Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Silly and Beautiful Kitties Post
Lulu (top kitty) and Joey vying to get out of the bathroom at the same time.
Joey isn't showing any symptoms at all from his odd ordeal the other day.
He's back to his playful clowning self.
Annie by the living room window. Isn't she beautiful?
My vet had an open house on Saturday.. forgot my camera - They had set up some stuffed animals on the surgery tables and it was really fun and informative. While at the open house, Dr. Johnson graciously gave me deworming meds for all four kittens for the price of one kitten. He also let me place flyers at the reception desk. He's also interested in seeing my artwork and possibly displaying it on the wall!
From my vet's website:
"WIllowbend Animal Hospital was
established by Dr. Michael R. Johnson in August of 2012. Dr. Johnson
and his staff understand that since our pets cannot speak for
themselves, the veterinary health care team must speak for them. We
believe that each pet deserves the opportunity to enjoy optimal health.
We view each patient as a unique individual, in regard to their
personality, health and lifestyle. Every patient deserves our best, all
the time. This philosophy impacts and dictates everything we do."
I gave the kittens their de-worming meds Sunday night. They all seemed to handle it really well. Annie's tummy doesn't seem bloated now and Little Laura gained some more weight too.
Doobie and Annie May hung out together the other day, just walking around the house side by side like Doobie was just a big kitten, sniffing things and looking for something to do. Soo cute. Last night as she trotted past him, I asked Doobie if he liked Annie. He moved his head toward her to lick her back and licked the end of her tail instead!
Well, longer blog post later... Gotta get these flyers ready to mail to other vet clinics in town. Please purr for the kittens and for uncle Doobie that they find their forever homes furry soon.
Katie Kat.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Thankful Thursday Kittens and Stuff
Joey relaxing hours after he spent the morning limping on his hind leg. Since I only heard a blood curdling yell and no other noises, wish Lil Joe could tell me if he fell and banged his hip or just got the worst leg cramp in kitty history.
He sure scared the heck out of me!!! I was crying and so worried that something horribly awful had happened. After I updated how Joey had started walking and jumping around, I love Fuzzy Tales comment, "We're sure this is a huge relief--take a deep LOL." That night he had a growth spurt which might point to muscle cramps and growing pains. According to some websites, cats can have leg cramps just like us people. Anyone know a kitty that has had muscle cramps?
Joey does have the longest legs and is very long waisted.
So is his sister Lulu.
So is his sister Lulu.
Lulu was the only one who relaxed on the scale. All her siblings wanted back down!
Annie was 3.03 and Sweet Little Laurie at only 2.13. (playing with boxes yesterday in the living room)
Everyone gained a little weight since Saturday before last and all four were doing great with no upper respiratory symptoms until last night. Now Joey's having some yuckies in his nose again. Good thing Dr. Johnson gave me a second box of Clavamox (two Saturdays ago). This box isn't mixed up yet so it will be fresh. In spite of this slight set back in Joey's URI recovery, will be concentrating on finding these four kitties furever Mommies. There are several very good Vet clinics;to send flyers to - hopefully this week.
And Doobie is doing really well after his neutering... his digestive system has calmed down too. Now a week later, he is having normal bowel movements for the first time!!! I am so thankful that I can finally concentrate on finding Doobs his very own forever home too.
Here he is resting last Thursday evening, after his surgery.
The vet's assistant at Spay and Neuter of Kansas thought Doob's name should be Hoss! Well he actually lost a pound after the surgery, but he might have gained it back. I still think of him as Davey the Brave, big goofy sweetheart...he loves watching the kittens and wants to play too.
Purrz n more Stuffs later.
Katie Kat.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Joey Update - Running and Jumping now.
He's still favoring his leg, but he's running and jumping around now... not as fast as he usually does though.
Thank God. What a relief. Will keep you posted.
Katie Kat.
Thank God. What a relief. Will keep you posted.
Katie Kat.
EMERGENCY UPDATE - Joey just hurt himself
First two good updates:
Doobie was neutered last Thursday and is doing really well, save now I think he is constipated versus having loose stool.... working on that...
Lulu had another eye exam on Saturday: her eye is looking really good. She has a scar on her right eye that will make vision blurry, but thank God she didn't loose it. Dr. Johnson said as bad as the scar was - she was on the borderline of loosing her eye. Thank you so much for your purrs and support for Lulu.
Joey hurt himself. The kittens were in the bathroom where they stay for the night. They hadn't been let out yet to run around in the living room... I heard a horrific yell from the bathroom. Went in and found Joey unable to put weight on his left hind leg. He refuses to walk on it. I picked him up and checked his leg. The leg moves and he doesn't cry out. He may need X-rays.
Thank you.
Katie Kat.
Doobie was neutered last Thursday and is doing really well, save now I think he is constipated versus having loose stool.... working on that...
Lulu had another eye exam on Saturday: her eye is looking really good. She has a scar on her right eye that will make vision blurry, but thank God she didn't loose it. Dr. Johnson said as bad as the scar was - she was on the borderline of loosing her eye. Thank you so much for your purrs and support for Lulu.
Will take him to see Dr. Johnson if Joey doesn't improve.*****
Will take him to see Dr. Johnson if Joey doesn't improve.*****
Joey hurt himself. The kittens were in the bathroom where they stay for the night. They hadn't been let out yet to run around in the living room... I heard a horrific yell from the bathroom. Went in and found Joey unable to put weight on his left hind leg. He refuses to walk on it. I picked him up and checked his leg. The leg moves and he doesn't cry out. He may need X-rays.
Thank you.
Katie Kat.
Monday, July 08, 2013
Updates on Lulu and Kittenz
Look at who am opening her right eye!!!
Thank you for all your purrs and special thanks
to Karen Alcorn who kindly sent some funds to help with the kittens' vet visits.
So thankful that Lulu won't lose her eye. This photo was taken at the vets on Saturday.
She still shies away from bright light and there is a white spot in her cornea where the ulcer is healing. All the kittens are still having runny noses so Dr. Johnson prescribed more clavamox for the next two weeks. They will have another check up on Saturday the 13th.
Also Doobie Davey is getting nuetered on Thursday. Hoping that will help calm his tummy. Doobie and Lil Joe were playing Sunday evening... So funny. Doobs rarely does anything save sleep and ask for catnip. He has no idea what toys are for.
At first, Doobie just watched Joey run all over the living room. Then when Joey jumped at his Uncle Doobie, Doobs just looked at me like he thought Joey was crazy. So I said, "Doobie, Joey just wants to play, honey. Remember what play is? Did you play with your sister?" Doobie got this "oh!" look on his face and started playing tag with Joey! And he was really gentle too. Too bad I didn't get a photo... well maybe next time.
Saturday's vet visit cost $70.12
The two visits before cost $185.46 for a total of 255.58
The emergency Vet visit for Joey was 153.00 (via care credit card)
So far the kittens vet expenses have come to 408.58. (This isn't counting food and litter and stuffs like that...)
Karen Alcorn graciously sent 25.00 to my paypal account - rec'd 23.72 with a note that said, "With love from Tasha, Buddy and Angel Gypsy (with Mum Karen) @ http:\\" In Gypsy's memory, will be drawing this photo of him:
After the donation, had $24.38 in my PayPal account. $24.00 of the donation was applied to the kittens vet bill, while the .38 cents went toward the donation made for Marigold's auction. (Item # 39) Sweet Marigold's mom can be found at
After the donation, had $24.38 in my PayPal account. $24.00 of the donation was applied to the kittens vet bill, while the .38 cents went toward the donation made for Marigold's auction. (Item # 39) Sweet Marigold's mom can be found at

And More vet visits to come for the kittens. They all still need FIV/FLV testing, de-worming, kitten booster shots and spayed/neutered.
Just an FYI... since Dr. Johnson isn't able to accept Care Credit, the 255.58 came out of funds budgeted for buying a new cell phone to keep in contact with my disabled Mom (my current one is dead... thanks Samsung for selling a defective phone) and property taxes for my house, which were due two months ago.
I'm looking into setting up an account at which doesn't charge for receiving funds. If anyone has info about the site, please let me know. In the meantime, the Paypal "donation" link still works...Any bit for the foster kits would help so much...
Purrz of thanks from all kittenz and katz,
Katie Kat.
Thursday, July 04, 2013
Happy 4th from Uncle Doobie and Auntie Katie
Dis am Uncle Doobie and Auntie Katie Too purring dats all our Furry Friends has a safe and Happy Fourth of July!
From alla da katz at KFM
Katie Kat
Katie Kitty Too
Maxwell Tigger
Bootsie Woo
Bibi (Nana's Kitty)
Da Foster Kitties who needs furever homes:
Sammy & Miri; Tommy & Jordi
Jazzpurr, Boo Boo Bear & Toby
Uncle Doobie Davey & hims nieces n nephew:
Lulu, Laura, Lil Joe & Pattie
& their Mom n Dad who need TNR: Georgie (abandoned outdoor kitty) & Yubie (Davey's feral sisfur)
& their Mom n Dad who need TNR: Georgie (abandoned outdoor kitty) & Yubie (Davey's feral sisfur)
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
Monday, July 01, 2013
Monday Movie Lulu Kitty Update
Dearest Friends of the internets,
Dis Am Doobie Davey repurritn about Weekend Happenings.
My niece Lulu am doin sum betters. Hur investigated bouncy ball and dangly
cotton drawstring belt thingy by herself on Friday nite.
On Saturday, her went to Willowbend Vet Clinic wif her brofur and sisfurs. Dey all gotted bigger now and all weigh a half pound more
den dey dids last week!
Da Doctor Vet checked Lulu’s right eye and said da ulcer am
healing, but wif a scar on her cornea.
Da scar looked pink so dat means it am healing. But Lulu no likes bright light. Dat hurts to looks at light so hur stay in da
carrier a lot cause it am darker in dere.
Her likes to sit in da Mom’s lap and cuddle. Da Doctor Vet said to keep putting meds in Lulu’s
eyes bout 3 times a day. And him gave the Mom sum lysine stuffs to give to in alla kittens to eats to keeps da herpes virus away.
Here am Kittens at da Vet's Second Visit.
Annie crawls under the cabinet ledge. Furry Funny.
Kitty girls run into carrier when Vet Assistant opens the door.
After da vet visit alla da kittens hads a long naps. Sunnyday Lulu camed outa da carrier more! Me gonna keep purring fur Lulu to get all well. Lulu needs another check up next Saturday.
I gotz newz bout me too.
Da Vets am testing mai poops cuz dey gets smelly and runny. Me sorry Mom. Well dey bin real smelly frum corn so Mom
tried Corn free foods, but dat not help too much. Just smelled better. So dis weekend Mom let me eat sum Iams Kitten
foods cuz it got sumpin called probiotics in it. So I hopes dat helps my tummy feel better and
not have da runs alla time. If dat helps
din Mom gets me sum big boy Iams foods (dey gots probiotics too) for me to eats wif mai
corn free food. Duz any cats know good
stuffs for sensitive tummies like mines???
Doobie Davey.
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