Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

A Three Kitty Rescue Caturday Sunday Plus

Hiya Evfurry Buddy,

Lots of interesting Mewz today... including a scary surprise at the end... be sure and look out fur the scary selfie!!!

Started writing this blog post yesterday morning about 8:33AM CST, on Caturday Art Day. Had to finish today. Yesterday morning, headed out to Leon, Kansas, taking two cats to be boarded at Hickory Hollow Animal Refuge, a no kill ranch. Stayed out there til late in the afternoon, then off to buy cat food at Costco and look after kitties and family.  VERY  IMPORTANT: HHAR doesn't have a current website. (Contact info to a "Michelle" on Wix page found by web searching can not be used to contact HHAR as that manager was dismissed for animal abuse and shooting dogs) They do have a Facebook Page that needs updating. 

Didn't have much sleep Thursday or Friday nights.  Been several hectic days since Molly helped blog on Wednesday. Had a friend contact me Thursday that she needed help getting her two cats to Hickory Hollow asap. 

HHAR Building where new kitties stay
This is the sanctuary mentioned in Blog Post August 24. Working on getting a website up, coverage in social media, and finding ways to raise funds and spread the word about cats and dogs needing homes and need for volunteers. The previous manager Michelle dismissed for animal abuse also blocked anyone from getting into their computer. HHAR needs computer tech help creating a database, a website and sanctuary history - that's where I can help!

Lost Ginger Baby Girl
Wednesday night a sweet docile cat showed up at Silvia's motel with two collars, small baby, ginger girl. Getting beat up by the other stray cats. Had to come get her Thursday late afternoon.
Docile, sweet little ginger girl about 6 months old was wandering around Silvia's motel lost and crying. Searching for her owner and will check for microchip...

Lost Ginger Baby Girl
Praying she is not abandoned. She is staying in my laundry room, for now.  Could use some help figuring out what her name is!!!!

Even with dangerous cheap flea collar, she still has fleas. Will need to get her Revolution ($18.00) which means cats at my house will need to be treated (another $36.00) and Ellie May can not have flea drops at all -  what gave her neurological problems in the first place. Needing $54.00 for flea meds. I will flea comb as many as I can out of the ginger baby's fur.

Ernesto left, Maria Right
Thursday afternoon, a friend contacted me and asked if I could help get Gentle Ernesto and his housemate Maria to Hickory Hollow Animal Refuge. Maria was getting spayed at Augusta Animal Clinic that afternoon and wanted to know if I could take Ernesto for the night and help her take cats to the HHAR Friday, but I have no room.
Long story short, Ernesto and Maria were boarded at Augusta Animal Clinic until Saturday morning. Their mommy had a last minute home care assignment with her job and could not go up their with me. Mommy Sheila used to go to bible studies of a friend of mine who was hit by a car last year on my birthday (Feb 5 2015). Sheila could not keep them in her living situation and Hickory Hollow said they could take them in.

HH is paying for Maria's spay Thursday and Katiez Furry Mewz helped board the kitties at Augusta Animal Clinic until brother and I picked up them up and brought them to the Ranch yesterday. KFM Paid 32.00 boarding Ernesto only. Maria's bills paid for by HHAR.  Would love to be able to pay HHAR back for Maria's spay = 75.00. 

KFM's budget is almost non-existent going into November... Too many kitties needing help at the same time the end of this month, plus extra money went to my front screened porch getting repaired and painted before bad weather sets in so cats have fresh air, especially Angel who sometimes wheezes... and we had 50.00 stolen from funds last Monday before Staff at a clinic where I was at found my billfold (helping Silvia get antibiotics for sinusitis). Silvia has flat tire that needs replaced (40.00), her birthday was on the 27th btw. She had an interview with an RV cleaning company yesterday, work she has done before. Yet they are trying out another worker. If that person doesn't work out, they may give her a call.... Right now there is no money yet for rent. To make a long story short, the 50 dollars stolen was meant for paying motel owner back for vet bill, now need 50.00 to go toward this coming week and selling camera would pay for the rest of the hundred (last sentence corrected Oct 31).

If anyone can help recover funds, please paypal laugh_safely at Yahoo dot com.

Now for some scary fun - plus photos of Maria and Ernesto chilling out in their boarding room.

Ernesto and Katie Kat...


And what is that scary selfie above???


Oh it's just a bull snake... found out in the grass at Hickory Hollow Ranch. Harmless, save he am mad and wants to make war with broom! Non- poisonous snakes have round pupils.
Poisonous have pupils with slits. Bull snakes can get to seven feet tall

Good thing him am not poisonous since the cats were furry curious... 

Purrz and Prayerz
Katie Kat
Katiez Furry Mewz  

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wordy Wednesday Kitties and Vets

Hiya evfurryone... Molly Here - Me don't tell the mewz much. I am a furry smart, quiet kitty. I sat down to see if I could help Katie Mom find her thinking cap cause it fells off lately. We founded it though. we thinks... mol

Got lots of kitty mewz so the Mom am figurin out who to talks about furrst... we talks about Gordo cause there was some confusion about hims bloodworks done last Friday and so Katie Mom thought him needed another
doctor visit. Turned out that him didn't need one cause almost all the tests were done on Friday, save for pancreas and diabetes. We gonna puts a correction on Saturday's and Sunday's posts and date the correction.  Da confusion happened cause Katie and Silvia didn't gets the paperworks until Monday and they were told on Saturday "everything was fine," and not what does that mean?

We still don't know whats bloodworks means cause sent to a human lab that didn't point out what is on low sides and what am on high sides that even if they are in "acceptable ranges" they might indicate something by being close to the border. Gordo's thyroid am right on the HIGH BORDER - exactly the opposite what Katie thought it would be. Right on top of it. So Katie am doing the research herself cause Silvia's vet not telling us nuffin. Her might take the panel to our vets just to see what him says about results.

Now Mama Narcisca had anal glands plugged. Her went to vet on Monday and gots all that yucky stuffs pushed out. A nice lady paid fur her visit. Her gots a shot to helps with pain and a pill to helps with appetite. When her went home with Silvia, her hads a good time in litter box, but her fell down trying to go. Mama am a small kitty.  Her am doing some better, but running a mild fever at night. When Nana's cat Bibi had anal gland plugged, her gotted antibiotic shot, so don't know. Both Mama and Gordo are still having tummy troubles and up comes their foods. 

Katie wants to try a corn free food, very easy fix if kitties have developed tummies not likes corn no more, especially if Gordo may has IBS, yet Silvia's doc says don't change food, just get shot to calm stomach (instead of trying elimination diet to find whats bothering stomach?)...  Howsomever Silvia wants to try new bag of Purina Naturals see if something in old bag was problem  --- Silvia really wants to stick to Purina. (Maybe try Purina Beyond grain free. Yet that high Thyroid with Gordo is something that should be checked again to see if it goes outside of range.)

Now fur some loverly mewz. Pearl spent the night with us (Molly was in her bedroom though and Pearl was in bathroom) Monday and then went into to haz her spay yesfurday. Her am doing all goods afterwards so far. Pearl am recovering furry nicely...  Here am cutie pics when her gotted back to the fosters.  

Please purrz dats we gets Bibi to vet today.  We haz found where Nana's cat Bibi am bin hiding, and now we can hopefully catch her to gets to vet today. Could be a toothache. Her am not been sleeping much lately and her sits by the walkway on the couch arm and tells folks off all day, not like her. Bibi's head has been feeling hot. Her am 15 years old, so vital to gets her into vets. Her new appointment is at 3:30 today. 

Purzz from Molly,
A Foster kitty looking for home
with her special needs daughter kitty.
Katiez Furry Mewz 

Blog Pawz Wednesday Hop

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Three Kitties Needing Vets

Katiez Katz Selfies Today are Three Kittiez Needing Vet Visits and Purrz Pleaze:

Gordo back in May
Monday Oct 24th correction Update: Gordo's Blood work done Friday tested for overall blood chemistry and anemia, including thyroid. Results came back Saturday within normal parameters. Silvia will pick up papers on Monday. He weighs 12 pounds which is light for his bone structure. He used to weigh more over a year ago.

He is eating some and keeping some of it down. When I checked on him yesterday afternoon and also around five - his eyes were bright, not lethargic. His skin is very loose, but doesn't stay up. Silvia has been getting him to drink water. He still has an appetite. He even ate an okra last night.  This morning though after he emptied his bladder, he tried to go again a few minutes later. His urine does not smell sweet - diabetes is out.  Still needs checked for thyroid abnormal thinness. There are other tests he could get too. At the moment, he has an appointment to see my vet on Monday.

Gordo's Mama Narcisca gets her anal glands plugged easily
and needs them expressed again. She was running a mild fever last night - 105, and was throwing up from licking this morning. Need to get her in to get expressed.

And Mom's Cat Bibi still needs her ears and teeth checked... didn't get in to see doc yesterday.  Bibi is 15 years old. Maybe she needs a tooth pulled. Dr. Johnson is really good at teeth pulling and doesn't charge much... sweet Bibi doesn't like carriers and going places and hides... but we figured out her hiding place.

NOTE:  While writing the blog post...

Silvia is stressing out about two cats needing seen and her Aunt is trying to convince her to take cats to the kill pound and come live with her (although she has no extra bedroom that I know of. She would be on the couch). Getting harder for her to look after herself, find work and not getting enough sleep with the cats needing vet help. I may go out to a no-kill ranch today, see if they can take them in, but lot to ask to take five cats - 

Hickory Hollow Ranch - I have been out there. Wonderful place near Leon,  Kansas, yet understaffed. I have talked to them before about working on getting their website working and getting more people knowing about their animals needing homes. They just built a new area for their cats. Silvia wants her cats to be in their own room and that might be possible there.  I can offer to pay their room and board.  The ranch is out near Leon, Kansas. I am headed out there this afternoon after I go speak to Silvia, see if she wants to go with me.

I am willing to do anything to save Silvia's babies and get the stress off of Silvia. I have come to know this gal. She is such a good lady with the kindest heart, always putting others before herself.

Please keep us in your purrz,
Katie Kat,
Katiez Furry Mewz.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Urgent Prayers For Gordo, Pearls Spay Date and Bibi

Correction to Update Monday October 24 - Blood panel on Friday did include thyroid. Received paperwork Monday and results of thyroid showed borderline of high. Should be between .8 - 4.0. Results when taken were 3.8 right on the border of too high. See Wed Oct 26th post) /// 
UPDATE Saturday Oct 22 - Silvia's vet tested Gordo for anemia (white/red blood cells), liver and overall function. Will have paperwork Monday. Thyroid and Pancreas not done yet. Stopped by motel and checked Gordo myself to see how he is doing. He has lost weight, yet he is alert and his eyes are bright. He is getting some nutrition and liquid to stay down. His skin is way too loose. He should weigh more. Silvia's vet was rude saying that she worries too much probably just the flu - Gordo does not have the flu! I am going to see if I can get him in to see my vet by Monday. (Motel owner is letting Silvia do some room cleaning at 10 dollars a day to pay off old vet bill of 175.00). -Katie Kat. 
Gordo has gone from this gorgeous boy with gold eyes to skinny as a rail... Something badly wrong. Silvia took him to vet yesterday for blood tests (Checking liver, thyroid, kidneys, pancreas. Thank goodness there was credit in her account) - but lab results were sent out and not done in house. No results yet and her vet closes early. Her vet did not give him anything to help his fluid intake yesterday and he is hardly keeping anything down. My vet is open until four today. I hope we can get him in for fluids while waiting for results. I have some Care Credit to cover at my vets (Hers doesn't take Care Credit) Up to Silvia and she is worried about rent for next week. Still trying to get money to pay back motel owner for previous vet bills. She is going out to sell a camera that she got from someone who owed her money to pay for rent next week. (She applied to work for election board and will apply for work cleaning RVs which she has done before) Gordo is eating a little and drinking, but throwing up after thirty minutes.  I don't understand why her vet only did tests and nothing to help keep his organs functioning.  I am very scared...  

Art tribute to Gordo from May 14, 2016

Other things happening will update later too:  Pearl's spay is scheduled for Tuesday.

Nana's cat Bibi still needs to have a checkup to find out why she keeps messing with her ears and her mouth seems to be bothering her.
Possibly a tooth. Been trying to get Bibi in to see a vet, she is 15 years old and loves to hide right at the last minute. Had given our vet a heads up about trying to get her in today, but may have to bring in Gordo instead.

-Purrz and Prayers for Gordo, Pearl and Bibi
Katie Kat The Mom Lady,
Katiez Furry Mewz.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Thankful Fur Rescued Kitties and Purrz Please

Hiya.... Katie Kitty Too Here with Thankful Thursday stuffs

We are furry thankful today for purrific things like rescue kitties finding furever homes.  Last Sunday was National Feral Cat Day and Katie Mom tries to helps kitties in needs alla times.

Little Danny was at Auntie Silvia's motel running around in the parking lot... him gotted captured back in August... He gotted to stay at a foster home while him growed.  Now him gotted furry big and a mew Mommy. 


Him loves his mew mommy. Just looks at that smile...

Danny's older brother Swirly still at the motel parking lot and needs to be rescued, along with Racoon and half sibling Siamese kitten. They come eat together, but been noisy at motel and they not coming... Katie gotted a trap fur Siamese baby. Swirly and Raccoon can be picked up and put in carriers... Auntie Silvia and Mom have found someone to take them. Please pray they are captured furry soon.

More things to be thankful fur - Katie Mom and Auntie Silvie gotted doctor stuffs yesterday. if you would likes more info fur purrz and thanks, please writes laugh_safely at yahoo dots com cause dats purrsonal mol...

YET WE HAS PURRZ NEEDED ASAP -- Gordo and Guero had to go to vets and ER lately and Auntie Silvia had to
Guero feeling betters thank you fur purrz...
borrow from Motel owner 175.00 - so far we only gotted 50.00 to pay hims back. Silvia will be able to pay rent
next week and her phone this week by selling camera, but motel owner wants 125.00 owed or won't take rent money....
Gordo still needs purrz plz

Katie Mom and Auntie Silvia am going to apply to work election voting cause they am going to pay workers really goods... please pray they get picked to works cause they need bilingual workers. Mom speaks Spanish too.

Well Mr. linky am down so fur  now... we just post that there am supposed to be a blog hopping bunny around here sum wheres mol!!

Here am the link to Thankul Thursday at Pepsi Smart Dog

Katie Ann Kitty Too
Jr Repurrter,
Katiez Furry Mewz

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Turtle Crossing and Purrs fur Today.

Me am waiting fur the turtles to go by so The Mom can finish painting the porch...I can enjoy a nice day.  Right now all the scrapping am done and then Mom and Uncle Mike put on the primer.

Me loves the Porch cause I gets fresh air and watch birdies.  Ellie May and Molly loves porch too - although I don't likes them - they chase me.
(mom note: Angel and Molly plus Daughter Ellie May take turns being outside their rooms, because they fight...Right now, Molly and Ellie May are hanging out. Angel's turn is this afternoon.)

We gets to check out the porch fur a little bit but them turtles sure am taking a long time to gets out of the way so Mom and Uncle Mike can finish.  Something about Turtles has the greenie papers that am needed to buy the primer.  The paint am been bought and it am a pretty blue. 

The Mom hads a friend helping paint and he puts dat color on the edge. Furry nice.

Well me tells you dats Mom and Auntie Silvia need purrs today. They are both going to clinic. Auntie Silvia am having a well woman check and Mom am gotted hurties in her kidneys and bladder. Her needs antibiographies... hmm. that's not right... Aunty Biotics wants to helps Mom and she has to ask the human doctor where Aunty Biotics lives. I'm confused, but that's okay. I  just want the turtles to go home so I can enjoy my porch.

Please purr fur Gordo too, him still not feeling well and Aunty Silvia needs to pay motel owner for helping him go to Vets... He am looking too thin and Mom and Silvia am worried what am wrong... <3

Purrz, Angel the Fetch Kitty

Wednesday Blog Hopping

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Silvias Kitties Selfies After Supper

UPDATE: Please Pray for Silvia and Gordo. He is still having bladder issues. He tried to go last night and threw up from straining. He gagged and got himself choked. Silvia had to take him to the ER and borrowed more money from motel owner. She now owes him 180 from taking Gordo to the vets. Silvia has her doctors appointment tomorrow -please keep her in prayer. The clinic she is going to is wonderful and hard to get in. Pray that all goes well and we make it there.  She is still applying for permanent work. Looking into applying to work election day, which can help pay for one week's rent. Purrz from Katie Kat.

Last night, Silvia's kitties had Sheba Roasted Chicken and Liver for Supper - the new perfect portion size...  (and no we nots gets dats fur free)  Here am our after yummy good night selfies...

After his yummies, Gordo says Good nite.   
Mama on Left, Ronnie on Right

Mama Narcisca and Ronnie after theirs. Goodnite. 

Natasha finished hers.

 Dont mess with me. G'nite.

Guero gets a scritchin' before sacking out...

He would rather be in cool spot... Good night.

  =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= 

Silvia is applying to work at a local Flea Market... Please pray for more job opportuinites. Her Doctor's visit is this Wednesday for well woman check at Guadalupe Clinic. Thank you all so much for helping her stay at the motel and keep her appointment. 


Molly, Siamese Kitten's Mama
There is a Siamese Kitten coming to eat at Silvia's Motel - Please pray we can borrow a trap get this baby out of here... Her Mama is hard to catch, but needs trapped as well. Keep saving her kids and can't get her.

Also Swirly, a really sweet abandoned kitty that comes to the motel needs a forever home. Please pray for him, he keeps coming across a busy street and his eyes were runny earlier this week. I need to find someone to take him in. I have no room...


Katie and the Katz

  (Please purr fur mom, her am maybe gots UTI - and slept all morning so weze doing bloggin in afternoons today....
-Katie Kitty Too, Sr. KFM Repurrter)