Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Guero went to vets yesfurday and other mewz

Guero waiting for his temp to be taken... 

He was running a fever Monday night and showing signs of a mild UTI... refusing to eat.

Yesterday afternoon Silvia and I took him to he vet.
He received inflammation and antibiotic combo shot.

Cost was only 45.00. The vet waived the exam fee. He is eating today. Purray!!

Hoping to get all the outside kitties safe so Silvia can move out of motel and plan for trip to California. Thank goodness the weather is only cool 50 to 60 degrees. Tonight Silvia and I are going to try and catch Raccoon Kitty. Silvia likes to call him Squirly for his cute squirrel like tail.
Molly (left) Raccoon Kitty (right)

Ricky Raccoon
I am making a place for him to stay until he can go to his forever home in Winfield... 

Silvia picked him up last night and he kissed her forehead. He is just soo afraid of carriers. Going to try to put him in a big kennel that's easy to drop him inside. 

Siamese Kitty
Molly is more wild and too smart fur her own good... Her daughter the Siamese actually has too short a munchkin kitty.  Silvia was able to pet the Siamese kitten recently, but Molly swiped at Silvia for touching her daughter.

Silvia thinks that Molly maybe pregnant again. Her kittens never seem to survive.. except for one or two at a time...  Hoping after we catch Squirly, aka Ricky Raccoon, we can catch Molly's daughter. Molly will be hard to trap -  she is too leary of  cages and traps, but worth a try.

Sadly, we may have lost Swirly. He was a wanderer and thought he could cross the street anytime... still purring  that the kitty the car dealer found was not him - yet chances are that Swirly has gone OTRB. 

More mewz later...  Still getting over this bad cold. upper respiratory... taking antibiotics and stuff.
Healing Kitty gets tissue fur sick Mom...

Purrz from Katie 
and the Katz Gang.

wordless wednesday blog hop dawn of december

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Urgent Help Needed: Silvia is moving to California

We interrupts normal Sunday Selfies fur very impawtant and urgent mewz: 

Calling all cat bloggers
from Kansas to California,

and evfurry one who has fallen in loves with Silvia and her kitties!

Silvia is extremely exhausted from no sleep and worrying about cats and her car needing fixed badly (CV joints and possibly the transmission.)

The cats and Silvia are stressing out from their living situation due a person who shall remain nameless. Gordo needs to be seen by vet for his stress UTI. Needs to go to ER. Or we will try to get him to his vet in the morning. But KFM funds are at their lowest - 12.00 in Care Credit available and that's all.  Gordo needs to be seen as soon as possible, because he and his fur mates may be taking a trip!

Her sister wants her to move to California where she can start over...  and the cats can come too, but long drive and we will need more carriers and the car fixed!!! 

Otherwise, we are looking for any transportation that can get Silvia and her fur kids to her sisters in California in Los Angeles, Ventura suburbs....  and places for her to stay and rest along the way.


I may still have to look after her cats for a short while. This means I may have to board Angel at a vets while I get things ready if I can't find a home for her.  Angel is occupying the room they can stay in at my house if they need to - I need to find a home for Angel. 

There may be a kitty transport that goes through Kansas on way to Washington state - may be able to take Silvia and the cats to California - 

Ronnie Johnny
I am also calling on all kitty bloggers from here to California and evfurry one who loves kitties - can you help be a part of a Mewracle???  We needs to sort this out as soon as pawsible within the next two weeks.

Fur all the loving folks from France to New Zealand and all over the U.S. who has comes to loves Silvia and her babies, this is a wonderful thing for them...

Mama Narcisca
Please comment to lets me know  how you  can helps make a mewracle happen..before Christmas... Pay it Furward and saves them all. PLEASE SHARE WITH EVERYONE!!

Ricky Raccoon

We are going to trap the friendliest outdoor cat who has a home waiting for him. Raccoon Kitty.  Sadly, Swirly may have gone OTRB... a car dealer said they found a large cat hit by a car... We may be able to trap a feral Mom and her daughter - please pray - they are hard to catch.

Gordo really needs your help today as his bill may be over 150 just for ER. 

We need about 80 more dollars to cover rent for the next week while we sort everything out, getting the cats safe and Silvia ready to leave Wichita... 

Please keep Silvia and her cats in your prayers... We really need it. 

-Katie Kat

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving from the Katie Kats and Auntie Silvia

Purring that all our friends has a Happy Thanksgiving.

Somethings to be thankful furs:
  • Katie Mom am feeling much better, but her nose wants to run away.
  • The Mom's favorite restaurant is open today and serving Thanksgiving dinner so Mom doesn't has to cooks foods for her and Nana.
  • All us kitties has foods, shelter and warm places to snuggle.
  • We gots lots of friends all over the worlds!
  • Furry nice day, a little cold yet sunny enough for sun puddles to lay in.
  • We hopes to gets BiBi into the vets tomorrow.
  • Maxwell Tigger am getting over hims rash.
  • Pearl is going to stay with her Foster Mommy. Purray!

Ronnie am wishing that Mom Silvia and hims litter mates and Mama Narcisca can find another place to lives furry soon.

Last night Ronnie slipped out when Silvia and a friend took a walk to the dollar store to get some Kleenex.  The friend must not have closed the door well. When they got back to the motel, Ronnie was outside chewing up chicken bones that a well meaning tenant gave him. Ronnie threw up all the bones and broke a tooth... and took a long time for his tummy to settle down.  He was able to eat sometime last night. 

Silvia wrote to me today that she barely gets any sleep at night and she hasn't gotten over her cold yet and no money to get Thanksgiving dinner. I hope Uncle Mike and Mom Katie can bring her some dinner later today. And we hopes that Uncle Mike can fix CV joints on Silvia's car so she can apply for works. She is applying to work for Merry Maids and needs a car to go from house to house in the same day.  Sure could use some funds to pay for the CV joints.

All kitty lives matter!!! Please purr that we can gets the stray kitties at the motel to a safe place furry soon so Auntie Silvia can work on moving to safe place fur herself and her kitties. We still needs 150.00 fur rent next week.

Purrz from Katie Kitty Too
Jr. Repurrter
Katiez Furry Mewz.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

I has sick Mom... and other Furry Mewz

Katie Kitty Too
Hi everyone, Katie Kitty Too Here, with Wednesday post before Thanksgiving.

The Mom am furry sick - her came down with yucky sore throat and sore glands yesfurday evening and running a fever too. This morning her has upset tummy.

Uncle Mike bought thermometer last night that not works! All showed was 98 - And Mom had the chills. If you go buys thermometers - get digital one... don't buy dis one by Geratherm - might not work. Hard to hold in a humans mouth - too wide! And furry hard to read....

Mama Narcisca is doing better after being attacked by Molly the feral cat outside.  Her always lets her sons and daughter eat first though. She is so much smaller than they are. She will lick their heads while they eat and then she will eat after they are done.

Ricky Raccoon
Auntie Silvia and Katie Mom are want to catch outside cats that come to eat, especially the two furry nice boys, Swirly and Ricky. Swirly has not showed up for several days. We hope he has found a home to loves him. Ricky Raccoon came by last night, but was scared off by Silvia's car alarm acting weird. We have a furry nice lady that will take Ricky and Swirly and she could have taken Ricky last night. We will has to waits another day.  Two days ago Auntie Silvia's car drivers door decided to lock and unlock all by itself and then start alarm. Come to find out the remote thingy was burnt out... Auntie Silvia doesn't use the remote thingy so her didn't know what was going on.  Another motel resident was able to make it stop, but he wants 100 dollars for all the work he did.  Auntie Silvia am applying fur several jobs this week, yet we don't has 100 dollars to gives dat guy fur the car. He should have said that to begin instead of afterwards. Uncle Mike am going to try and see if he can work on the CV joints. If Auntie Silvia gets a job with cleaning service her needs to has a car to go from house to house.

Nana's Bibi has not gone to doctor yet. Her hid yesfurday as soon as Katie Mom came in Nana's house...

Her still needs blood work done. Katie made appointment fur today, yet now Katie Mom am sick.  We hope that there am a doctor on Friday or Saturday we can take her too... Katie wanted to takes Nana out to eats tomorrow fur Thanksgiving... so please purr her feels better furry soon. Right now her am furry dizzy and after her helps me with the mewz, Katie Mom am going back to bed.

Thank you fur all your purrz.
Katie Kitty Too
Jr Mewz Repurrter.


Sunday, November 20, 2016

Bibi and Silvias Mama Cat need purrz

Nana's Bibi
Please keep Bibi in your purrz. She is 15 years old with CKD. About a week ago, she decided to go somewhere besides the litter box and is now been running a mild fever. Hoping to get to a vet tomorrow.  Will keep update furry soon.

Mama Narcisca

Silvia's kitty Narcisca did recieve a puncture wound from the outdoor kitty when she got out on Friday evening. Claw sheath was found embedded in her neck. Now Mama hasn't eaten since yesterday morning and has been running a mild fever. Silvia put some ointment on the wound but not helping that much... Silvia tried to give her an antibiotic but she spit it out.  Please purr that Narcisca will get well and start eating again.

Purrz from Katie Kat

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Friday Misadventures and Purrz Plz

Angel the Fetch Kitty
Hi Every Furry Buddy, Angel the Fetch Kitty Here.

For kitties and humans who follow us on Facebook and You Caring, you might have seen a post yesfurday about Silvia's kitties getting out of the motel - well just two got out, yet that was scary cause it happened when Silvia went to PetsMart with that yucky car that needs new CV joints fixed or just plain sold.

The latch plate on the motel door came off and the door
Naughty Ronnie...
wouldn't shut. Ronnie decided to open the door and let himself out and Mama Narcisca followed. When Silvia came back, she had to get them back inside. One of the feral kitties that Auntie Silvia feeds tried to fight poor Mama and Ronnie never pays attention to cars when he's outside. Thank goodness no kitty gotted hurts and they am back inside and safe.

Last night, Uncle Mike, that's Katie Mom Bruffurr helped put the latch back on - him was furry tireds from working 54 hours all weeks just to make ends meet... Mouses! what are you going to do with all them ends? I hope Uncle Mike ties them together so I can chase them instead of chasing my tail. Cause that seems to be what all the humans are doing like Katie Mom and Auntie Silvia just to keeps looking after us kitties.. that is if they hads tails... Always not enough moneys to look after us. Right now Katie Mom just has 40.00 in the bank until Wednesday when dehr be moneys in banks again.

Silvia still owes 137.00 to the motel owner for vet bills. She went with another human to a furry yucky place called a bar to see if she could wait on tables, too awful. Humans there smoke and say bad stuffs.  She couldn't breathe - had to go hospital for breathing treatment last night. (and prescriptions but can't get)

And about car with parts needing fixed - might have to find someone to buy that works on their own cars.

Katie Mom and Auntie Silvia on Monday are going to Apply at a place to work that calls folks and asks them questions... (NORC, a survey research call center looking for bilingual help), and apply on Monday. 

There is only 90.00 toward rent next week and need 60.00 more and the 137.00 to pay motel owner back from vet bills or he may not take rent until paid back. Katie Mom am going to keep looking for a ministry that can helps or loving purrson that can give Auntie Silvia and her cats a place to stay.

Mom thinks we founds our favfurit place to play with photos.
Last month, I talked abouts waiting for Turtles To Cross so the porch would be all painted and I could go watch birds and stuffs... Come see how purrty the porch looks now!  I inspurrcted the porch and gave the new paint color my apurrval. Too bads its too furry cold today to stay outside.

Katie Mom helped me make purrty arts at Photo This was under Artistic, Magical, Magic Stars 


 Naughty Smart Ronnie using Photo Mania - Artistic, Painting, Cartoonizer:

Auntie Silvia is a sweet lady and I likes her furry much. Ronnie, Guero, Gordo, Natasha, Mama Narcisca depends on her to loves them. Please keeps her in your purrz...  

Love from Angel the Fetch Kitty.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Furry Thankful Fur Friends and Purrz

Natasha wants to say how thankful she am fur mousies and friends.

Cause without friends her would not has a home.  Human Mom Silvia, Natasha, her brofurs Ronnie, Guero and Gordo, and Mama Narcisca have been looked after by friends from all over the worlds who has come to loves them.  

Here they all are to say Thank you so much.  

Guero Funny Thank You
Mom Narcisca
Silvia has a hard decision to make about her car. Last weekend, we got new tie rods put in, but turned out that was not the only thing wrong. 

The CV joints are cracked and the transmission may also need replaced. She is considering selling the car due to taking too much money to fix when she doesn't have a job yet. Then she won't have transportation to a job without someone taking her. 

There used to be a charity in town that helped folks get a car or help them fix the one they had. I called United Way and they no longer had any information. On Facebook we have had one offer to fix the car if we could get the parts, but would have to travel to El Dorado...Although we know someone with a tow truck, If we had the money for parts, my brother would fix it.  

Thank you for your purrz and loves.  Not sure what to do next, save selling the car and using some of that money toward another one or finding enough money to get the parts. Silvia is worried once we fix the CV joints and transmission that something else will be wrong.  Catch 22... Whatever we do, Silvia needs a car. There are a lot of good jobs right now and just going to get harder without transportation. 

-Thank you for all your purrz
from Silvia and her Kitties
and Katie Kat.
 Brians Thankful Thursday Hooray for Pet Adoptions

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Wordy Wednesday Thanks From Guero Purrz Fur Bibi

Got the blood panel back on Guero - His kidney panel was in the good range - Purray!!!
Thank you every one for helping us get that blood work done... He needed checked after his bout with
fever and the big D, especially since he wetting hims bed while he had fever last week.  This week he is doing well. Thank you soo much!!
He is more susceptible to infection though without his urethra.  Purrz that he stays well.

Guero Monday, before blood panel
Bibi at the vet last month
Katie Mom checked on previous blog post last month about Nana's Bibi and realized that we never told about her checkup at the vets when her was bothered about her ear or mouth. We updated Facebook and forgots to update the blog!

Mouses!!! If had beens really bads, we would haz lets you know fur sure. Well Bibi's ears were fine, her teeth were fine - she had fleas bothering her. Mouses indeed!! Nana's house has never had fleas. Bibi been flea free fur years... Well her gotted Revolution to starts and then will gets another one in about a week and next month too.  

Bibi has had Chronic Kidney Disease for several years and is 15 years old this year.  After her vet visit, Bibi decided to change which litter box to use. She started using the one down in the basement that she had not used in over a year.  The litter in the box was furry old.

Bibi Resting in her carrier
Katie Mom cleaned the downstairs box fur her a few times and put fresh litter in. Then Bibi stopped using the downstairs box and is not using the one upstairs either. 

Nana and Katie Mom don't know where her am going potty.  Yesfurday she went poopy in front of the microwave.  We don't know why she won't use her boxes... same litter, yet maybe the litter smell has changed.

She may be using the blankies on the spare bed.  If the change has to do with CKD - then we are furry worried.  She needs to be seen furry soon and check her blood work and see if the CKD has advanced. 

Please keep Bibi in your purrz... 
Nana needs your purrz too...

- Katie Kitty Too
Jr. Repurrter
Katiez Furry Mewz

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