Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Adopt Me Tuesday Mewz

Welcome to our Mew Furmat with Kitty Mewz from the Webz!
Each Dayz Mewz will haz A blog hop Theme!
Today's Theme is Opt To Adopt Tuesdays!

And then we will tells you our Mewz.
Purrz from whichever kittiez in the 'puter room.

And now from the KFM BLOGGING NETWORK with Today's Mewz Anchors:

The San Diego Humane Society started to welcome more than 2,000 orphaned kittens to their shelter Saturday as the so-called "kitten season" begins for the shelter. 
The organization hosted a “kitten shower” to welcome the start of the season and encourage people to donate kitten food and care supplies. For more info, see More Than 2000 Orphaned Kittens Arrived at San Diego Humane Society and San Diego Humane Society


Cat turned in by family for 'eating too much' will die in NY shelter

Leo is on kill list for Monday at Manhattan Center GIVEN UP BECAUSE HE 'EATS TOO MUCH' YET THIS POOR BABY IS UNDERNOURISHED.! He's borderline anemic and at two to four years old, Leo is only 5.9 pounds. The shelter lists Leo as undernourished.

This sweet boy may be euthanized for only being hungry! The shelter staff says he's full of cuddles, and loves to be picked up and loved. To adopt Leo, click here. To contact a NYC ACC approved New Hope Partner, click here for a complete list. Please share Leo with friends in rescue in the New York area. Leo only has a few hours until it will be too late. If you would like to follow his thread, click here:
(Update - Saved by Anjellicle Cats Rescue, Inc)

OPT TO ADOPT MEWZ at Brian's Home:

Super Social Cat Tyrion Wants to Be Yours – Greenville, SC

Tyrion is one of a litter of four Game of Thrones kittens. Tyrion is the greeter, He never meets a stranger. He’s so sweet and loving!! He loves to play with toys and is very inquisitive. He loves being with other kitties. Very mild mannered and a total schmoozer!! You will love him and his brothers and sister!! Contact Charlotte (Adopted)

Please Share and Care!
And check Our Pinterest Boards 4 More Mewz:
If you would like to be added as posters to our Cat Mewz boards, Please let us know.
Also send your Cat and Pet Mewz to so 

Your Cat and Pet Mewz can be added to our boards and bloggie.

  -Joey and Lulu, today's Furry Mewz Repurterz

=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=
And now for our furry mewz... from The Mom who am furry worried....

URGENT 3 Days left: I am worried about a dear blogging Friend, Sherri Painter and her son who are doing all she can to just keep going and find jobs. Sherri is always posting on Facebook (see and her blog ( of animals in need. Yet she is in need herself.
"We only have 3 days until rent is due. And if we don't have it, we'll only have 7 days to vacate." How devastating would be to be so close and get evicted. (Update: Sherry got the help she needed. Go Fund Me Link No Longer Available)

We sent 25.00 last week to help - which was the money for my Passover ticket at my congregation. (I am part of the dance presentation and was able to get my Passover ticket sponsored. With my food allergies, may not be eating much of the meal anyway! Will see on Friday. Hopefully I can get some gluten free crackers to substitute for Matzah.)

Secondly, I am scared about the following: My mom and I just received bills from the city concerning our property taxes for 2015. My mother's properties and My house are delinquent in taxes by 3 years in May...I thought we had till June. We desperately need to pay 2013 or have our homes go back for taxes. Not only losing our homes, but Mom and kitties would have nowhere to go.
We Need $1571.38 by May 11 for 2013 property taxes to keep from losing our homes. This includes my disabled mother's house, my grandparent's old home (my mothers home and my grandparents are adjacent to each other. My GP's died in 1999).   More info next post about those homes. (Last year was able to pay 2012 using credit cards, but those are maxed out now.)

We have Kitties staying at all three homes. For more info see Help Katiez Furry Mewz Pay Taxes Save Our Homes (Update: Link No Longer Available)

Sold this book - Only 1,000 were made

Also Important but not as urgent:
  • Funds to spay 5 cats. (5 x 60.00 discount at KSHS a local (kill) shelter or 5 x 80.00 at Wichita Cat Hospital),
  • Waiting to find out about bills from breaking my toe in December.. filled out financial aid but still waiting to know if bills are taken care of or if I can make payment arrangements that fit my budget.
  • A foster home for Mew Mew a sweet pregnant kitty. I may have to take her to LAPP, a no kill shelter. Do have up to 80.00 to send with Mew Mew from selling an antique book.
  • I will continue to find items to sell and will be posting some of them on an auction blog. Will share link this week.
  • Funds for getting Revolution for all my fur kids of at least one dose each (19 doses) - $318.00 vet discount
    (see post about Jazpurr's Boo Boo).

Without the flea meds for all kitties, Jazpurr may get another rash... 

If you can help with getting our fleas deaded:
You can reach Dr. Mike Johnson at Willowbend Animal Hospital 316 854 9271. Please tell them you want to apply credit to account 332 to can get flea meds for Jazpurr and the other kittiez.

Please help Sherri first - her need is more urgent. She has 3 days.
Thanks for listening and all good loving prayerful advice welcome.

-Katie and the Katie Katz.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Selfie Sundays Leaping Deers and Jazpurr Boo Boo

Sunday Sunny Selfie with Doobie and Joey.

And now for some Catch up Mewz with Joey the Nike Cat.

Not Actual Deer.
JOEY: Well The Shockers lost to Notre Dame so they am out of the NCAA Tournament. Now we haz Roses background for Spring!

Leaping Lizards! Mom saw a Deer Wednesday Night!

Mom had gone to dance practice for Passover presentation - the congregation meets way on the north east side of town, actually just barely inside town. On the way home it was rather dark cause of rainclouds, a deer leaped cross the road. Mom couldn't believe her eyes, so she caught up with another driver and waved out the window. "Hey was that a deer? The passenger in the other car said Yes!!

Well happened too fast to gets a photo and the deer was about two cars ahead. In the dark it looked like a big dog. I never met a deer and don't know if I want to. But Mom said that was a nice ending to the day, since earlier she had to take Jazpurr to the vet. Mom show you why.

Jazpurr gotted a rash on his back from very bad fleas. Mom forgot macro button - rash am hard to see.

Mom thought fleas was goned. So Jazzy went to vets and got steroid meds and Revolution.

MOM: So far The rash is healing. The Vet gave him prednisolone tablets for the next 3 weeks. But Jazzy loves to eat and has gained 2 pounds since Dr. Johnson saw him last. He really needs a diet. Dr. Johnson said that canned foods can help kitties lose weight, but not too fast. I didn't know that canned food helped loose weight, but Dr. Johnson said that canned food is lower in carbs than dry, even Friskies. I bought some special diet Friskies Indoor formula and will see how that goes, since Jazzy and his brothers, Boo Boo and Jordi tend to get loose stools on canned food. Will give you another report on how Jazzy is doing later this week.

Happy Selfie Sunday.

See you Furry Soon,

Purrz, Katie Kat, Joey
Doobie and Jazpurr.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Oreo Sunny Selfie Shocker Sunday

Hey ya Folks!  Oreo here getting my sunny on my tummy today! Mom watched church online and then came into the kitchen and of course I had to say hello...

Well Some furry interesting mewz around here.

Furst, Mew Mew went to the vets last Monday and she am gonna has kittens in about 4 to 5 weeks. Good thing Mom got her inside last month. We still don't know where her came from. I likes her. She been letting me sniff her nose lately and then hissing. Well that's better than hissing at everything.

And the bestest Mewz at least from a peeple purr spective. Sounds boring unless I'm the one chasing the ball.

Here in Kansas two teams are gonna be playing in about an hour - a furry historic basketball game! Wichita State Shockers and KU Jayhawks gonna play each other and Mom says they haven't done that in like gazillion years! Mom thinks you can watch the game here.
(Update 2023 - Link goes to WSU current games and stats vs previous game)

Shocker last matchup with KU in the NCAA tournament was 1981.
I'm only maybe 3 so I wouldn't know about that.

So Thats why the new colors today of Gold and Black!

Well Mom am gonna run off now to watch the game on a big screen at church! Her said that's really purrific cause better than our little tv or going to a smokey bar. I dont likes smokey bars or chocolate candy. Mom likes chocolate though.

Mom gotta hurry out the door. I gonna has more Sunny Tummy Napping.

Yawwwn... I'll wait til Mom gets home and Play Laser Tag. That's always a close game between us kitties who tags the dot the mostest!

Purrz, Oreo.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy Saint Patties Day

Happy Saint Catties Day!!
Ellie May says, "OPT TO ADOPT!"
Ellie Still needs her furr ever home


Purrz from all of the Katie Katz
See you Next Time!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Pi Day and Free Game Fur Cats

Hiya folks! Lil Bear here. Mom Found a fun thing for catz at itunes called Nifty CAT GAMEZ!

Mom gotted a message from a purrson on Fiverr. who am looking for a kitty who wants to play with the itunes game on their ipad or laptop. And if the kitty plays with the game, then they want the Mom to video tape them and you will gets sum greenies for doing that.

My Mom can't figure out how to load the itunes game cause we dont haz a laptop and our computer dont like the 32 bit itunes program. The games are free though.

Dis am what the purrson asked: "I would pay for you to film the small cat really playing the (app) game. If you have iTunes linked to your computer or an ipad you should be able to access it. It says only available on Ipad but you may still be able to access from your computer or other device if compatible. I would need you to film the cat and game on the screen together (meaning you film the cat with video watching and playing the game on computer screen or ipad screen) This is just a short quick promo I need. You think it is possible?"
or (2023 - No longer Available)

Just wondering if anyone am interested? The person asking is here: ( - no longer available) You might have to get an account with Fiverr to let babystar know you would like to try making the video. Or let the Mom know in our commints and she can tell the Fiverr purr son.

Mom finks dats making computer games am art, cause you gotz to draw stuffs and make pictures that move. For real arts though, Mom drew this Bronze Menorah with crayons on 4x6 cardstock.

Mom just found out that today am Pi Day... dats when the time at March 14, 2015 at 9:26:53! or 3.14159653. We were hoping for Catnip Day, or at least catnip Pie. Like Marks Mewz gotted

Maxwell at gotted all the numberz right. I can't count that far.
I can only count to nine and nine and nine and nine in head scritches from Mom... thats a lot of scritches!
A Pie with Pi in it... mol

So here amz a pie with a pi in it - I still would rather haz tuna pie with a fishy in it!
Luvz from Benjamin Lil Bear.

Happy Caturday. We gotz the Art blog hopping list finally!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thankful for Midnight Litter Runs and Lil Bear

Tons of litter
And more litter
Been putting this errand off for several days, but finally went early this morning around 1am. Hooray for 24-7 Walmart and tons of Feline Fresh Litter. I love the peaceful quiet of shopping at night and the weather was warm today. Night time temps were purr-fect.

I have asthma and several kitties who don't tolerate clay. Pine Shavings stretch out the litter so we have enough for all the kitties.

When I came back to my adopted brother's house (aka Uncle Mike to the kitties), before I got busy changing boxes, somebody was hiding under the couch cover. Who could that be?

Who dat???

Whatcha doin' kitty cat?

Lil Bear just had to play cat and mouse with me! Yes at 2 in the morning.

After Bear played grab my hand from under the blankie for a while, Oreo stopped by to see what Bear was doing and got pounced on!

Oreo didn't stay to play. He took off for the safety of the kitchen.

Then I had to change boxes. Playing with Benjamin Lil Bear made the litter box changing no longer a chore! Thanks Bear-Bear!

Well it's 7:30 am and I'm off to my house to change boxes for Angel, Molly and Ellie May. And then take a nap.

After that, I hope to get the Teddy Bears box shipped to the Auction winner from Winnies Wish Auction. We didn't get all our blog visiting done Sunday night or much this week - so look for us this weekend! We will be sure and do lots of visiting on Saturday nights.

Happy Thursday!

Sunday, March 08, 2015

Sunday Selfie with "Happy" Ellie May

I am looking for the laser dot!!!
(We will visit selfie posts later tonight)
Ellie May and Molly are still waiting for their fur-ever home. Hard to believe that Ellie May is over seven months old. She is so petite and looks like a four or five month old kitty in size.

I am searching for a foster to look after them while they wait. Getting increasingly hard for me to check on kitties staying at three different homes and for Ellie May to get the one on one attention she needs to learn that being touched or held is okay.

She had a tummy ache from bad tape worms which kept her from wanting to be handled. Now that the tape worms are gone, she is having trouble getting used to being picked up.  I am using her favorite things. I pick her up during laser toy play and I hold her or have her sit in my lap while she eats some yummy Fancy Feast, but I can't do this every day. She needs someone who can work with her every day. -Katie

Saturday, March 07, 2015

Caturday Lil Baby Bear Roses Art

Hiya folks, we haven't purrticipated in Caturday Art in a while.

So Mom thought it would be fun to share a sweet photo of me as a kitten.

After all, I am going to be two furry soon. Mom said sometime in July.
I was taking kitten nap on a small mattress that had roses on it.

The roses are originally blue. So we decided to play with the hue!
First the original and then two color changes:

Original Color

Hey Mom, my ears are aqua and then green!

Well that was fun. Which one do you likes the best?

Hope to see you again next Caturday fur more Art Fun. Happy Purim too!

Purrz n Stuff,
Benjamin Lil Bear
who am almost two.

Purrticipating in the Caturday Art Blog Hop. We added our post, but can't add the hop. Don't know why.

Happy Caturday!
Katie Kat.

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Tuesday Snow Mewz and Mewz Fur Helps

Hiya Furry Friends. Toby and Mom the typist trying to remember what we just typed!
Dumb editor deleted our post and now we haz to write again. Mom waz deleting an old draft and our new post deleted instead. If Only Mom had kept the preview open.

Where did the road go?

So here we go. Hopes we remember everything.Well we hadz snows dis weekend, not as much as the east coast, but we couldn't find the road for two dayz.

Toby here snoozing while Mom Types. Mom not been blogging lately so we catching up. Her got a new purrscription of her heart medication for Mitral Valve Prolapse so her has more energy! But we am hissed bout the pharmacy company who makes the generic. They took it off the 4.00 list and keep raising the price cause they am the only one making the generic now. This medication digitalis is really old. I can't even count that far. Bear only counts to nine (and up to 9x9 in scritches -Katie). They trying to make humans stop taking this more naturally based stuffs for more chemical made meds. The Daddy purrson thinks it might be cheaper in England.

Bear am Snoozin wifs me by the window too. Him gotted the window view, while I gots Mom's art table. Bear's full name am Benjamin Lil Bear, cause him gotz chutzpah like Bibi Netanyahu who had a long speech at the Joint sessions of Congress. We loves Bibi, yet Mom says even if you dont likes someone's viewpoint, you can admire their Chutzpah for standing up for what they believes in and learning sumpin bout dat by respecting dem and listening to what they haz to say. After all there am only one Jewish Country and Bibi am Prime Minister! Den you getz Chutzpah too for being respectful. Some folks decided not to haz Chutzpah today and didn't attend the speech.

Now fur some Furry Good Mewz and Mewz Fur Helps!
Furstly, Winnies Wish Auction did furry good! And our Teddy Bears have a mew home. We are paying for the shipping of the bears for our donation.

Yet there am a blogging kitty who needs helps and they have not received anything just yet.

Honey P. Sunshine Kitty at had opurrayshun in October for Sarcoma on her paw. They wants to thanks every one for their support, but they really needs funds to help with vet bills and they have not had any comments today yet either. You can go to their fundraiser here
(2023 Update: Link No Longer Available)

Please share about Honey and leave comments cause we dont have as many followers as other bloggers do... we will try to help some too, 

Purrz from Toby, Lil Bear and Katie.