Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Sunday, December 09, 2018

Selfies from the Past and Remembering Flash at Hanukkah

Hiya Furry Friends, Chiquita here having a nice Easy Sunnyday selfie and the last night of Hannukah be tonight. Katie Mom am doing much better from last Sunnyday - turns out may have been an allergy to seasoning or sumpin in the food her ate.

We are doing flashback selfies as this selfie of me was taken on 2017 8th of April. Hanukkah today we remembers Flash who went over the Rainbow Bridge May 2017. Hanukkah 2016 was Flash's furst time to celebrate Hanukkah and him asked lots of questions...

So without purr-thur adieu stuffs, Here am our Flashback from Hanukkah 2016, furst posted here on 2016 31 of December:

>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<

... At the Secret Ninja Hideout where all the Mewzers meet from different family locations...
Katie Kitty Too
Katie Kitty Too Finished helping Mama blog and jumped down from the computer chair. Her went to join the singing practice fur the last night of Hanukkah.

Flash the Hero Cat
Today, Flash the Hero Cat was joining the Mewzers and him didn't know much abouts Hanukkah so him kept interrupting with questions....

 Katie Too Started the Mew Song...

On the First Day of Hanukkah my True Love gave to me...

Others joined in... A Picture of Judah Maccabee!

Flash: Wait... Who is Judah Maccabee?

Angel the Fetch Kitty: Is he the guy who Whacked Bees with Hammers?

Katie Too: No! Judah Maccabee saved the Jewish People from the mean King Antiochus Eppiphaneez...who wanted to sacrifice a pig at the temple.  Judah Maccabee and hims brothers fought the Greeks and made them go home. Then they rededicated the temple and found oil for one day to light the menorah, but it lasted 8 days!Judah was called The Hammer, that's what Maccabee means.

Angel: but Joey said he whacked bees.
Lulu and Joey

Lulu: Yep that's what Joey said.
Joey the Nike Cat Hero, Flash's half brother: Oh, I thought his name was Judah Whackabee.
(Joey snuggled with Lulu, waiting to sing again)

Angel: Can we whack mousies when we done singing?
Katie Mom: sure... lets start again.

On the Second Day of Hanukkah, my True Love gave to me, Two Matzah Balls and a Picture of Judah Maccabee!

Flash: What are Matzah Balls?
Katie Too: That's like a dumpling made of flour and cooked in chickens. Bear likes chickens.

Lil Bear: but Joey said they were bouncy balls that didn't bounce.
Katie Mom: Depends on how hard the dumplings are... On to the third verse. 

 On the Third Day of Hanukkah my True Love gave to me, Three Sufganyot, Two Matzah balls and a picture of Judah Maccabee!

Flash: What am Sufganyot?
Bootsie Woo

Bootsie rolled around on the floor and lost her kippah again: Dats yummies fur humans with jam and stuffs.  Dey eats dats in Israel at Hanukkah.

Lil Bear
 Lil Bear: But Joey said sufganyot was soup to go with chickens in it for the bouncy balls that don't bounce.
Katie Too: Joey!!
Joey: Sounded better than jelly. Unless am catnip jam...

Katie Mom: Sufganyot and matzah balls are not in the same dish, Joey. Okay, on with the fourth verse.

On the fourth day of Hanukkah, My True Love gave to me... four potato latkes, three sufganyot, two matzah balls and A Picture of Judah Maccabee!!

Flash: Okay, what are potato latkes?
Maxwell Tigger
Maxwell Tigger: That's potato pancakes and they taste goods with tuna.
Lulu:  Joey said they were potato latch keys made to open the door to the cat food closet.
Joey: or to the tzedakah box - the giving box fur donations and stuffs.

Katie Mom: Joey, you can't make keys out of potatoes... Fifth Verse!!

On the Fifth Day of Hanukkah, my True Love sent to me...
FIVE GOLDEN GELT!!!  Four potato latkes, three sufganyot, two matzah balls... and a Picture of Judah Maccabee!

Flash: ummm... what are gelt? (wondering what Joey has to say this time)
Joey: oh that's just money made of chocolate... we can't eat those.  Now if someone would make them out of cheese...

On the Sixth Day of Hanukkah my True Love Sent to me... Six dreidels spinning, FIVE GOLDEN GELT, four potato latkes, three sufganyot, two matzah balls... and a Picture of Judah Maccabee! 

Read from Left to Right
Flash: What are dreidels and they spin? Sounds like fun
(Now Flash had Joey's attention. He sat up excitedly)

Joey: Yes they are lots of funs... They are spinning tops and when humans spin them, you can chase them til they fall over. Dreidels in America have the Hebrew letters Nun
Gimmel Hay and Shin which stands for Nes Gadol Haya Sham. (typo fixed), that means A Miracle Happened There. In Israel the Dreidels have a Pay letter instead of Shin for  Nes Gadol Haya Po, A Miracle Happened Here.

Flash: Where did Dreidels come from?

Joey: Well tradition says the game started as a way of memorizing Torah when reading Torah was outlawed by the Greeks, yet the game really didn't start then. There am a good site to reads about that.
Katie Mom: Let's finish this song and then we can look at the website.

On the Eighth Day of Hanukkah my True Love Sent to me
8 candles glowing, 7 Golden Menorahs, 6 Dreidels spinning, FIVE GOLDEN GELT, 4 potato latkes, 3 sufganyot, 2 Matzah Balls... AND A PICTURE OF JUDAH MACCABEE!

Oreo and the Hanukkiah
Flash: Okay, I really like this song... one more question. The menorah is a candelabra and has 9 candles for lighting. There are eight candles for the eight days of Hanukkah. What is the ninth candle for?
Kitty Menorah

Oreo: That candle is called the Shamash or servant candle and lights all the other candles in the Menorah.

Flash: Thank you everfurry one fur letting me sing with you!
Now Joey and I must be off to save the worlds before the Mew Year!
   (Flash and Joey run off at the speed of Light to finds hero things to do to saves the worlds, one kitty at a time.)

>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<

Thanks so much fur joining us on Flashback to Hanukkah 2016... We still miss our Dear Flash the Super Cat who was killt by evil minions wanting to take over the world...  


Purrz from Chiquita who wish she could have met him.

Sunday, December 02, 2018

Furry Orange Kittens Update and Mom am Furry Sick

Hiya Furry Peeples!  Chiquita here helping the Mom fur Blogging today.  Just figures though that I finally gotted her up reelly early to gets a blog post dun and her was sick!!  Her throat am all swollen up and don't know why - plz purr fur our Mom. Might be strep. Her has to do lots of talking at work as a telephone interviewer and was going to gets a really goods amount of hours this week. and now her can hardly talk.  Thank you fur you purrz and stuffs.

Now abouts those furry five orange kittens from the last post! Here am some more Furry Goods orange Selfies!

Kittens crawling all over Katie Mom

Kitten & Lady who came to pick them up
Well the lady who losted her mommy cat, she kept one kitten to loves and Katie Mom kitty-sat 4 kittens until a rescue picked them up... They just visited fur one day. The Mom found out that three are boys and one seems to be a girl. And her decided the girl was Halo as suggested by Bella Dharma in commints in last post in the photo of the kittens in blue tub! They are 5 weeks old and the boys are over one pound, but the girl was only 15 ounces, and all her wanted to do was sleep in Mommy's shirt! 

They was only with us fur one night and then a wonderful lady from a rescue called Wichita Animal Action League picked up the furry sweeties and tooks them to one of their fosters with lots of room until they are big enough to get fixed and find furever homes!

Here am the four orange kittens under the Christmas Tree at their mew foster home.

We sure hopes they all finds the bestest furever homes fur Christmas and the Mew Year!

Purrz of Loves and Stuffs,
KFM Sunday Selfie Newz 


Sunday, November 25, 2018

Orange Orphaned Kittens Need Your Purrz

***We inter-purrts our regularly scheduled Sunday Selfies...*** 
Look who need furever homes fur Christmas!!
Katie Mom am furry sads that their Mommy died mysteriously recently.

They are 5 weeks old and this am their furry furst group selfie and dey will need names too!

 The Lady they belong to said we could see them tomorrow. We were possibly going to see them this morning - that's why we hadn't posted yet. They won't be staying with us, they just visiting until a rescue picks them up.

Speaking of colds it am snowing here today so we are not going out on the covered porch with all the frosty snow there... brrz.

And the Mom am staying home from work cause we only gots old scrap truck fur transportation today. The car that Uncle Mike and Mom used to take Giselle and her kittens to Manhattan broke down last Sunday, just two days after the trip! We now need to buy another car. Both cars are down fur the count (the other car was totaled in accident July 4th with Mom driving- other car ran red light).

Good Mewz though about our former foster kittens! Natalie at Cattails Rescue told the Mom that Giselle's kittens - all the Cheese boys, (Cheddar, Colby, Pepper Jack) and daughter Heather found furever homes at Petco Manhattan, Kansas yesfurday!! If you haz Facebook, you can see a video of Cheddar who can Haz Cheezburger toy. MOL Cheddar and Hims Cheezburger. To reads about Giselle's kittens who are not pictured here, please see Giselle and Kittens Posts

Dats all fur now... we will keep you posted about this latest develorpurrment. 

Purrz from Miss Peach and Chiquita,
KFM Sunday Newz

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thankful Fur You Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing all our furry friends and family
a very warm and thankful 
Thanksgiving Day!!

Thank you fur all your purrz fur Gigi and Narcisca.
Both are doing betters...

See you this weekend with more furry good mewz... 

Purrz from Katie and 
The Katz Gang

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Friday in Manhattan Kansas Kittens in Carriers Selfies

Heather and Colby
Cheddar and Pepper Jack
Katie the Mom helped us take our selfies just before we went into the K-State Mobile Vet unit in Manhattan, Kansas... on Furry Day - 10 o'clock Friday Morning.

Now we are at Cat Tails Manhattan getting loves and yummy foods... We will be fostered furry soon to help us keep socializing til we visit Petco where we will wow the sockies off uf evfurry bodies who meets us!!!  Please purr fur us dat da bestest furever mommies and daddies find us furry soon!

Please purr fur our Mommy Giselle who is Katie Mom's mew kitty. Giselle needs checked cause her mammary glands are too full...  Purring that her not has fever and stuffs. Katie Mom wants to take her to vets fur checkup.
Purrz from Giselle's kittens
and Katie the Foster Mom. 

From Katie the Mom:
Please keep Silvia's Mama Cat Narcisca in your prayers. She has quit eating and has become lethargic.  She needs checked to find out what is wrong...

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Tomorrow Am Giselle's and Kittens' Big Day

Hiya furry friends and humans, Katie the Mom here
Tomorrow I will be transporting Giselle and her kids to Manhattan, Kansas - two and half hour drive to the KU mobile vet unit to have their operations and shots. Please keep us all in your purrz for the drive there and successful surgeries.

Cheddar, Colby, Pepper Jack (PJ) and Heather will stay in Manhattan with Cat Tails Manhattan to find their furever homes... 

Giselle (Gigi) will be coming back to my mom aka Nana - Mom is still missing Bibi - yet her house is just too empty with out a fur companion.

My camera phone is still acting oddly - hopefully soon will be able to afford a new phone.  Today will work on getting some new photos of the kittens - they have really grown. The kittens will be 11 weeks old this Sunday. Will share those photos this weekend.

We are so thankful that the motel owner gave us Gigi and her babies day after Labor Day - miserable rainy September 4th to save their lives. Looking forward to seeing how they do at Cattails Rescue Manhattan where another foster will look after them until they find their furever homes....

How sum ever to get the car ready for the trip two tires had to be taken care of. One bald and going flat every 8 hours - had to be replaced. The other was not holding air - slow leak. Went to U-Save Tires yesterday morning - very honest business that shares everything they do before they work.  Come to find out that the tire not holding air had a nail and rim was too dirty to make a seal. 

So far the cost to get car ready for trip tomorrow was 93.53 - money was borrowed from a donator and has to be repaid back. And the right rear keeps making a squeaky noise that needs checked tonight - been making that noise since the brakes on that wheel were replaced a few weeks ago.  Please purr we find out the source of that noise! If it is the shock - will have to wait to change out until back from the trip and when funds are available.  Well we will talk to you later - hopefully from Giselle's purrspective on the whole ordeal. 

We sure need your purrz for this life-saving trip - and if you can help with repaying our gracious friend who let us borrow emergency funds, you would be a part of something wonderful - saving five precious lives abandoned and homeless on a rainy day Labor Day Weekend.

Purrz from Katie and the Katz
Giselle, Cheddar, Colby, P.J. and Heather

(Please make donations to paypal at laugh_safely at yahoo dot com - thank your so furry much for your loves and support)

Sunday, November 04, 2018

Giselle's kittens love to play

Hiya internet peeples. Did you see one of my kittens whizz by behind me? That was my daughter Heather. She and Cheddar have two speeds - full speed ahead and stop. Even tho it am Blog Blast fur Peace Day, Furry hard to get kittens to stay calm and peaceful furry long!!!

Yet they am furry goods and Katie and I am purring that they will finds wonderful loving and caring homes.

Yes they loves to play and make messes with paper...

Would you like to see some photos of my kittens playing?

They just can't get enough of wrestling with Katie's blue jeans.  From the upper left going clockwise, Cheddar, Colby and Pepper Jack on top of Katie's leg.

Heather and Cheddar love to wrestle.
Pepper Jack aka P.J.




Thanks fur stopping by... Please keeps me and my fur kids in your purrz... Very soon we will be going to Manhattan, Kansas for shots and getting fixed. My babies will stay there to find mew homes. I will be coming back to Katie's Mom so her will not be lonely without Bibi.

Giselle, aka Gigi.

Please keep Chiquita in your purrz, Her rash started reappearing two days ago... just started diminishing her prednisone down to half a tablet every other day. Had to increase the dosage back to half tablet every day. I hope this is food related. Will look for a single source protein food for her. -Katie the Mom.

This is the Sunday Selfie blog hop!!
(we don't have the code to add the hop to the bottom of our post. Please click on the blog hop photo or the link to join the hop!)