Right now Silvia is thankful that she got Guero to the vet in time...

Right now, that means unless Silvia gets enough housecleaning done this week, there may not be enough money for rent this coming Tuesday.
Silvia picked up Guero about 11am CST. She just texted at 2:38pm "Guero in pain, but drowsy from anesthesia. I got bill there showing all procedures. Bladder was full. I hope he doesn’t need to go again or will have to go to ER. Guero had shots and catheter procedure..." Not winning the Pee Wars today. Texted just now. "Guero hasn’t gone yet. Vet said if no progress by tomorrow nite - will have to take him to Vet Emergency Hospital for catheter flush only. Mucus in his urethra."
I only have so much money in my credit card funds to cover an ER visit... just not there. Please pray and share...
Please keep Guero in your prayers. And share on social media. We need funds by tomorrow.
If anyone could help with an auction, I have several items to start with.
Will keep you updated. –Katie.
Purrz, Katie Kat.
Silvia and Guero
Ronnie, Natasha, Narcisca and Gordo.
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