For Sweet Baby Violette Noelle
Here is a song fur your Mawmee
Stevens, Marsha J. & Russ
© 1972 Bud John Songs, Inc.
You said you'd come and share all my sorrows,
You said you'd be there for all my tomorrows,
I came so close to sending you away
But just like you promised you came here to stay.
I just had to pray.
And Jesus said come to the water, stand by my side.
I know you are thirsty. You won't be denied.
I felt every tear drop when in darkness you cried,
And I strove to remind you that for those tears I died.
Your goodness so great I can't understand.
And dear Lord I know that all this was planned.
I know you're here now and always will be.
Your love loosed my chains and in You I'm free.
But, Jesus, why me?
And Jesus said come to the water, stand by my side.
I know you are thirsty. You won't be denied.
I felt every tear drop when in darkness you cried,
And I strove to remind you that for those tears I died.
Jesus, I give you my heart and my soul.
I know that without God I'd never be whole.
Savior, you opened all the right doors,
And I thank you and praise you from earth's humble shores.
Take me, I'm yours.
And Jesus said come to the water, stand by my side.
I know you are thirsty. You won't be denied.
I felt every tear drop when in darkness you cried,
And I strove to remind you that for those tears I died.
We iz purrin fur your famblee and will remembur you all ways,
Luv Katie and Da Katz:
Boo Bear, Mousie, Katie Too, Daisy May and Bootsie Woo.
Our Frind Sabine in Franse just emailed Mawmee dis card frum our Daddee purrson. Hims is being held in Mulhouse Prison, France...fur extradishun.fur sumpins he supposedlee dids in Kansas.
He hurted himself furry badlee and Mawmee is reel scairt and cryin. (Our Daddee is 72 years old. Mawmee is 25 sum years less den dat.)
And Da Penshun survise stopped his British pension cuz uv sum silly papurwerk error. (Hims a British Catizen.) Dat was whats we waz livin on. A pastor in England is lookin into dat fur us, but we still dont know.
She havnt seen him since dehr annivursaree August 23 in 2006! And hez been held in Mulhouse fur 18 months. Sumpins bout French law should lets him go back to England now. BUT HEZE STILL DEHR!!
And dehrs no money fur Mawmee to go see him. Mawmee iz furree sads and cryin or she woulds be writin dis.
We needs Purrs and purrayrs and advise on raisin money fur Mawmee and Gran Mawmee and usns to lives on and to help our Daddee.
Here is sumpin dats Mawmee drew dat we could sells ifns someone could helps in mountin da drawings:
We needs helps in settin up a pay pal tingee. Tanks fur your help,
- Katie Too
Fur mohr ov da storee, you can email us ats laugh_safely@yahoo.com