Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Guero Needs Your Prayers Now and Help

Guero Needs Purrz and Prayerz - Guero started having problems again yesterday. Silvia had to take him back to the vet this morning to have a catheter so poor Guero could express his bladder.

Right now Silvia is thankful that she got Guero to the vet in time...

Cost of Vet Visit: $225.00.  Because check came in from working at HR, Silvia paid half of bill and a longtime friend and his Mom helped pay the rest. 

Right now, that means unless Silvia gets enough housecleaning done this week, there may not be enough money for rent this coming Tuesday. 

Silvia picked up Guero about 11am CST. She just texted at 2:38pm "Guero in pain, but drowsy from anesthesia. I got bill there showing all procedures. Bladder was full. I hope he doesn’t need to go again or will have to go to ER. Guero had shots and catheter procedure..." Not winning the Pee Wars today. Texted just now. "Guero hasn’t gone yet. Vet said if no progress by tomorrow nite - will have to take him to Vet Emergency Hospital for catheter flush only. Mucus in his urethra." 

I only have so much money in my credit card funds to cover an ER visit... just not there. Please pray and share...

Please keep Guero in your prayers. And share on social media. We need funds by tomorrow.

If anyone could help with an auction, I have several items to start with.
Will keep you updated.  –Katie.
Purrz, Katie Kat.
Silvia and Guero
Ronnie, Natasha, Narcisca and Gordo.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Simply Wordless with Joey and Lulu

(Brother and Sisfur, Joey and Lulu would like a forever home together)

Purrz of Thanks to all who purred and helped Silvia pay her rent yesterday... She has two job interviews today... one for church receptionist and one for a paint shop office help. More updates furry soon.   Please pray and share for rent money next week. -Katie and the Katz.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Urgent Need For Silvia Today And Opt to Adopt

UPDATE:  Good Mewz! Silvia now has 120.00 toward rent for today! Only 30 more dollars needed.  Thank you so much!  She goes to the new house to clean tomorrow and rest of the week.  Silvia also has 2 interviews this week: one as a church receptionist and the other for office help. Thank you for all your prayers for Guero. He did not have to go to vet yesterday! Hooray - so far Guero is winning the Pee Wars, just like Brian at Brian's Home! Gordo is doing better too, he coughed up some ginormous hairballs. Bless his heart - nothing serious.  

Purrz and Prayerz from Katie and Silvia.  
Please share! Almost there for Today! 

Silvia loves her fur babies and would do anything for them...

It is for her kitties that this fundraiser is so urgently needed until she has steady income. Because of ice storms yesterday, I was stuck at my house with no access to the internet, no smart phone and couldn't post an update... 

Just found out that for past 3 days, Gordo has vomitted off and on. Sent message to Silvia asking about Gordo. And thank goodness only hairballs!  Mol!

There is only 35.00 for rent today!! Only need 115.00 more dollars.

If money comes in today, I can use my PayPal card to pay. Silvia has to have rent by this evening. 

Please, Please share. 
Thank you so much... 

Katie Kat, Silvia
And her fur babies, 
Gordo, Guero, Ronnie, Natasha and kitty Mom Narcisca.

 About Pixie:
Pixie is not in the shelter, but in foster care. Please call (N/A) to learn how to visit her! "Hello! I'm a very sweet kitty that LOVES attention, but only when I ask for it. Don't worry, I'll be sure to let you know when I'm ready. I LOVE to play - wand toys are my FAVORITE! I also like to play with water from the faucet and try to bite the water - I'm so silly!
Web link is (Link not available)
Since: November 14, 2015

Here are some wonderful inpurrational cat graphics to share - from my Twitter friend, Nutmeg's Crew.  Most are courtesy of several different organizations that help save kitties.
Feel free to share and please give credit.  - Purrz from the Katie Katz.

Courtesy Protecting Animals Through Changing Humanity

Courtesy of Foundation For Homeless Cats

Courtesy of No Kill Coalition

The dogsnpawz Tuesday’s Tails blog hop is hosted by Dogs N Pawz and Talking Dogs and features shelter pets. Find a pet at your local animal shelter or rescue and join us!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Sunday Selfie with Sammy and Silvia Update

(Sammy hasn't shown up here in a while... furry shy, quiet, pretty boy living in a "secret Cat Cave" with his sister Miri.)  

A long times ago (2010) in a bathroom not so far away...

Auntie Katie helped me take a kitten selfie...

Here am new selfie...didn't want one.


No sorry.   No more photos... 

Okay one more, then. 

Hard to believe I will be 6 years old next year sometime in June.  My Gotcha Day sometime in July... cause my brothers and sister and I were born to a smart feral mama who brought us to eat where Auntie Katie could finds us!  My sister Miri and I still wants forever home together. 

Please purr fur us in the the Mew Year and all the Katie Katz who need forever homes as soon as pawsible... Auntie Katie will writes about all of us Katiez Katz in the Mew Year to help us finds homes and fosters so we not haz to go to kill shelter and mean cages where we will get sads and mads and not find homes and go to Rainbow Bridge.

Purrz and Kisses fur the Mew Year.
Sir Sammy Purrzalot.
(Auntie Katie said dats Katiez Furry Mewz blog am almost 10 years old!! We talks bout dat in 2016)


Silvia and Guero Update: Apologize for the late update - been several tiring days.
Hope everyone had something joyful to remember for Merry Christmas Day! 

Yet because of the holidays and now weather this weekend, Silvia has not been able to do more cleaning the new house to get it ready for sale... She should be getting some money from HR Block soon, but still need 125.00 for rent by Tuesday.  

Guero had to go back to the vets Christmas Eve to have his bladder expressed, no charge though! He is doing very well the past few days, thanks to all the purrz and prayers! The weather here in Wichita started turning bad yesterday with rainy cold, then sleet. Freezing today and supposed to snow later on. Please pray that Silvia gets called into work at HR Block in January or she gets to do more housecleaning this coming week. 

-Katie and the Katie Katz
Silvia, Guero
and all rest of the kittiez in need
(Narcisca, Natasha, Gordo and Ronnie)

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas Cats Vs Christmas Trees

Cats Vs Christmas Trees...

Who won?
CATS of Course!
 O Come All Ye Faithful - Kitty Addition

Meowry Christmas
from Katiez Katz and
Katie the Mom
@ Katiez Furry Mewz


As you cellybrate Christmas,
please keep the blogging kitties and doggies
and their famblies
who am sick in your purrz.

Guero had to go back to the vet yesterday to have his bladder expressed.  He will be going back on Monday for another cortisone shot... 
Silvia, Guero's mom and all us kittiez at KFM are praying that Guero will not need surgery. 

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Mostly Wordless Guero at the Vets and Save a Life in NYC

Guero hiding before his shot....

So thankful he didn't have a blockage - just needed a shot....

Silvia's fund still needs 135.00 for the vet bill... Will keep you posted if she still needs funds for rent next week...
Purrz from Silvia and her Fur Babies

Benjamin Lil Bear Here... helping mom type by occupying her arms... I really loves napping in Mom's arms while she at the 'pooter... 

We wanted to tells you about a funding going on that am furry impawtant and will save every cat on Death Row in NYC's highest kill shelter tomorrow on Chrissymouse Eve!

The Mom sent all her Christmas Money to save the babies... 

Even if you don't has much, fur every dollar you can donate - 3 more dollars will match yours!  Can you send a little something to save a life tomorrow - the bestest Christmas purrsent ever?

- Purrz from Katie Kat the Mom,
Benjamin Lil Bear and all the saved Katie Katz...


"Hudson Valley Animal Rescue (a 501c3 non-for-profit organization located in Poughkeepsie NY.) is very active in the rescue community. We have saved over 600 animals from just one "kill shelter" in NYC this year. We also take in animals from shelters in the South and from the public as well. Every holiday season on Christmas Eve it has been a tradition for us to rescue all of the cats on the "Death Row" list from the high kill shelter in New York City. 

This year an incredibly generous donor is offering to match any donation we receive up to $5,000. On top of that the company she works for is willing to match up to $5,000 as well! This means that for every $1 you donate- HVARS will receive $3! With your help this holiday season we have a chance raise up to $15,000 to help save the “Christmas Eve” cats and many others.

Please consider giving up just one cup of coffee or tea and use that couple of dollars to make a small donation. Those dollars wont make much difference sitting in your wallet but they could mean the difference between live and death for a needy animal if you send them to HVARS. Every little bit counts. 

We are so grateful to have been given this opportunity. All of the money that you donate will go straight to vetting, feeding and general care of the cats/dogs that are still waiting to find homes. As well as the renovation of our new facility so that we have the ability to rescue even more animals in the future!"

Please share with everyone you know in hopes that we can reach our goal! 
Thank you, we love you all! 

- HVAR Staff

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

URGENT UPDATE Need Power of the Paw

**UPDATE** got back from the vet - (forgot to mention earlier that Guero had thrown up this morning as well as howling in pain...) 

Vet found no blockage in his urethra! Thank Goodness! He was able to express all of Guero's urine. He gave Guero a cortisone shot - $35.00 - no office fee. Found out that Guero saw the vet assistant yesterday and received a duo shot of Convenia (antibiotic) and dextromethorphan (cough med for humans). Apparently Dextro can be used to suppress more than coughs, but is short acting and did not help the swelling.

Last month, Guero was given a Convenia shot and Depo for his UTI. Basically what has happened: As soon as Convenia was out of his system, infection came back.  If the UTI comes back again in 12 days, vet will give him a different antibiotic. 

Praying that this UTI can get vanquished and Guero won't need an operation to open his urethra.

Katie Kat
and Silvia, Guero's Mom.


First of all thanks so much for all your support of Silvia and her kitty kids...

We have enough funds to pay rent today, plus 25.00 over.

Yet now we need the power of the paw for Guero.

Silvia Espinosa's cat Guero got sick again with bladder/ urinary tract infection over the weekend. She took him to the vet yesterday with a friend - vet gave him a shot of depo and antibiotic. He felt better until last night and started getting worse. 

She texted me early this am.  All the other cats are upset with him and he is trying to pee everywhere. Will be going to vet in about an hour... Please pray. I have some credit to pay the bill..(I only have 160.00 in credit... I pray the bill will be less than that.) until funds come in from You Caring. Please, please pray for Guero. 

Thanks so much, will update later today. 
(don't have a smart phone - will update when back at pc)

-can anyone make a badge for me???

Mom Katie

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Doobie, Joey and Moggy Christmas Video

Hiya, Doobie and Joey here fur Selfie Sunday with Cat on my Head-
AND Black and White Sunday with Dachsund Nola
The Mom camera am being bad sooo we show you photos from last March... 

Here am Joey snoopervising the Telly vision... me thinks Family Feud abouts chicken strips... has to be about chicken club samiches... what else could dat be? - Doobie

Doobie that's not... oh never mind.  yes Chicken... should be chicken.  Doobie and I are watching bird TV - Joey, the Nike Hero Cat, who know bout these things... (we dont owns nike- Joey has a checkmark on his back that turns him into a super hero - we'll show his adventures sumtime... )

Doobie:  Another Photo taken while we was watching birds am on National Geographic... (2019 Update: website no longer exists) Dat photos gots 27 favs!

The Mom and us decided to show moofies til Chrissymouse!  Now on wif dat show!  

Dis here moofie am from Sainsbury's, a grocer in England that the Dad goes to... He buys Sainsbury's shepherd's pies and the chocolate he sends to the Mom... we haven't met the Dad cause he's stuck in England and we're here in Kansas.  

Mog's Christmas Calamity by Judith Kerr.... and Sainsbury's. Dis sooo goods! But we don't wants to spoil the ending....  We loves Mog. After all we am tabbies too!

Mog sets off a chain of unfortunate events
which almost ruin Christmas for the Thomas family.
Can she pull it all back to save the day? 

See Wasn't dats sooo goods??? The Mom gotted teary eyed. We loves Mog!

Now fur short update abouts our friend Silvia and her kitties....   
Silvia's Ronnie
Well we don't know yet if my mom Silvia has the job at HR Block fur sure... howsumever, Silvia has been cleaning this new home to gets it ready fur sale.... but instead of giving her some moneys this weekend - she gots a mew vacuum cleaner!  We was going to email secretly dat vacuum cleaner gotted broke so she wouldn't know we was raising funds fur dat... but now her gotted a Bissell Power Lifter.  Hooray!

Howsumever, we haz 110.00 dollars for rents on Tuesday instead of the vet bills... that means we need 40.00 for rent, and another 110.00 for vets. 
And then we see how fings go for the last week in December.  Please help us purr that the work on house cleaning will be steady for a few weeks and that the HR Block job comes through or another steady job as soon as pawsible.

(Link Update: You Caring Website No Longer Exists)

Purrz and Kitty Hugz
Katie the Mom,  Doobie, Joey
and the Katz Gang
AND our Friend
Silvia and her kitties: Narcisca, Natasha, Gordo, Guero and Ronnie

Friday, December 18, 2015

Oreo and the Furry Good Catmas Tree

Hiya Furry Blogging Friends!

Finally, the Mom gots the Real Chrissymouse Card!

This am Oreo wifs our Finally Finished fur real and not Beta Meowry Chrissymouse Card! And no, the Mom didn't draw those kitties. They came from MS Picture It 2002. (yes we use that... mol - still works!)

The Mom just emailed our cards to a gazillion emails! Howsumever if fur sum reezon, you didn't gets one, please feel free to copy this one fur your Chrissymouse page!

The original "Oreo Says Hello" can be found at My Flickr Album (Copyrighted)

We hopes and purrz dats u haz a furry Meowry Christmas!  

And especially for those who haz lost a loved one or a paw baby,
We purr that the Mew year will bring the joys of unexpected Miracles...


And now fur sum Furry Friday Fun!
A Furry Good Catmas Tree with Cole and Marmalade. 


Thank you soo much to all who have helped Katiez Katz
this year with greenies when we really needed them.

Some of you dats helped this gotz a snail mail Christmas card wifs a furry one of a kind lion drawing made just fur you!!!  Please let the Mom know when you receive it.

If you helped this year and didn't get a snail mail card by Chrissymouse, please let us know by emailing laugh_safely ats yahoo dots com.  We may not have found your address in the paypal records. 
The Mom would love to draw a lion fur you too.

Thank you all so very much for your continued
support of Silvia and her kitty kids

We have some furry good mewz, yet still need mewz fur purrz...from the Power of the Paw... 
This week is paid! And there is 110.00 toward next week's rent or toward paying the vet bill, depending on how much Silvia needs for next week's rent.   

She is getting paid for HR Block training, yet not sure if she will be among those who are finally "hired." And she started cleaning the new home yesterday and will work more on getting it ready this weekend. 

The good thing is the contractor who built the home will be able to pay her quickly, while HR Block will be later...  Yet if she doesn't get hired on with HR Block, Need to find steady income for January. 

All the kitty kids are doing well - Please pray that income will be available in January for steady work and that a real place to call home will be found.

 Praying for God's blessing on you and yours too!   

-Katie, the Katie Katz and 
Silvia, Narcisca, Natasha, Ronnie, Guero and Gordo.  

(P.S.  I have enough funds to cover the Paypal that all your donations go to Silvia)

Monday, December 14, 2015

Mancat Monday Oreo and The Menorah

Hiya Furry Friends,  

Oreo here.
The mom found our Menorah and lit candles last night the eighth night of Hanukkah (2nd of Tevet, 5776).  I had to investigate of course (I'm privileged you see) - hey Mom that's too warm!  Time to get down afore dem candles singe my whiskers!

Here is another version in blue hue.... 

the original is at (National Geographic Your Shot site no longer exitsts)

2015 Hanukkah beganKislev 25, 5776

Our Menorah was made to look like the one in front of the Knesset in Israel

The Knesset Menorah is at the edge of the Rose Garden across from the Knesset building, a work of the Jewish English artist of German origin Benno Elkan (1877 – 1960). The sculpture is 4.30 meters high, 3.5 meters wide, and weighs 4 tons. 

The main theme of the work depicts the spiritual struggles of the Jewish people and it is engraved with the passage “Not by strength and not by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord who rules over all” (Zechariah 4, 6).  

The Menorah includes engravings of biblical figures and events from the tradition and history of the Jewish people. The engravings on the six side branches of the Menorah portray the fate of the Israeli people since exiled from our land and engravings on the center branch portray history since the beginning of the return to the land and until the re-establishment of the State of Israel. 

Chag Sameach! Happy Holidays
L'Shana Haba a b'Yerushalayim!
Next Year in Jerusalem!

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. May they prosper who love you.
-Psalm 122:6, KJV 

Update on Silvia. Still need a hundred dollars by tomorrow.  Silvia said she has until 9am Wednesday to have money.  She hasn't been able to get going with training due to some hold up on her user ID.  She went to the office this morning and seems like part of the problem has been that her tablet is blocking due to security settings! Although she "passed" tests she has taken so far, this office of HR wants top testers. The manager was very encouraging however and said to just concentrate on training and don't do any more tests until the end of December.

She still has the opportunity to clean this new home to get it ready.  I hope she can still work on 
that home too. 

Please help us make tomorrow's rent.  She has a friend that lets her borrow his car - he might be able to pay rent for next week, but not tomorrow.

Sending out eCards furrry soon to all who have helped Katiez Katz this year and especially to those who have helped Silvia.  /  Thank you so much!

Today, sending out some Snail Mail cards to donators this year with one of a kind small paintings of my wide eyed lion... look like this one but in color - all signed and labeled 1 of 1.  Only found so many addresses though.  If I don't have your address - will ask for it in the eCard email.

More info in an email to all of your who have been helping with funds for Katiez Katz... Purrz and Prayers,

Katie Kat, Oreo @ Katiez Katz.
and Silvia, Natasha, Narcisca, Ronnie, Guero and Gordo.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Caturday Hanukkah and Christmas Art

Hiya Everyone, Oreo here. I let Mom borrow my photo to makes some art.  

Our Caturday Art today am our
Hannukah and Chrissymouse cards!  Mom couldn't decide which one, so here they are... You kin copy and paste them to your blogs.  Mom made one with Laura Belle who gotted adopted last year at Christmas too.

On this 7th day of Hanukkahs, 
Weze gonna share the Mom's Favorite song sung by her favorite artist... Marty Goetz who came to town earlier this year to remember the passing of a wonderful woman named Annette Hedke who died in an accident on Mom's birthday.

Ma'oz tzur yeshu'ati,
Lecha na'eh leshabe-ach.

Tikon beit tefilati
Vesham todah nezabe-ach.

Le'eit tachin matbe-ach,
Mitzar ham'nabe-ach

Az egmor beshir mizmor
Chanukat hamizbe-ach

(repeat last two lines)

Rock of Ages, let our song
Praise thy saving power.

You amidst the raging foes
Were our sheltering tower.

Furious, they assailed us,
But your armour veiled us.

And thy word broke their sword
When our own strength failed us.

(repeat last two lines)
Purrz of Meowry Hannukah and Christmas full of joys and miracles...
- Oreo Robin William.

Now fur a update on Silvia and the kitties from Mom
All the cats are doing well, yet Silvia needs our purrz for the training at HR Block. She applied for customer service rep versus tax preparer job because been too long since she took tax prep classes. 

The CSR positions are full, yet a position might open up and she is on the waiting list. 

In the mean time, she has done some tests for the Tax Prep job from the library computer and then from HR office, but her scores were low. She is waiting for her log in ID and will come over to borrow my computer when she gets it. She was given temporary one, but it's not working.  I'm hoping she can come over this weekend and I can help her study, but she may have to go to the office and sign in from there.  She may not make the cut for the Tax Prep job.  I am praying that  a position opens up in the customer service and that the training is easier to pass.

However, the job to clean the brand new home is ready... She can start cleaning the basement.  I'm finding out when she may do that work.  Best part of the house cleaning job is they will pay her sooner than HR Block.

Thank you to all the kind souls helping Silvia make it this Hannukkah and Christmas!

She still needs 100.00 by Tuesday for next weeks rent....  Please keep Silvia and her kitties in your purrz for work. (You Caring Fundraising site no longer exists)

- Purrz from Katie and the Katz
Silvia and Her Kitties.