Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday Mewz Kitten Am Safe and Silvias Kitties

Four Month Old Grey Kitty am SAFE!!!
Here is a photo of the grey kitten that was going to be shot for being sick!  He was mad when put in the carrier, yet he is safe now!  He will be looked after by a lady who am furry good at helping sick kitties... Will keep you posted about his vet visit.  We think kitty am a boy... will be able to find out fur sure now.  The rescue people am hoping that he just needs some antibiotics and not something really bads... If you can helps with his vet bill, please use the paypal donation button on the side and puts a note that you want to help this kitty.
Tasha Been Hacky Wheezin

Also, Silvia is taking two of her kitties to get vet check ups. One of her kitties has been running a fever and the other sounds like her am wheezing. They both may have kitty colds.

Howsumever, Guero am doing furry well, but still some light bleeding. Katie Mom am going to ask her vet if that am normal.

Also, Silvia has an interview with a temporary job service today. Please keep her and her kitties in your purrz.  If you could spare some funds for her kitties vet visit, would really be furry thankful.
Gordo been running a fever.

In other Mewz, the auction is over today! Please hurry and make any final bids on stuffs by midnight CST tonight.  The Tiger Bracelet am closed for bids as that am already paid for.

Please go to and use the buy button on the sidebar to pay for your items... Shipping on some items must be paid to donator.  Katie Mom will start sending out emails to lets you know what you won and if you needs to helps with shipping costs.

More Updates Furry Soon....

Katie Kat
and Katie Kitty Too, Jr. Ceo
Katiez Furry Mewz

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Heavy Hearts and Urgent Mewz Help Save Kitten!

Angel the Fetch Kitty here for Selfie Sunday Blog Hop. / Lots to Pray about today and urgent mewz.
Angel practices her laser focus

Katie Mom has not been able to blog until today - her computer  am fried... (waiting on a mew hard drive to re-install the operating system and use former hard drive as secondary to prevent loosing files.)

On Thursday, a man went on a shooting rampage at Excel Industries in Hesston, KS - killing three people and injuring many others.  Of those who died - Josh Higbee was a friend of Silvia's - Guero's Mom. Josh used to do maintenance at the motel where Silvia is staying. Silvia is still in shock from losing her friend. Yet she is still was able to get to a job interview on Friday. Please pray for Silvia and all those mourning their friends and families.  She still needs funds for next week's rent.

Right now, Katie Mom am trying to help save a stray 4 month old grey kitten who will be shot! Yes shot if he is not rescued today! He is having trouble seeing and limping. No photos yet.

Funds are needed to take the kitten to the vet ASAP... please help by using the paypal button on the side of the blog. Where this kitty will go is still being sorted out. Katie Mom may have found someone to take him long term...

The Auction at the Purple Kattery needs to end earlier than planned.
Due to needing funds to come in for Silvia's rent for next week, auction needs to end tonight at 12pm - CST vs tomorrow 12pm CST.  Please stop by and check it out today.
Yet due to short notice because the Mom couldn't get on a computer - will still take bids tomorrow if you hurry, especially on items without any bids!  Anyone who has already bid, if you would like to pay early to secure the item - Would be greatly appreciated!

Howsumever, some of the items donated by Katiez Furry Mewz may need help with postage, even if the bid says included.  If that is the case, Katie Mom will let you know... and we apologize for that - postage has gotten higher.  Probably only be a few dollars more though.

***Please go to the auction and use the buy button
on the side so Mom can get discount on shipping
by making postage online.

Here are the high bids so far: 

BID SUMMARY (Click on Item #)
Item #1  Book: Why Do Cats... and Crochet Toy Bonus
          The Poupounette Gang 10.00 Bid

           Timmy Tomcat  12.00 Bid
The Poupounette Gang 15.00 Bid

Item #2 Genuine Percheron Draft Horse Shoe
           Catnip Lounge - 35.00 Bid

Item #3 Book: Courageous Cats Compete 
             Marty the Manx 6.00 Bid
             Timmy Tomcat 8.00 Bid

Item #4 Holiday Kitty Wooden Rubber Stamp
             Timmy Tomcat 5.00 Bid

Item #5 Girl's Silver Plate Purple Heart Watch
            Us Three Coons: 7.00 Bid

Item #6 Silver Plate Hand Made Purple Necklace Earring Set
         Dash Kitten 18.00 Reserved
          (auto win, unless she wants to play bid wars...mol)

Item #7 Silver Plate Handmade Blue Necklace Earring Set - No Bids

Item #8 Pewter Folk Art Cross Pendant
         Celestial Kitties 5.00 Bid

Item #9 Gold Plate Book Mark Chain Cross Dove
       Dezi'z World - 5.00 Bid

Item #10 NSAL Flannel Blanket
Reserved for The Poupounette Gang -thank you for all your donations!

Item #11 Avon Tuxedo Kitty Charm Pink Ribbon
      Marty the Manx: 10.00 Bid

Item #12 Crochet Kitty Bed
        Sandy I 15.00 Bid

Item #13 Crochet Sardines In A Can
        Marg's Animals - 5.00 Bid

Item #14 Silver Plate Tiny Kitty Charm
              Katie Isabella  7.00 Bid
              Hannah and Lucy 10.00 Bid

Item #15 Pretty Kitty Charm Bracelet
              Celestial Kitties 8.00 Bid
             Timmy Tom Cat 10.00 Bid

Item #16 Books 3 Cozy Mysteries 
        Cori Stanley (FB) 15.00 Bid

Item #17 Vintage Hand Made Doll by Dash Kitten - No Bids

Item #18 Hand Made Bracelet by Dash Kitten
          The Pouponette Gang - 12.00 Bid

Item #19 Black Coin Purse Red Rose - No Bids
Item #20 Small Pink Kitty Knit Sweater - No Bids

Item #21 Gold Kitty Pin
          Celestial Kitties - 8.00 Bid

Item #22 Large Red Heart Pendant from 
ML (Cat Blogosphere)
                Kit Kat 11.00 Bid

Item #23 Avon 1994 Vintage Dragonfly Pin - No Bids

Item #24 Avon Tiger Charm Bracelet
     15 and Meowing - 11.00 Bid

Item #25 Jade Hand Made Pendant from ML (Cat Blogosphere)
     Cats of The Wildcat Woods 10.00 Bid

Item #26 Hand Made Butterfly Earrings by ReliArts - No Bids
Item #27 Two Porcelain Jester Dolls with Stands - No Bids
Item #28 White Kitty Ceramic Napkin Rings - No Bids
Item #29 Four Genuine Uncut Amethyst Gems - No Bids
Item #30 Hand Made Silver Purple Stone Pendant - No Bids

Thank you one and all fur your purrz and support.


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Katie Mom's Computer Video Died Last Night

(Katie Mom can't use her computer... the video went kerplop.
Was hoping the monitor had passed away... nope. The onboard video finally went OTRB... RIP dear video. May you find an angel kitty to whap you... Still have auction items without bids, please share with your furry friends.

Silvia was able to pay the rent this week. Thank you soo much for helping her and her kitty kids, especially Guero. The Mom was going to make Silvia some business cards, but her pooter went kaplooey. Please purr for Mom's pooter... all our photos are in there.
not really Katie Too - just looks like her

-Purrz, Katie Ann Kitty Too,
Official Junior CEO and KFM Spokescat,
"Certified Eccentric and Ornery")

Here am wordless Wednesday photos late. From Ellie May and the Snacky Mouse

Create With Joy Link Up

Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday Mewz Angel Still Looking Fur Home

Angel visited a pawsible home on Friday (vs. Wednesday as mentioned in previous post).

Angel spent the night. The people liked Angel furry much, but the other kitty did not. He was too territorial. The other kitty stressed Angel out too much and she had to come back to Auntie Katie's home.
Angel is still looking for her forever home... She loves to play fetch!

In other Mewz, enough funds came in last week to help Silvia's rent! Thanks for all your purrz and support of Guero after his surgery and Silvia, his Mom.  Just need 50.00 more for rent this week.  Silvia is checking with temporary services too for work.

The Valentine Pawty Auction still has many items without bids! And many mew items have been posted too!  

Donated by Dash Kitten

Please stop by and see what we have
or Donate a Mew Item to the auction.
(All bids are final on February 29th. Auction winners to be posted on March 1.)

Purrz, Katie Kat
and Katie Kitty Too

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Chewy Purr View and Taste Test by Angel The Fetch Kitty

We Interrupts This post fur a Furry Urgent Announcement!! 

Silvia, Guero and Kitties have only 25.00 in donations for this week! 125.00 short... 

If money doesn't come in by tomorrow, the motel has a right to kick them out....and Guero is not even well yet! He just had his outside stitches removed yesterday, but more are healing inside.

Right now, Silvia owes money to her employer for helping with Guero. I only have enough funds to cover paypal fees.... laugh_safely at yahoo dot com - please send a message if you can help but don't have paypal... Silvia will be doing some work tomorrow - may only pay abt 50.00...

Folks who have already bid on an item - you can send money now to keep another kitty from snatching it up! Or if you donate now, comment on an item you would like and get it reserved for you! Just lets the Mom know in your comment or by emailing her. 
Please see:
We now return you to the regularly scheduled purr-gram:
Disclaimer: Angel was not compensated for her Purr views, all opinions are her own. The Mom was given the products by Chewy in exchange for fair reviews.

Angel the Fetch Kitty here... and me soo glad to be feeling better!   ME NEEDS A FOREVER HOME....

Me get to visit forever home tomorrow! Please send purrz and prayers that I will like this lady and her fambly. This furry nice lady has a kitty and 3 boys. She has been waiting long time to meet me. She loved  my video on Face Book showing how I play fetch.

 Before visiting tomorrow, Let me tell you bout the purrducts me tried from!  Me gots to try three things that the Mom picked out and one that we weren't expecting.

The three things were (links no longer available at Chewy):
Temptations Snacky Mouse Cat Treat Toy
Ziwipeak Good-Cat Venison Fish Jerky 3 Oz
Orijen Lamb FD Cat Treats 1.25 oz

The One we weren't expecting but glad to try too:  Vetrio Perio Plus Cat Treats 60 Ct

Mom read at Chewy that these treats "have been designed to encourage compliance." They are supposed to help with plaque control and fresh breath. "These tiny bites have two delicious layers that represent a targeted and hassle free delivery system to support cats’ dental health in between cleanings."

They smelled goods, but I had trouble biting into these big treats. They were not really "Tiny Bites" like the info said. Mom had a very hard time breaking one up and I only ate one....  

Mom checked with some kitties at other KFM locations and they thought the same thing... They smell good, but hard to bite into!  Some kitties ate a piece that Mom broke off, but played with the "Big Bites" untill they fell on the floor...

Angel's Purrview: 
Dearest Chewy, thank you for letting me try these treats, even if I could not bite them.  Dearest Vetrio Science, please fix Perio Plus Cat Treats so they are more in compliance with kitty mouths and Human fingers... Please make them biteable and more tasty.

Now for the TASTE TEST:
First Thing Mom let me try Ziwipeak Venison Jerky and they were good.
Second, The Mom let me try Orijen Lamb Treats and they were good too.

Yet I really liked one more than the other... as you can see in this taste test photo.  Mom put both open bags on the counter. I jumped up and ignored one and went crazy over the other!  Me apologizes for jumping up before Mom had time to get both packages with the labels forward!


Now Fur The Funs!
Since Temptations has corn in their ingredient, I didn't get to try them, although some other KFM kitties thought they was delicious.  Howsumever, the Mom filled the Snacky Mouse with Orijen Lamb Treats and I had fun rolling Snacky Mouse all over the place until I gotted all my treats out and ate them!

The next day, though - I decapitated Snacky Mouse... mol and hid his body for ransom. Mom finally found his body and put it back together.

Angels Purrview of Temptations Snacky Mouse: Dearest Chewy, thank your fur my mew toy!

Dearest Temptations,
please consider taking corn out of your snacks so that more kitties can eat them. I loves the Snacky Mouse, he is very fun, but easy for smart kitties to take off his head. Yet that adds to the fun sometimes too!

Disclaimer: Angel was not compensated for her Purr views, all opinions are her own. The Mom was given the products by Chewy in exchange for fair reviews.



Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentines Selfie Sunday

Happy Valentines to all our Furry Friends
Still Birthday Cake Left!

Please stops by
Our Valentine Auction Pawty!
at The Purple Kattery

Katie Mom started the auction instead of selling on eBay cause we wants our friends to haz first dibs on all kinds of stuffs we don't needs no mores!

More Stuffs Needs donated too and Katie Mom will be posting more stuffs all the time!  You can talks to mom about donating by emailing laugh_safely at yahoo dot com.

Silvia and Kitties Update!
Sweet Guero will be going in tomorrow to get hims stitches out.  Silvia says, Happy Valentines from me
and all my fur kidz!

Guero Says, Thanks for all your help so I could has my surgery... please help me to get well and Silvia Mom and my kitty fambly not be homeless...

Silvia has been working part time, but with all Guero's new needs likes expensive food, she needs help with the 150 dollars for rent by Tuesday... And several of our friends who have been helping now have their own kitties who am sick and need our purrz too, and can't help this time, even though they want to... Can you help in their place? Please see below.

All folks who donate funds while the auction is running, please leave a comment on a bid item you want - it will be reserved for you and then just pay shipping!

So keep checking back... or ask Katie Mom what you might be looking for - we probably have that or can get it! The Mom has so much stuffs - her don't know what to do with it all... just writes to laugh_safely at yahoo or leave a comment bout what you would like the mom to find for you.

Please use the donates button on the side of the blog or send funds to laugh_safely@yahoo dot com and use the friends option so all your moneys goes to helps.

Spread The Loves on Valentines Day
Please check in on our friends who have been helping with Silvia and Guero, and now must help their own sweeties

Sweet little GENJI of The Poupounette.

He just received a very serious diagnosis and is needs of all our urgent purrs and prayers!
Right now he must stay in the care of the vet, and is not at all used to being alone and away from home
please visit to share your words of care and support and wish them all well. Thank You so much!

Brian's Sisfur, Precious is 14 and needs our purrz to keeps up the good fight of life, you can read about how she is doing here...  Precious Update 

More Loves to Spread
We just met C.J., who got a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism. C.J. is 15 years old and needs our Purrz. 

Purrz and Prayerz from all the Katie Katz on Sunny Valentines Day

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Caturday Valentinez and Crochet Am Auction Art

Crochet Fishy, Ball and Chicken Leg by Ellen Pilch

Us kitties at Katiez Furry Mewz Thinks that Crochet am Arts!
Especially from
our Dear Friend Ellen
of 15 and Meowing

  Here am the photo using Corel Paint Shop Pro XI, "Time Machine," Cross Processing Technique circa 1960's


Cross Processing is a photography technique that creates unique color effects by mismatching film and chemicals to develop the film. For example, this effect can be achieved by processing slide film in chemicals designed for color negative film.

Ellen Pilch Has donated some furry cute Crochet Toys
and a Book for our Auction starting tomorrow on Valentine Sunday at!

The Mom am already posting up stuffs too.

Us Katiez Katz am gonna haz a Valentine's Auction
Pawty all Month Long!!!
And evfurry Paw ams Invited!

Auction Will Help
Silvia's Guero and
the Kittiez of Katiez Furry Mewz
Lots of jewelry, pet related items and cat themed fun!
We even gots A Genuine Horseshoe already!

Come on Over and Join the Fun!!
Please feel free to copy and share the graphics below. 

Happy Valentinez Weekend

With all our loves,
The Kittiez of 
Katiez Furry Mewz

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Thankful Thursday Guero and Auction at The Purple Kattery

Hiya! Angel Here and I am soo thankful that my bitey wound am much better.

So now I can tells you that we will talks about our Chewy Products on Chewy Tuesday Blog Hop next week!

Oz the Terrier and Golden Woofs will be hosting a Chewy Blog Hop on the third Tuesday - be next week - we going to join in on the fun!

And the Mom hopes to let me visit a pawsible forever home next week too!

We am also thankful for Guero making it through hims surgery... although he still needs purrz. Seems hims tummy doesn't like the new foods he has to eat now... him having trouble making solid deposits in the litter box and Mom Silvia has to clean hims legs after he empties hims bladder.  Thank you for purring and praying for Guero and hims Mom Silvia.  She is still looking for a permanent job and even went to an interview yesterday for a housekeeper position at Holiday Inn Express.  So thankful that there was enough moneys for rent this week (100.00 in donations came through this week and Silvia could pay the rest).

And we gots to tell you that the Mom am starting an Auction this weekend to take care of our kitties in need We don't has a graphic yet, but we hopes to get one made by tomorrow. Today, Mom has to take our Nana to a doctor's appointment.

There will be lots of jewelry and pet related items and cat themed fun!   Stay tuned!
Items should start being posted by Saturday February 13th.

If you have an item you would like to donate to the auction, please send an email to laugh_safely at Please put the word "Donation" in the subject line.

You can find out more about the auction from this linky

Purrz from Angel the Fetch Kitty.