else and gets ready to move to California. 

Two more kitties needs to be caught and taken to a forever place, Molly and her daughter. Molly may be pregnant again - so she will has to go somewheres that can looks after a fraidy Mommy cat and help socialize her kittens then get her spayed. 

Siamese Daughter

The mom wants to send thank you Chrissymouse cards to every furry one and hopes you all don't mind if they are sent in an email... our budget is too tights this month and that ways you all gets thank yous afore Chrissymouse.  

We still gonna send surprises... you never know when you gets them! That's gonna be the fun part.

Purrz from Angel the Fetch Kitty
who am furry thankful to has a foster Mommy.
Jr. Repurrter
Katiez Furry Mewz


Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Have a purrfect new life, sweetheart!

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Yay for Ricky!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was really great news for the Ricky! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Deziz World said...

Dat's so pawsum 'bout Ricky. We're so happy fur him. And we're glad fur da foster home. We're sendin' purrayers.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

PeeEss: We never have green papers, so everythin' goes out via email. :)

Dash Kitten Crew said...

If everyone helped animals as you did there would be no abuse and no animal shelters.

We are thankful to know you and wish we had money to give you to help.