Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Saturday Selfies at the Vets - Angel and Guero

Hiya Furry Friends of the Internets...
Angel Selfie at the Vets
This here am Angel. Auntie Katie Mom and I were going to do our Chewy Review today and to let you know I was going to visit a forever home today. Instead, Auntie Katie and Uncle Mike took me to the vet, cause mean ole Molly picked a fight with me a few days ago and she really got on the bitey.

Auntie Katie didn't find that bitey when it happened. Uncle Mike was playing with me yesterday and found a bumpy on my back - yep from Molly's bitey so off to the vets we went.

Dr. Johnson checks my bitey wound.
Here are my at the vets Selfie,  and my Dr. Johnson checks the bitey selfie....  I like Dr. Johnson. He am very gentle with me. Him also found out I hads yucky tape worms so I gots a pill for dat - yucky pill!

He sent home liquid antibiotics that taste yucky... Why can't meddies taste like tuna or chicken? 

I hopes to get  better soon, so I can tell you all about the fun and tasty Chewy Products I got to test! 

When I get better, I will be visiting a pawsible furever home, too.  Auntie Katie will let you know how I am doing... Sure hopes that bumpy goes down or I will has to go back to vets!  Cost of my vet visit was about 99 green papers... Uncle Mike helped pay half though.

Now for the rest of the tail... um, tale, Auntie Katie Mom had to help Auntie Silvia take Guero to the Emergency Vet last night.  

Guero Selfie at ER Vet
In case you didn't gets to read update on FaceBook, Guero started having Pee Wars again on Thursday.  Auntie Katie and Auntie Silvia thought maybe the Prozasin had stopped working. Yet on Friday, Guero seemed okay again... so meddies were working... yet then 

Early 2am Saturday, Guero started having urges again. Auntie Silvia tried to take him to her vet yesterday morning to get checked out, but they were tooo busy.  So Auntie Katie met Silvia at ER with Guero last night.  Poor boy kept trying to go and all he got out were little pink drops. The ER vet took the drop on a slide and off she went to the back.

Guero gotted an infection - no small crystals!  Looks like the Prozasin and the C/D foods am working after all.  Guero staying in ER until Monday with catheter and antibiotics and a cone on hims head. He don't likes the cone and don't wants to eat - too scarey and weird there. He been growling scared, but trying to be a good boy.

Cost was under 600.00 (...including a discount for trying to see vet earlier.) Katie used the green papers raised for Guero three weeks ago. Thank you so much for that moneys!  Poor Guero. Him am sweet boy.  Katie Mom paid 350 last night and then has to pay rest on Monday morning... Hopefully no more green papers will be needed. Katie Mom will lets you know.  Cause Guero will has to gets a recheck at hims vet too on Monday or Tuesday (..there is at least 100.00 credit on the account right now.)

The ER vet wants to know why Guero keeps getting infection that don't clear up - The ER vet gave him Baytril and Clavamox, instead of Convenia (which didn't work).

Auntie Katie am awful worried about Guero and hopes dat Silvia's vet gets him different antibiotics if dis happens again. Guero going to stay on Prozasin though and antibiotics from the ER vet... 

Thanks for all your purrs and Prayers for Me and Guero!
Angel, the Fetch Kitty. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Kitten Kisses Mama Cat Needs Dental Surgery

Mama Cat and Kitten
I am an Internet Cat - and I need you now.

I am an Internet Cat..
I am loved and wanted and cared for because I am one of God's majestic creatures...

I am an Internet Cat... When I am sick, People all over the world will pray for me.

I am an Internet Cat... People from all over the world who love God's furry creatures will come to my aid when there is a need.

I am an Internet Cat and I need you now.

(Note: Found Mama Cat's rescue story at Cat's Lane on Facebook today and had to share.  She desperately needs dental surgery. (Go Fund Me Page No Longer Available)


Now for the wordy part of the Tail...
Mama really needs to get full dental extraction done soon. Since her Mom, Jennifer Moore moved from California to Oregon, Mama's Stomatitis has really flared up. She is in a lot of pain, drooling and the drool has now become tinged with blood, and Jennifer is very worried.

She is on antibiotics, but sensitive to pain meds. The vet in Sacramento said her teeth need to come out. Jennifer is searching for a vet to handle the surgery in Oregon. In California the estimate was $1200.00.

Mama Cat (Mitzi) was rescued from a trailer park when very, very pregnant 2 years ago in the middle of winter. She had her babies the very next day in Jennifer's warm bathroom - all of her needs being met. The babies were so beautiful and Mama raised them well until they were adopted. 50 people applied and all the kittens found amazingly wonderful homes... Jennifer said on Cat's Lane that the kitten's families still send pictures. 

Yet after Mama was spayed, she was diagnosed with severe Stomatitis, a severe, painful inflammation of a cat's mouth and gums.  In most cases, the condition causes ulcers to form in the mouth; these ulcers can involve the lips, tongue, gums, and back of the throat. An awful, awful, painful disease and the only possible cure is to have ALL of the teeth removed. 

Most cats do very well once the teeth are gone.  (KFM's Mousie Cat had the same condition and did well after surgery, once her gums healed.)

You can see more of Mama on her Facebook page with many photographs of her and her kittens.
No One Likes To Be Alone

Jennifer's other cats are at Mikey's House Facebook Page and on Mikey's House website.

Please help Mama cat if you can and please share, until this sweetie can have her surgery.

Purrz and may God Bless the Cats of Cat Blogosphere!

-Katie the Mom and Katie Too.
Click on Create with Joy badge to go to her blog hop...

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Deafness in White Cats Tuesday Opt to Adopt

For Opt To Adopt Day, we're sharing from Blind Cat Sanctuary's blog post on Friday about white cats being born deaf. Here is some information that we did not know.

Researchers found that 17 to 22 percent of white cats with non-blue eyes are born deaf.  
The percentage rises to 40 percent if the cat has one blue eye, while upwards of 65 to 85 percent of all-white cats with both eyes blue are deaf. Some of these cats are deaf in only one ear. Interestingly, if a white cat with one blue eye is deaf in only one ear, that ear will invariably be on the same side of the head as the blue eye. 

What links blue eyes, white fur, and deafness? The combination of traits develops from a genetic defect in the set of embryonic stem cells that eventually become the cat's central nervous system, including hearing, and its pigment cells, which produce the melanin that gives eyes and hair its coloration. The white fur and blue eyes both are a consequence of a lack of melanin from pigment cells. Meantime, the same defect often also affects a cell layer of the inner ear that is essential for hearing. The resulting congenital deafness is noted by 3 to 4 weeks of age, the age at which newborn kittens normally are able to hear.

Penny, a cat at BCR just happens to be both blind and deaf.

From her sponsor me page: She was brought to BCR by a lady up in the mountains that had looked after her for a year or so. She stated that she had found her on her front porch one day and she wouldn't leave. She said she was allergic to kitty litter and no longer wanted the cat. She had tried for a year or so to find a home for her and no one wanted her. Penny was very lucky that a friend of the lady knew what was going on and BCR to take her. - 

Penny at BCR
Penny is a super sweet girl with a big time purr and loves to climb!  BCR staff has to always look up to find her because she will be at the top of the climber. She had belonged to someone at some point in her life. When the lady found her she was already spayed and declawed.


Guero is lucky and shows no signs of deafness. He still doing well with Prozasin. Have no idea why vet waited til last minute to try the medicine.  Yet thankful that the meds are working.


(Note: Silvia is short 50.00 this morning, because she had to take Gordo to vet Monday. If several folks sent a little, rent can be paid. I don't have funds today to cover her rent. Thank you so much for helping Silvia and kitties stay in their only home. -Katie. )

Jordi Is Deaf

However KFM looks after one deaf kitty who only knows how to hiss. His name is Jordi and he is afraid of people.

His only hope is a forever sanctuary that takes in scaredy cats. When he was a kitten, he had just started to trust me, when a preventable event occurred when his feral mom was brought in to get her spayed and she stayed in the same room. I never fully got his trust back. Although he will sometimes eat from my hand, and he does like treats he stopped hissing long enough to get some Weruva one time and take his photo.

Please check out Blind Cat Sanctuary Cats and find a kitty to sponsor!

The Tuesday’s Tails blog hop is hosted by Dogs N Pawz and Talking Dogs Blog. This is the blog hop that features shelter pets. Find a pet at your local animal shelter or rescue and join us!

Fetch the Tuesday's Tails Facebook page and give them a like! And if you're participating in the blog hop, post your featured pets! Please help spread the word about these beautiful animals via social media and let's find them forever homes!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Urgent Need Power of the Paw - Gordo and Katie Too

Update 7:55pm:
Silvia has 50.00 toward rent for tomorrow and 50.00 donations came in - If anyone can help with 50.00 more - then the rent can be paid.

Gordo is doing better, but seems underweight for his size (and vet did not have his weight from last time he was in to get shots.)

Thank you for your prayers - Katie Too is with me. Thank God,
Katie Too didn't have a fever and her lungs were clear - only nasal congestion. Was worried that might be congestion related to her faint heart murmur. Doc said might be either viral or the dry cold air.  He suggested Chlortabs to see if that helps and give her more moist food. He also checked her joints to see if they were painful - I have been giving her glucosamine, but I'm out. She didn't mind him moving her legs - thank goodness for that too. -Katie.

Just a short update on Silvia and My oldest cat, Katie needs your prayers today!

Gordo needs purrs

Thank you so much all who helped Silvia with 50.00 donations today!

Still going to need 100.00 now because Gordo had to go to the vet today - been vomiting off and on all weekend. Doctor wanted to do tests to see why Gordo was losing weight, but no money - no tests. still charged Silvia 90.00 for exam and shot to calm his tummy. Silvia got some Petromalt to help. The visit took what money Silvia had for rent tomorrow.

Katie Too

And I am about to take my oldest kitty to the vet - Katie Too, 12 years old. She is congested, cranky and won't eat.
I hope it's just a cold and not related to her heart murmur.

I have very little money for Katie's bills and won't be able to cover for Silvia's rent tomorrow until Wednesday if no more money comes in to help.

Thank you for your prayers and support of Katiez Katz and Silvia's Kittiez

Purrz from Katie the Mom.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sunny I Love Happy Endings Day!

Videos to cheer you up for the long work week ahead!

Rosie the kitten and Lilo, Rosie's foster Mom did a selfie together.

Rosie is a rescue stray found at just 3 weeks old. She was a sickly little kitten until they paired her up with Lilo, a gentle Husky who changed the little kitten’s life forever.

Rescued Kitten Story:

"And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward.”
- Matthew 10:42 NKJV

Stay Warm and cuddle up to your bestest Furry Friend!

Update on Silvia and her kitties: Last week and this weekend, Silvia has been working to pay off what she owed her employer from her vet bills... which means right now need 75.00 for rent On Tuesday. 

Purrz of thanks to all our blogger network friends who helped Guero with purrz, prayers and support. You all are Pawsome!!!

The day Guero was prescribed the Prozasin, he had stopped eating and drinking... he was giving up.  Within 8 hours, he was able to relieve himself and started eating again.
 Guero is doing well at the moment... So thankful his body is responding well to the Prozasin, which the vet prescribed at the very last minute - when we thought he had no choice but to go into surgery the next day...all the donations for Guero will be used for his treatment whether by surgery or medication.

Love and Purrz,

Katie and the Katz

Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday Funny Cats on Treadmills

The Mom was wandering around You Tube and found an oldie, but funny compilation of Cats on treadmills!!!  MOL...

Something fun to start the weekend! 

And in honor of National Answer Your Cat's Question Day, 
Lil Bear Asks, "Where's the Chicken?"

Lil Bear asks... in fact he always asks, every time I see him, especially when I go into the kitchen:

  "Where's the chicken???"

Alas, the answer is not always, "in the fridge."

Concats to Timmy Tom Cat and Pawrents!

They has won the Judah Lion Painting!  

Thank you everyone for your interest and sharing the auction.


Please keep Silvia and Guero in you purrz.

Today Guero had to go back to the vet for a checkup because he threw up today... Otherwise he is doing well this week. Will let you know when he has his surgery.

Purrz from the Katie Katz.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wordless Silvia's Ronnie Tummy and Company

Ronnie Full Monty
Brother Gordo and Ronnie
Mom Narcisca and Ronnie


Now fur the wordy part - the rest of the tale...

Guero Update - Silvia is having trouble getting Guero to drink enough water. She feeds him by syringe. She had to cut back on his canned food yesterday, because his pooh was too runny... She is afraid he is getting dehydrated and is watching him closely. Please keep him in your purrz and prayers.

My mother has a doctor's appointment today and I will be away from the computer until evening (cannot afford a smart phone).  I'm beyond exhausted, but need to keep going... having trouble breathing - asthma kicking in from cold weather.

The 75.00 needed for Silvia's rent did not come in yesterday. I had to take money out of cat food and litter for my kids to make up the difference... and wasn't able to get the food and litter needed for all the Katiez Katz.

So thankful that the money came in for Guero's surgery, because the 100 I thought could be used to help - went to cover my mother's bank account that was overdrawn... she is disabled and all her Soc Sec goes to pay bills... all of it.

Thank goodness I sold my coat and my lion painting is selling - still need 75.00 that did not come in for Silvia's rent yet this week so I can buy food and litter for my kids.  Silvia should be able to get paid for work at the end of next week - that means will still need 150.00 by Tuesday. (Money that I rely on does not come in until next Wednesday and I have less than 200.00 in the bank.)  

Please keep Silvia in your prayers... that a long term job will come in soon. She applied to work at KETCH to help the handicapped and had an interview. She is waiting to hear back from them.

Katie Kat

Monday, January 18, 2016

Monday Mewz Saving Lives Every Day

The Day in the Life of Two Rescued Cats Cooney and Jasmine;
From For The Love Of Alex - Rescue

Doing a little promo today - For The Love Of Alex
is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation dedicated to the care and rescue of domestic animals with a primary goal of funding life-saving medical care for animals in need.

They work with reputable veterinary hospitals to establish funds for families who are unable to afford veterinary care for their beloved pet. 

Your donation will save a life, and keep a family's heart from breaking. 
Their site is continually being updated— please feel free to contact them via email at

Please check out

They do so much for soo many...

Here is their Facebook page too.
Baby Stanley

Recently, FTLOA helped save a very small kitten who injured his front leg. They couldn't save his leg, but they saved his sweet heart - he is running and playing with his mew foster kitty mom now!

Here is another kitty they helped...

Note: Silvia still needs 100.00 for rent by tomorrow. **

Guero is doing really well on the Prozasin - Silvia wants to give him time to rest before surgery...

Silvia has been helping the Home Owner (of the constructed home she is cleaning) with looking after elderly parents - to make up the money she borrowed for Guero's bills.

If Guero could tell you all - he would say, "Thank you sooo much! I got to have an easy Sunday resting. I loves to nap with my sister Natasha." 

He loves his prescription food ($2.00 a can though) and is taking his pills like a trooper. Although he does play hide and seek!  Silvia's other kitties are doing well... as long as silly Ronnie stays away from tree leaves!  

Purrz of thanks from Guero and Silvia and Kitties...
Will keep you posted about Guero's upcoming surgery.
(Donations for Surgery will stay in the funds and not used for anything else.)

**PS. - I have less than $200 to last til next week due to covering mother's utilities for her home this weekend.  I don't have funds to cover Silvia's rent.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sunday Sleepy Selfies Guero and Natasha

Sleeping Easy
Natasha (left) Guero (right)

Guero and Natasha
If Guero could tell you all - he would say "Thank you sooo much! I got to have an easy Sunday resting. I loves to nap with my sister Natasha." He loves his prescription food ($2.00 a can though) and is taking his pills like a trooper.  Silvia's other kitties are doing well... Silly Ronnie munched on something last night and hacked again - okay this morning, thank goodness.  Silvia will be cleaning house this week to make up the money she borrowed for Guero's bills - still need 100.00 for rent by Tuesday. 

Love and Purrz,
Katie and the Katz
(Linkies to Paypal on the side)

Friday, January 15, 2016

Blog the Change - Thank you from Guero and Silvia #BtC4A

Update 16 January 7:58pm : Guero is doing really well on the Prozasin - don't know why took so long for the vet to prescribe the meds. Holding off on the surgery until later next week to give Guero some needed rest from all the stress he has been through... -Katie.

Today is Blog the Change for Animals Day. #BtC4A

I have so many stories to choose from of how I answered the call to help animals in need over the last 20 years, and especially for the last 10 years blogging. When I think of all the cats and dogs I have helped... didn't realize until now the changes I have made in so many lives. All I can say, is thank you God for letting me help...

Yet I think about my mistakes instead.  Ain't that human?

Right now, I'm thinking about - if I hadn't answered a Craig's List ad for Silvia needing food and litter... if i hadn't found out that she might get evicted from the motel. she and her fur babies are living in, before she could find a new job. If I hadn't started a fundraiser to keep Silvia and her fur babies from being homeless...  Where would sweet Guero be?   Sweet, sweet Guero.  I have fallen in love with Silvia's five kitties, especially Ronnie, the original spokes purrson on the You Caring Fundraiser (Guero has taken his place), who loves to jump on your shoulders. Yet Guero has taken a very special part of my heart.

I knew about Brian's Pee Wars at Brian's Home and Max Max at Noir's Nook back in 2013, yet I had not personally encountered a kitty boy who needed help for a small urethra.

And now Guero will get his life-saving surgery. I had never tried to run a fundraiser on my own before. Thank you Sherri of the Painter Pack for having the courage to start a fundraiser for yourself and your fur babies to not be homeless... You were my inspurration!

From helping Silvia and her cats not be homeless to Saving Guero's life...
Thank you kind readers. You are the one's who have truly made the difference.
Because of you, Silvia can keep hunting to find a long term job while she cleans a newly constructed home and not worry about her babies, especially Guero.

Guero may be having his surgery on Monday. More Furry Updates soon.

Purrz and Prayerz
Katie and The Katz
Silvia and her furbabies,
Guero, Ronnie, Gordo, Natasha and Fur Mom Narcisca.

Blog the Change - Thank you from Guero and Silvia #BtC4A

Today is Blog the Change for Animals Day.

I have so many stories to choose from of how I answered the call to help animals in need over the last 20 years, and especially for the last 10 years blogging. When I think of all the cats and dogs I have helped... didn't realize until now the changes I have made in so many lives. All I can say, is thank you God for letting me help...

Yet I think about my mistakes instead.  Ain't that human?

Right now, I'm thinking about - if I hadn't answered a Craig's List ad for Silvia needing food and litter... if i hadn't found out that she might get evicted from the motel. she and her fur babies are living in, before she could find a new job. If I hadn't started a fundraiser to keep Silvia and her fur babies from being homeless. Where would sweet Guero be? Sweet, sweet Guero. I have fallen in love with Silvia's five kitties, especially Ronnie, the original spokes purrson on the You Caring Fundraiser (Guero has taken his place), who loves to jump on your shoulders. Yet Guero has taken a very special part of my heart.

I knew about Brian's Pee Wars at Brian's Home and Max Max at Noir's Nook back in 2013, yet I had not personally encountered a kitty boy who needed help for a small urethra.

And now Guero will get his life-saving surgery. I had never tried to run a fundraiser on my own before. Thank you
Sherri of the Painter Pack for having the courage to start a fundraiser for yourself and your fur babies to not be homeless. You were my inspurration!

From helping Silvia and her cats not be homeless to Saving Guero's life.
Thank you kind readers. You are the one's who have truly made the difference.  
Because of you, Silvia can keep hunting to find a long term job while she cleans a newly constructed home and not worry about her babies, especially Guero.

Guero may be having his surgery on Monday.  More Furry Updates soon.

Purrz and Prayerz
Katie and The Katz
Silvia and her furbabies,
Guero, Ronnie, Gordo, Natasha and Fur Mom Narcisca.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


14 January 5:58pm We have the funds for surgery!!! 600.00 donations came in! I don't know how to thank everyone... just amazed. Guero started taking Prozasin (pill form) today. More updates furry soon...


13 January 6:01pm UPDATE ON GUERO's Surgery needs! We have 300.00! All the donations that come in now will keep Silvia from borrowing from her employer and having to work off more bills than she has borrowed already for Guero. Vet is convinced that Guero's opening is too small. Guero needs surgery now so he can go. Cost will be 600.00. Silvia can borrow up to 100.00 against her job and I have 100.00. Please share and help. (This is above and beyond the fund for rent campaign.)

13 January 1:36pm UPDATE ON GUERO! 300.00 needed immediately for Guero's surgery! Silvia took Guero to vet this morning - he was lethargic, not eating or drinking. Guero is on sub fluids, still not peeing well yet. Vet is convinced that Guero's opening is too small (vet consulted another vet). Guero needs surgery now. so he can go. Cost will be 600.00. Silvia can borrow 200.00 and I have 100.00. Please share and help...(This is above and beyond the fund for rent campaign.) Thanks and God Bless.

I am an Internet Cat..
I am loved and wanted and cared for because I am one of God's majestic creatures.

I am an Internet Cat.. When I am sick, People all over the world will pray for me.

I am an Internet Cat.. People from all over the world who love God's furry creatures will come to my aid when there is a need.

I am an Internet Cat and I need you now.

I'm in tears right now for sweet Guero...
 If you have been following my blog, Silvia's cat Guero has been sick with "The Pee Wars" since November. Now Silvia and I need to do something asap. Silvia's vet consulted another vet and they are convinced that Guero needs surgery to open his urethra. 

Here is the Scoop on Silvia's Vet info: Arapahoe Vet Clinic, Wichita Kansas - 316-262-6491 under Silvia Espinosa c/o Guero Espinosa. 

Funds are needed now... 
 He became lethargic and not drinking or eating yesterday... For the past 3 months, he does better for a few days and then can't go. Silvia's vet consulted another vet and they are convinced that Guero needs surgery to nip the tip of his urethra open. Guero has been at Arapahoe all day - getting sub fluids.

Silvia picked up Guero about an hour ago (4:10pm CST) Surgery will be 600.00 and he won't do the surgery on payments - unless Guero get lots of support! 

Even if you can't donate much... please call Arapaho... Hours are 7-5 CST...If we raise most of it, he might take payment for rest if not much left... 

Silvia said she can borrow from her employer 200, but that means she will have to work off the bill. And she has already borrowed from them. I can find 100... but that leaves about 300.00 - half the bill...(not to mention the rent funding campaign) 

I can start an auction and set up new Auction blog in the next few days, but may take longer to get items donated and get the auction rolling. Silvia and Guero need the Money now. 

No more blog posts until Guero has the funds he needs...
This post will get updated with more details... 

Please call the vet above and pledge to help Guero get his life-saving surgery. 

Thank you so much!


Wordless Ellie May Likes Crochet and Purrz 4 Guero

1:36pm UPDATE ON GUERO!  Silvia took Guero to the vet this morning because he was lethargic and not eating or drinking.  Guero is on sub fluids, but still not peeing well yet... Vet is convinced that Guero's opening is too small (vet consulted another vet).  Guero needs surgery to nip the tip off so he can go. Cost will be 600.00 if this is his only option. I can take him to my vet for a second opinion, but still need funds for that as well. Please need help to host an auction asap. Thanks and God Bless.


Wordy Part: Ellen of 15 and Meowing sent crochet fishies and stuffs last year - Ellie loved the fishy - blurry photos from my silly phone..she looked so cute.. had to share anyway. Please keep her in your prayers that I can find her a special needs home. See previous post:
Ellie May and Molly Mom Need Special Home

Update on Guero...Stopped by Silvia's last night to pay rent from donations. Guero's sides seemed tender where his kidneys are and he wouldn't drink water yesterday. He does not have diarrhea though. Silvia messaged me on FB a few hours ago - that he is very lethargic. She will be taking him to vet this morning. I hope I can make it to go too - this poor boy has been suffering since November. 

I am worried about the possibility of reaction from too many Convenia shots as well... he had another one on Monday...  Hoping to get him an xray finally today or asap. Silvia has about 50.00 to put toward the xray. Cost is about 80.00 for the xray alone. Don't know at this point if he will need to be sedated (another cost), since he is acting weak.

Thank you so much for your prayers.

Katie Kat and Ellie May,
Silvia and Guero.


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Ellie May and Molly Mom Must Find a Home

Most of you have seen Angel needing a home...
Haven't shared much about Ellie May and her Mom Molly in a long while

They still need a furever place to go...

Ellie May may have suffered from a rare reaction to Advantage Flea meds...
after getting a kitten dose last year between her shoulder blades, she nearly threw up.
She also suffered from a bad tummy ache from tape worms for several weeks before the vet gave me the right worm medicine to give her.  All I know is after the flea treatment, she over reacted to any sense stimuli - being touched or smelling anything. She would no longer sniff her mother's nose or let me pick her up.

I have spent months working with her every day, especially at feeding time, getting her to connect good things with good smells and being touched... Everyday is like two steps forward, one step back... Yet now Ellie comes to me at dinner time and turns around to try to rub against me with her back.

If meal time is late... she will get really anxious and try to be good and rub on me.. but her patience is thin and she gets slappy claws...  

My new step has been to ask her... "how you get food, Ellie May?  You know how..." until she calms down and lets me pet her.  Sometimes with my hand, sometimes with a spoon... Sometimes she will rub her head against my hand on her own

She is smart, loves to play laser toy and is fascinated with the mirror left on the floor for her to look at... Keeping her mother Molly with her seems to help her act like a good kitty, yet sometimes Molly will take off when Ellie gets too upset.

I am out of Feliway - dispenser recalled. I tried to prozac, but just can't hold her down to give her pills... won't work.  I don't know of a calming shot - or I would try that too.

Behavior therapy and Feliway work best to help her learn how to be calm on her own... 
Ellie May needs a home where they know how to deal with special needs babies.. who have experience in Behavior Therapy.  Because Ellie May keeps slowly doing better!  My oldest baby, Katie Kitty Too was a slappy girl, but I could reach her... Katie wanted to be held.  Ellie May needs more than I can give.

Ellie May's only hope.... Otherwise, I cannot continue to keep her as my daily responsibilities keep me from giving Ellie May all the Therapy she needs everyday. 

Ellie May and I need all advice on finding that special home or sanctuary that you know.  I must find someone who can take her in.

All help you can give will save her life...Sharing, Information, Anything.  
I am willing to take her anywhere in the U.S. - on the underground kitty network - to save her.  Only alternative is OTRB...

Thank you and God Bless...  Katie.

Update on Silvia... Thank you all sooo much for helping with the rent... Actually 10.00 short- which is kinda funny... I always cover the paypal fees every week. That leaves this week about 15.00 short for me to cover.  

Guero is still struggling with the Pee Wars. She took him into vet today to help relieve his bladder.  Silvia has been applying for work. She does have a room mate now who helps some, but he works in construction - no jobs in bricklaying in the Winter.  

Found some housekeeping jobs on Career Builder, including at YMCA and she applied there today - Please keep her and her fur babies in your prayers... Silvia has a bad cold/flu and I am struggling to not to come down as well.  

The vet is willing to give all the kids their rabies shots and let her pay later... Will keep you posted... Thank you for your purrz and prayerz. 

-Katie, Silvia and all the kitty kids.

Katiez Furry Mewz is participating in the Tuesday's Tails blog hop hosted by Dogs N Pawz and Talking Dogs. This is the blog hop that features shelter pets. Find a pet at your local animal shelter or rescue and join us!